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国家开放大学平时作业 练习题


    理工英语3    参考试题



1.-1 won the first prize in today's speech contest.


    A. Congratulations!                B. Thanks!

   C. I envy you!

2 - Hello, may I speak to Henry?


    A. My name is Henry.                B. This is Henry speaking.

    C. It is Henry.

3.-What do you think of the song?


   A. It sounds sweet.                 B. I like music very much.

    C. I don't know the title.

 4.-If you're short-listed for the interview, we’ll ring you by Friday.


   A. I don’t care.

    B. It doesn’t matter.

   C. OK, Madam. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

5.-I was worried about this outdated equipment.


   A. You're so lucky.

    B. It’s too old.

   C. Yeah, it may bring a health hazard.



6. This garden is three times as       as that one.

    A. big                             

    B. bigger

   C. biggest

7.       trying to beat back the rising flood, innovative amphibious buildings can adapt to the rising flood.

    A. Besides                       

    B. For

    C. Instead of

8. There are      of ways to make your house look greener.

   A. many                             

   B. plenty

   C. lot

9. Tom told a lie to avoid      .

    A. punishing                               

    B. being punished

    C. punished

10. I’ll never forget the days      I worked together with them.

    A. that                            

    B. when

    C. which

11. We will      you later.

    A. contact                         

    B. contract

    C. construct

12.These shops      to the needs of children.

    A. meet                            

    B. solve

    C. cater

13. Even though he has been here for many years, he still couldn't      himself to local diet.

    A. adapt                           

    B. accept

    C. adopt

14. It was the Louvre Pyramid      brought him worldwide fame.

A. what                            

B. that

    C. as

15. About      of the students attended the meeting.

   A. two thirds                              

    B. two third

    C. two three

16. It will cost      time to paint the old furniture.

    A. considerate                     

    B. considerably

    C. considerable

17. The organization will      a survey about the career choices of the college graduates.

   A. lead                            

    B. conduct

    C. manage

18. Katie admits she sometimes uses TV as a pacifier when her children are overly excited and it usually____.

    A. plays                           

    B. works

    C. affects

19. If I had time      see that new movie at the University Theater.

A. I’ll                           

B. I may

    C. I’d

20. Each CPU considered more than 6 billion hands of poker. That      more poker than has been played by the entire human race.

    A. accounts to                     

    B. is used to

    C. amounts to


21- 25题:阅读短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。

    In 1933, an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the filmmaker Walt

Disney. He had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney's cartoon(动画片)film

for children. When Walt Disney heard Nash’s voice, he said "Stop! That's our duck!”

    The duck was the now-famous Donald Duck, who first appeared in 1934 in the film The Wise Little Hen. Donald lived in an old houseboat(水上住家)and wore his sailor jacket and hat. Later that year he became a star after an eight-minute Mickey Mouse film. The cinema audience liked him because he was lazy and greedy(贪婪的),and because he lost his temper very quickly. And they loved his voice when he became angry with Mickey's eight nephews. Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse himself, probably because he wasn't a goody-goody like Mickey.

     In the 1930s, 40s and 50s Donald and hid friends Mickey, Goofy and Pluto made hundreds of Disney cartoons. He also made educational films about the place of the USA in the world, and safety in the home. Then in 1966 Donald Duck and his voice disappeared-there were no more new cartoons.

     Clarence Nash died in February, 1985.But today's children can still see the old cartoons on television and hear that famous voice.

21. When was the first Donald Duck film made?

    A. In 1933.                               

    B. In 1966.

    C. In 1934.

22. Who was Clarence Nash?

    A. Donald Duck's voice.                    

    B. A cartoonist .

    C. A film-maker.

23. Where do today's children see Donald Duck?

    A. In new film.                            

    B. On television

    C. At the cinema.

24. What made Donald become more popular than Mickey Mouse?

    A. Donald’s dress and manner.        

    B. Donald’s kindness.

    C. Donald's character and voice.

25. The underlined word goody-goody in the second paragraph means a person who

    A. dislikes to appear to be faultless in behavior

    B. likes to appear to be faultless in behavior

    C. dislikes to be faulty in behavior

26-30题 :请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是正确 , 正确的写“T” ,错误的写“F”,并将案写在答题纸上。

      Google unveiled its latest self-driving vehicle on Monday. It looks like a cartoon koala wearing a fez.

      This self-driving car is fully functional. It even has real headlights. The round, white and gray car is designed without a gas pedal or wheel. However, because of California state law, a real person needs to be in the car and ready to take over in an emergency. The goal is to finally remove any controls inside the car. If so, passengers can take a nap or knit while the car does all the work.

     Google's self-driving car team will continue to test the vehicle on a private track in California. There it works its way around traffic lights. Google has said it’s interested in launching a pilot program for the cars in the coming years.

     When the tech company first started experimenting with self-driving technology, it modified existing cars, like a Toyota. It added multiple cameras and sensors and an onboard computer. Now Google has moved on to making its own car. The car's dome-like shape is for giving sensors the widest field of view.

     A car could help put people's minds at ease about the technology. Before self-driving cars can start taking us to work, companies need to figure out issues like hitting a deer and improve basic driving functions. Companies also need to work with governments on legislation to allow driverless cars on all roads.

    Google is just one of many companies developing driverless car technology. Universities and major auto manufacturers such as BMW are working on similar vehicles. Google hopes to have its own car on the road by the end of the decade.

26. Google's self-driving car is not fully functional.

27. There is no real person who needs to be in the self-driving car.

28. Google's self-driving car needs to be tested to work with traffic lights.

29. The car's doom-like shape is for adding multiple cameras and sensors.

30. BMW is also working with government on legislation about driverless cars to run on all roads.




 (2)今年17岁,是一名酒店管理(Hotel Management)专业的大学在校生。






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