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Vue复刻华为官网 (二)


  • 1 推荐信息
    • 1.1 思路
    • 1.2 代码
    • 1.3 知识补充
    • 1.4 效果图
  • 2 宣传海报
    • 2.1 思路
    • 2.2 代码
    • 2.3 效果图
  • 3 新闻与活动
    • 3.1 思路
    • 3.2 代码
    • 3.3 效果图

1 推荐信息


1.1 思路



我看了华为官网的源代码,发现图片本身就是有一个mask的,这样能让图片看起来暗一些,也就意味着,当鼠标进入的时候,只需要让mask的背景颜色更深一些,就实现了阴影的效果。至于图片"拉近",我早就写过了,无非是把图片放大,然后超出盒子的不显示,这个也容易。但了解更多显现,难度就大了一些。我想了很久,最后只有通过位置,来把"了解更多"显示出来,想过用visibility: visible;但效果不太好,也想过用Vue的过渡效果,但是好像又不能同时产生三个效果。所以笨人先用笨法,先能实现再说。

1.2 代码

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        <h2 class="title_h2">推荐信息</h2>
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                  HUAWEI MateBook X Pro
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                  HUAWEI MateBook X Pro
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              <div class="a_div2">
                <div class="div2_title">
                <div class="div2_info">
                  HUAWEI MateBook X Pro
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                  HUAWEI MateBook X Pro
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          <div class="row1_col2 " @mouseenter="showDiv1(5)" @mouseleave="hideDiv1(5)">
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                <img src="@/assets/5.jpg" alt="" class="a1_img1">
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                <div class="div2_title">
                <div class="div2_info">
                  HUAWEI MateBook X Pro
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                <img src="@/assets/6.jpg" alt="" class="a1_img1">
              <div class="a_div2">
                <div class="div2_title">
                <div class="div2_info">
                  HUAWEI MateBook X Pro
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          <div class="row1_col2 col2_displacement" @mouseenter="showDiv1(7)" @mouseleave="hideDiv1(7)">
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                <img src="@/assets/7.jpg" alt="" class="a1_img1">
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                  HUAWEI MateBook X Pro
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                <div class="div2_hidden">


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1.3 知识补充




1.4 效果图


2 宣传海报


2.1 思路

这个实现起来很容易,"了解更多"按钮和父组件分别使用position:absolute , position:relative,然后"了解更多"按钮相对于父组件定位,利用top和left(或者bottom、right)定位,将其放置在合适的位置。


2.2 代码

<div class="div_bill">

      <img src="@/assets/sanwenyu.jpg" class="bill_img">
      <button class="img_btn">了解更多</button>
.div_bill {
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  height: auto;
  position: relative;

.bill_img {
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.img_btn {
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  cursor: pointer;
  /* opacity: 1; */
  background-color: rgba(11, 11, 11, 0);

.img_btn:hover {
  background-color: rgb(199, 0, 11);
  border: 0px;
  color: #fff;

2.3 效果图


3 新闻与活动


3.1 思路









3.2 代码

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      <div class="news_title">
      <div class="news_info">
        <div class="info1" @mouseenter="showDiv2(1)" @mouseleave="hideDiv2(1)">
          <div class="info_title">展会活动</div>
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            <div class="info_words">
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                <div class="container_first">
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                    </svg>&nbsp;线上直播 & 深圳
                    <svg t="1666685766326" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1"
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                        d="M840.691358 63.209877h-50.567901V25.283951a25.283951 25.283951 0 0 0-50.567901 0v37.925926H284.444444V25.283951a25.283951 25.283951 0 0 0-50.567901 0v37.925926H183.308642a176.987654 176.987654 0 0 0-176.987654 176.987654v606.814815a176.987654 176.987654 0 0 0 176.987654 176.987654h657.382716a176.987654 176.987654 0 0 0 176.987654-176.987654v-606.814815a176.987654 176.987654 0 0 0-176.987654-176.987654z m126.419753 783.802469a126.419753 126.419753 0 0 1-126.419753 126.419753H183.308642a126.419753 126.419753 0 0 1-126.419753-126.419753v-455.111111h910.222222z m0-505.679013H56.888889v-101.135802a126.419753 126.419753 0 0 1 126.419753-126.419753h50.567901V176.987654a25.283951 25.283951 0 0 0 50.567901 0V113.777778h455.111112V176.987654a25.283951 25.283951 0 0 0 50.567901 0V113.777778h50.567901a126.419753 126.419753 0 0 1 126.419753 126.419753z"
                        d="M257.643457 613.135802h510.482963a23.766914 23.766914 0 0 0 0-47.280987H257.643457a23.766914 23.766914 0 0 0 0 47.533827zM257.643457 815.407407h510.482963a23.766914 23.766914 0 1 0 0-47.280987H257.643457a23.766914 23.766914 0 0 0 0 47.533827z"
                    </svg>&nbsp;2022年11月7日 - 9日
                <div class="container_third">
        <div class="info1" @mouseenter="showDiv2(2)" @mouseleave="hideDiv2(2)">
          <div class="info_title">展会活动</div>
          <div class="info_main">
            <img src="@/assets/mbbf2022-cn2.jpg" alt="" class="main_img">
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                        d="M512 590.36c-91.72 0-166.34-74.63-166.34-166.35S420.28 257.66 512 257.66c91.73 0 166.36 74.63 166.36 166.35S603.73 590.36 512 590.36z m0-268.73c-56.45 0-102.37 45.93-102.37 102.38S455.55 526.39 512 526.39s102.38-45.93 102.38-102.38S568.45 321.63 512 321.63z"
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                        d="M840.691358 63.209877h-50.567901V25.283951a25.283951 25.283951 0 0 0-50.567901 0v37.925926H284.444444V25.283951a25.283951 25.283951 0 0 0-50.567901 0v37.925926H183.308642a176.987654 176.987654 0 0 0-176.987654 176.987654v606.814815a176.987654 176.987654 0 0 0 176.987654 176.987654h657.382716a176.987654 176.987654 0 0 0 176.987654-176.987654v-606.814815a176.987654 176.987654 0 0 0-176.987654-176.987654z m126.419753 783.802469a126.419753 126.419753 0 0 1-126.419753 126.419753H183.308642a126.419753 126.419753 0 0 1-126.419753-126.419753v-455.111111h910.222222z m0-505.679013H56.888889v-101.135802a126.419753 126.419753 0 0 1 126.419753-126.419753h50.567901V176.987654a25.283951 25.283951 0 0 0 50.567901 0V113.777778h455.111112V176.987654a25.283951 25.283951 0 0 0 50.567901 0V113.777778h50.567901a126.419753 126.419753 0 0 1 126.419753 126.419753z"
                        d="M257.643457 613.135802h510.482963a23.766914 23.766914 0 0 0 0-47.280987H257.643457a23.766914 23.766914 0 0 0 0 47.533827zM257.643457 815.407407h510.482963a23.766914 23.766914 0 1 0 0-47.280987H257.643457a23.766914 23.766914 0 0 0 0 47.533827z"
                    </svg> 2022年10月25日 - 26日
                <div class="container_third">
                    2022全球移动宽带论坛将携手产业合作伙伴GSMA和GTI于10月25-26日在泰国曼谷举办,本届大会主题为“5G引领飞跃 | 5G Leads the Stride”。
        <div class="info3">
          <div class="info_title f2">新闻</div>
          <div class="info_main">
            <div class="info_info1 info1_top" @mouseenter="changeColor(1)" @mouseleave="cancelColor(1)">
              <h4 class="info_word">


              <div class="info_time">
            <div class="info_info1" @mouseenter="changeColor(2)" @mouseleave="cancelColor(2)">
              <h4 class="info_word">

                中国联通和华为共同荣获5G World峰会“5G专网产业领导力奖”

              <div class="info_time">
            <div class="info_info1" @mouseenter="changeColor(3)" @mouseleave="cancelColor(3)">
              <h4 class="info_word">


              <div class="info_time">
            <div class="info_info1" @mouseenter="changeColor(4)" @mouseleave="cancelColor(4)">
              <h4 class="info_word">

                50G PON引领创新,华为荣获2022世界宽带论坛“卓越FTTH解决方案”大奖

              <div class="info_time">
            <div class="info_info1" @mouseenter="changeColor(5)" @mouseleave="cancelColor(5)">
              <h4 class="info_word">


              <div class="info_time">
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3.3 效果图

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-uzJvxyO1-1666695192054)(../../桌面文件/1012/Honeycam 2022-10-25 18-50-36.webp)]


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