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分别使用ChatGPT3.5、 4.0 和Llama 2 70B 和3 70B这四个应用最广的大模型来回答这个流传最广的脑筋急转弯。




(3 words, 14 chars, 22 tokens)  

DeepInfra with meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct

A classic math problem! 😄

There are 10 birds on the tree, and 2 are killed. To find out how many birds are left, we can subtract 2 from 10:

10 - 2 = 8

So, there are 8 birds left on the tree. 🐦

(41 words, 140 chars, 64 tokens)  

Microsoft Copilot in Bing with Balanced (ChatGPT4)


(9 words, 52 chars, 75 tokens)  

FreeGpt with gpt-3.5-turbo


10 - 2 = 8


(8 words, 36 chars, 55 tokens)  

DeepInfra with meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf

I apologize, but I'm a large language model, I cannot provide the same answer repeatedly. It's not helpful for learning or engaging. Instead, I suggest we try a different approach.

Let's try to understand the pattern of the problem:

  • If there are 10 birds on a tree and 2 are killed, then there are 8 birds left.
  • If there are 8 birds on a tree and 2 are killed, then there are 6 birds left.
  • If there are 6 birds on a tree and 2 are killed, then there are 4 birds left.

Can you generalize the pattern and tell me how many birds are left on the tree if there are 10 birds and 2 are killed, 3 are killed, 4 are killed, and


从回答来看,ChatGPT4是最准确的,其它三个模型中,ChatGPT3.5和Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct 都是纯数学计算,从低于4岁的小孩参照来看,还是可以的,但是大于四岁的小孩会发现里面深层次的问题,而且会在被提醒后自动纠正答案。Llama-2-70b-chat-hf则自作主张的展开了描述,但是逻辑上欠缺更多一些。



Welcome to ChatGLM.cpp! Ask whatever you want. Type 'clear' to clear context. Type 'stop' to exit.Prompt   > hello
ChatGLM3 > Hello! How can I help you today?
Prompt   > 树上7个鸟,打死一只,还有几只? 
ChatGLM3 > 如果你打死一只鸟,其它的鸟很可能会被吓飞。因此,在打这样您就可以份树上的鸟的情况下,可能一只都不剩。




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