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1. Adapter(适配器模式)


        在 C++ 中,适配器模式可以通过类适配器对象适配器两种方式来实现。

1.1 类适配器



#include <iostream>// 目标接口
class Target {
public:virtual void request() = 0;
};// 被适配的类
class Adaptee {
public:void specificRequest() {std::cout << "Specific request from Adaptee" << std::endl;}
};// 类适配器,继承目标接口和被适配类
class Adapter : public Target, private Adaptee {
public:void request() override {specificRequest(); // 调用被适配类的方法}
};int main() {Target* target = new Adapter();target->request();delete target;return 0;

1.2 对象适配器



#include <iostream>// 目标接口
class Target {
public:virtual void request() = 0;
};// 被适配的类
class Adaptee {
public:void specificRequest() {std::cout << "Specific request from Adaptee" << std::endl;}
};// 对象适配器,持有被适配类的对象实例
class Adapter : public Target {
private:Adaptee* adaptee;public:Adapter(Adaptee* adaptee) : adaptee(adaptee) {}void request() override {adaptee->specificRequest(); // 调用被适配类的方法}
};int main() {Adaptee* adaptee = new Adaptee();Target* target = new Adapter(adaptee);target->request();delete target;delete adaptee;return 0;


2. Decorator(装饰器模式)


2.1 使用继承实现装饰器模式


#include <iostream>// 抽象组件
class Component {
public:virtual void operation() = 0;
};// 具体组件
class ConcreteComponent : public Component {
public:void operation() override {std::cout << "Concrete Component operation" << std::endl;}
};// 抽象装饰器
class Decorator : public Component {
protected:Component* component;public:Decorator(Component* comp) : component(comp) {}void operation() override {if (component != nullptr) {component->operation();}}
};// 具体装饰器A
class ConcreteDecoratorA : public Decorator {
public:ConcreteDecoratorA(Component* comp) : Decorator(comp) {}void operation() override {Decorator::operation();addBehaviorA();}void addBehaviorA() {std::cout << "Added behavior A" << std::endl;}
};// 具体装饰器B
class ConcreteDecoratorB : public Decorator {
public:ConcreteDecoratorB(Component* comp) : Decorator(comp) {}void operation() override {Decorator::operation();addBehaviorB();}void addBehaviorB() {std::cout << "Added behavior B" << std::endl;}
};int main() {Component* component = new ConcreteComponent();Component* decoratedA = new ConcreteDecoratorA(component);Component* decoratedB = new ConcreteDecoratorB(decoratedA);decoratedB->operation();delete decoratedB;delete decoratedA;delete component;return 0;

2.2 使用组合实现装饰器模式


#include <iostream>// 抽象组件
class Component {
public:virtual void operation() = 0;
};// 具体组件
class ConcreteComponent : public Component {
public:void operation() override {std::cout << "Concrete Component operation" << std::endl;}
};// 抽象装饰器
class Decorator : public Component {
protected:Component* component;public:Decorator(Component* comp) : component(comp) {}void operation() override {if (component != nullptr) {component->operation();}}
};// 具体装饰器A
class ConcreteDecoratorA : public Decorator {
public:ConcreteDecoratorA(Component* comp) : Decorator(comp) {}void operation() override {Decorator::operation();addBehaviorA();}void addBehaviorA() {std::cout << "Added behavior A" << std::endl;}
};// 具体装饰器B
class ConcreteDecoratorB : public Decorator {
public:ConcreteDecoratorB(Component* comp) : Decorator(comp) {}void operation() override {Decorator::operation();addBehaviorB();}void addBehaviorB() {std::cout << "Added behavior B" << std::endl;}
};int main() {Component* component = new ConcreteComponent();Decorator* decoratedA = new ConcreteDecoratorA(component);Decorator* decoratedB = new ConcreteDecoratorB(decoratedA);decoratedB->operation();delete decoratedB;delete decoratedA;delete component;return 0;

 3. Proxy(代理模式)


        在 C++ 中,代理模式可以通过以下方式实现:

        ①. 虚拟代理(Virtual Proxy):延迟加载对象,在需要时才真正创建对象。
        ②. 保护代理(Protection Proxy):控制对象的访问权限,提供额外的安全性。
        ③. 远程代理(Remote Proxy):在不同地址空间中代表对象,实现远程通信。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>// 抽象主题
class Subject {
public:virtual void request() = 0;
};// 具体主题
class RealSubject : public Subject {
public:void request() override {std::cout << "Real Subject request" << std::endl;}
};// 代理类
class Proxy : public Subject {
private:RealSubject* realSubject;bool initialized;public:Proxy() : realSubject(nullptr), initialized(false) {}void request() override {if (!initialized) {lazyInit();}realSubject->request();}void lazyInit() {std::cout << "Proxy initializing..." << std::endl;realSubject = new RealSubject();initialized = true;}
};int main() {Proxy proxy;proxy.request();return 0;

        在上面的示例中,Subject 是抽象主题类,定义了对实际主题进行操作的接口。RealSubject 是具体主题类,实现了真正的业务逻辑。Proxy 是代理类,延迟初始化 RealSubject 对象,并在需要时调用其方法


4. Composite(组合模式)


        在 C++ 中,组合模式通常涉及以下几个角色:

        ①. Component(组件):是组合中的对象声明接口,在适当的情况下,实现所有类共有接口的缺省行为。可以是抽象类或接口。

        ②. Leaf(叶子节点):是组合中的叶节点对象,它没有子节点。

        ③. Composite(复合节点):是组合中的复合对象,它有子节点。通常实现了在 Component 接口中定义的操作,这些操作可以通过递归调用子节点来实现


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>// 抽象组件类
class Component {
public:virtual void operation() const = 0;
};// 叶子节点类
class Leaf : public Component {
private:std::string name;public:Leaf(const std::string& name) : name(name) {}void operation() const override {std::cout << "Leaf " << name << " operation" << std::endl;}
};// 复合节点类
class Composite : public Component {
private:std::vector<Component*> children;public:void add(Component* component) {children.push_back(component);}void remove(Component* component) {// 省略移除逻辑}void operation() const override {for (Component* child : children) {child->operation();}}
};int main() {Leaf leafA("A");Leaf leafB("B");Composite composite;composite.add(&leafA);composite.add(&leafB);composite.operation();return 0;

        在上述示例中,我们定义了 Component 抽象组件类,Leaf 叶子节点类和 Composite 复合节点类。叶子节点表示组合中的最终节点,而复合节点表示可以包含子节点的节点。在 main 函数中,我们创建了两个叶子节点 leafA 和 leafB,然后将它们添加到了复合节点 composite 中,最后通过复合节点的 operation 方法调用了所有子节点的 operation 方法,实现了对整个组合结构的统一处理。

5. Facade(外观模式)


        在 C++ 中,外观模式通常包括以下几个角色:

        ①. Facade(外观):对客户端提供简单的接口,隐藏了系统的复杂性,提供了对子系统的统一访问接口。

        ②. Subsystems(子系统):包含了一组相关的类和接口,实现了系统的功能。


#include <iostream>// 子系统A
class SubsystemA {
public:void operationA() const {std::cout << "SubsystemA operation" << std::endl;}
};// 子系统B
class SubsystemB {
public:void operationB() const {std::cout << "SubsystemB operation" << std::endl;}
};// 子系统C
class SubsystemC {
public:void operationC() const {std::cout << "SubsystemC operation" << std::endl;}
};// 外观类
class Facade {
private:SubsystemA subsystemA;SubsystemB subsystemB;SubsystemC subsystemC;public:void operation() const {subsystemA.operationA();subsystemB.operationB();subsystemC.operationC();}
};int main() {Facade facade;facade.operation();return 0;

6. Bridge(桥接模式)


        在 C++ 中,桥接模式通常涉及以下几个角色:

        ①. Abstraction(抽象类):定义抽象部分的接口,并维护一个对实现部分对象的引用。

        ②. Implementor(实现类接口):定义实现部分的接口,它与抽象部分接口保持一致。

        ③. ConcreteImplementor(具体实现类):实现实现类接口,提供具体的实现。

        ④. RefinedAbstraction(扩充抽象类):扩展抽象部分的接口,通常通过组合的方式来调用实现部分的方法。


#include <iostream>// 实现类接口
class Implementor {
public:virtual void operationImpl() const = 0;
};// 具体实现类A
class ConcreteImplementorA : public Implementor {
public:void operationImpl() const override {std::cout << "Concrete Implementor A operation" << std::endl;}
};// 具体实现类B
class ConcreteImplementorB : public Implementor {
public:void operationImpl() const override {std::cout << "Concrete Implementor B operation" << std::endl;}
};// 抽象类
class Abstraction {
protected:Implementor* implementor;public:Abstraction(Implementor* impl) : implementor(impl) {}virtual void operation() const = 0;
};// 扩充抽象类
class RefinedAbstraction : public Abstraction {
public:RefinedAbstraction(Implementor* impl) : Abstraction(impl) {}void operation() const override {implementor->operationImpl();}
};int main() {Implementor* implA = new ConcreteImplementorA();Implementor* implB = new ConcreteImplementorB();Abstraction* abs1 = new RefinedAbstraction(implA);Abstraction* abs2 = new RefinedAbstraction(implB);abs1->operation();abs2->operation();delete abs2;delete abs1;delete implB;delete implA;return 0;

        在上述示例中,定义了 Implementor 实现类接口和两个具体实现类 ConcreteImplementorA 和 ConcreteImplementorB。然后定义了抽象类 Abstraction,它维护了一个对实现类的引用,并定义了抽象方法 operation。最后,定义了扩充抽象类 RefinedAbstraction,它通过组合的方式调用了实现类的方法。

        在 main 函数中,创建了具体实现类的对象,并将其传递给扩充抽象类,通过调用 operation 方法来间接调用具体实现类的方法,从而实现了抽象部分与实现部分的解耦。

7. Flyweight(享元模式)

        享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它旨在通过共享对象来减少内存使用和提高性能该模式适用于存在大量相似对象,且这些对象可以共享部分状态的情况

        在 C++ 中,享元模式通常涉及以下几个角色:

        ①. Flyweight(享元接口):定义共享对象的接口,可以接受外部状态作为参数。

        ②. ConcreteFlyweight(具体享元类):实现享元接口,并存储内部状态。具体享元类通常是可共享的

        ③. UnsharedConcreteFlyweight(非共享具体享元类):如果享元对象不可共享,则创建非共享具体享元类。

        ④. FlyweightFactory(享元工厂):用于创建和管理享元对象,通常实现了享元对象的池化管理


#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>// 享元接口
class Flyweight {
public:virtual void operation(int extrinsicState) const = 0;
};// 具体享元类
class ConcreteFlyweight : public Flyweight {
private:int intrinsicState;public:ConcreteFlyweight(int intrinsicState) : intrinsicState(intrinsicState) {}void operation(int extrinsicState) const override {std::cout << "Concrete Flyweight with intrinsic state " << intrinsicState;std::cout << " and extrinsic state " << extrinsicState << std::endl;}
};// 享元工厂
class FlyweightFactory {
private:std::unordered_map<int, Flyweight*> flyweights;public:Flyweight* getFlyweight(int key) {if (flyweights.find(key) != flyweights.end()) {return flyweights[key];} else {// 通过共享具有相同内部状态的享元对象,可以减少内存使用和提高性能;Flyweight* flyweight = new ConcreteFlyweight(key);flyweights[key] = flyweight;return flyweight;}}~FlyweightFactory() {for (auto& pair : flyweights) {delete pair.second;}flyweights.clear();}
};int main() {FlyweightFactory factory;Flyweight* flyweight1 = factory.getFlyweight(1);flyweight1->operation(100);Flyweight* flyweight2 = factory.getFlyweight(2);flyweight2->operation(200);Flyweight* flyweight3 = factory.getFlyweight(1);flyweight3->operation(300);delete flyweight3;delete flyweight2;delete flyweight1;return 0;

下一篇: 03-行为型模式(共10种) 


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