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Steve Lasker 在 Tech Ed Barcelona 2007 上的 SQL Server Compact 课程

Steve Lasker 在 Tech Ed Barcelona 2007 上的 SQL Server Compact 课程

Steve Lasker 在微软主要从事智能客户端的离线数据、数据同步、SQL Server CE 相关的研发工作。我最早接触 SQL Server Compact Edition (那时候叫 SQL Server Everywhere Edition)就是看他的博客的:)

他提供的 Slides 要用 PowerPoint 2007 打开,或者可以用安装了支持 2007 补丁的PowerPoint 2003 打开。另外 demos 是用 Visual Studio 2008 Rre-RTM 版编写的,用 Beta2 打开可能会有不兼容的情况。

DAT316 Implementing Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is designed to replace MSDE 2000 and offers the scalability, functionality and security of SQL Server 2005 in a package appropriate for redistribution with applications. This session provides an overview of the integration between SQL Express and Visual Studio as well as the additional tools available in SQL Server Management Studio Express. The session demonstrates common mechanisms for deploying SQL Express with an application and well as how to address common issues found when deploying a database with an application. Finally, there will be an overview of the expected features included in SQL Server 2008 Express Edition.
Express Power Point
Deploying Express with Scripts
Managing Data Files

DAT306 Optimizing Online, Enabling Offline with SQL Server Compact and Sync Services for ADO.NET
With Microsoft SQL Server Compact, developers can now easily cache data on the client in a compact, yet capable, transactional, queryable document-like database format. To maintain the cache, Sync Services for ADO.NET enables developers to easily cache data directly or over services using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Visual Studio codename "Orcas" delivers new integrated, developer-oriented sync designers making caching an easy task to increase user productivity, decrease the server workload, and simplify data access. In addition to caching, you can use Sync Services for ADO.NET to enable full offline scenarios as well. Find out what SQL Server Compact and Sync Services for ADO.NET have to offer for the "edge of the network" clients.
SyncNTierWithWCF Sample
One size doesn't fit all
- Logical Queuing Sample

DAT305 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition in Action
Looking for a reliable local store you can easily deploy embedded within your application? Wanting to know what programming options are available today, and what's coming in Visual Studio 2008? In this session, Steve will demo the different data access models including DataSet, ResultSet, TableDirect and LINQ. Steve will also demo the different deployment options available for Microsoft SQL Server Compact so that you don't have to worry about putting the power of SQL Server Compact directly into your app.
SQL Server Compact Deployment
Using SQLce under ASP.NET
Creating Database Schema In Code
Direct Data Access with the SqlCeResultSet
ISAM Data Access with the SqlCeResultSet
Database Viewer-Used for Security Demo
My Recipe - Using SQLce as a custom doc format

参考:Presentations & Demos from Tech Ed Barcelona 07


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