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android ndc firewall 命令type 黑名单 白名单差异

可以看到以白名单方式使能防火墙,fw_FORWARD fw_INPUT fw_OUTPUT 的操作是DROP或REJEDCT。即默认所有应用不允许上网,需要

XXX:/ # ndc firewall enable whitelist
200 0 Firewall command succeeded
XXX:/ # iptables -t filter -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destinationChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destinationChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destinationChain fw_FORWARD (0 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
REJECT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             reject-with icmp-port-unreachableChain fw_INPUT (0 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
DROP       all  --  anywhere             anywhereChain fw_OUTPUT (0 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
REJECT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
static const std::vector<const char*> FILTER_INPUT = {// Bandwidth should always be early in input chain, to make sure we// correctly count incoming traffic against data plan.BandwidthController::LOCAL_INPUT,FirewallController::LOCAL_INPUT,
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_INPUT[] = "bw_INPUT";
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_FORWARD[] = "bw_FORWARD";
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_OUTPUT[] = "bw_OUTPUT";
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_RAW_PREROUTING[] = "bw_raw_PREROUTING";
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_MANGLE_POSTROUTING[] = "bw_mangle_POSTROUTING";
const char BandwidthController::LOCAL_GLOBAL_ALERT[] = "bw_global_alert";
const char* FirewallController::TABLE = "filter";const char* FirewallController::LOCAL_INPUT = "fw_INPUT";
const char* FirewallController::LOCAL_OUTPUT = "fw_OUTPUT";
const char* FirewallController::LOCAL_FORWARD = "fw_FORWARD";const char* FirewallController::LOCAL_DOZABLE = "fw_dozable";
const char* FirewallController::LOCAL_STANDBY = "fw_standby";
const char* FirewallController::LOCAL_POWERSAVE = "fw_powersave";
void Controllers::initChildChains() {/** This is the only time we touch top-level chains in iptables; controllers* should only mutate rules inside of their children chains, as created by* the constants above.** Modules should never ACCEPT packets (except in well-justified cases);* they should instead defer to any remaining modules using RETURN, or* otherwise DROP/REJECT.*/// Create chains for child modules.//往filter表的INPUT链添加子链fw_INPUTcreateChildChains(V4V6, "filter", "INPUT", FILTER_INPUT, true);//往filter表的FORWARD链添加子链fw_FORWARDcreateChildChains(V4V6, "filter", "FORWARD", FILTER_FORWARD, true);createChildChains(V4V6, "raw", "PREROUTING", RAW_PREROUTING, true);createChildChains(V4V6, "mangle", "FORWARD", MANGLE_FORWARD, true);createChildChains(V4V6, "mangle", "INPUT", MANGLE_INPUT, true);createChildChains(V4, "nat", "PREROUTING", NAT_PREROUTING, true);createChildChains(V4, "nat", "POSTROUTING", NAT_POSTROUTING, true);//往filter表的OUTPUT链添加子链fw_OUTPUTcreateChildChains(V4, "filter", "OUTPUT", FILTER_OUTPUT, false);createChildChains(V6, "filter", "OUTPUT", FILTER_OUTPUT, false);createChildChains(V4, "mangle", "POSTROUTING", MANGLE_POSTROUTING, false);createChildChains(V6, "mangle", "POSTROUTING", MANGLE_POSTROUTING, false);
/* static */
//以 createChildChains(V4V6, "filter", "INPUT", FILTER_INPUT, true);为例
void Controllers::createChildChains(IptablesTarget target, const char* table,const char* parentChain,const std::vector<const char*>& childChains,bool exclusive) {std::string command = StringPrintf("*%s\n", table);//*后指跟的table表,这里是filter//*filter// We cannot just clear all the chains we create because vendor code modifies filter OUTPUT and// mangle POSTROUTING directly. So://// - If we're the exclusive owner of this chain, simply clear it entirely.// - If not, then list the chain's current contents to ensure that if we restart after a crash,//   we leave the existing rules alone in the positions they currently occupy. This is faster//   than blindly deleting our rules and recreating them, because deleting a rule that doesn't//   exists causes iptables-restore to quit, which takes ~30ms per delete. It's also more//   correct, because if we delete rules and re-add them, they'll be in the wrong position with//   regards to the vendor rules.//// TODO: Make all chains exclusive once vendor code uses the oem_* rules.std::set<std::string> existingChildChains;if (exclusive) {// Just running ":chain -" flushes user-defined chains, but not built-in chains like INPUT.// Since at this point we don't know if parentChain is a built-in chain, do both.StringAppendF(&command, ":%s -\n", parentChain);// 链名默认策略表示相应的链及默认策略,具体的规则部分省略了命令名iptables//:INPUT -StringAppendF(&command, "-F %s\n", parentChain);//-F指代清空防火墙规则,默认规则除外//-F INPUT} else {existingChildChains = findExistingChildChains(target, table, parentChain);}for (const auto& childChain : childChains) {// Always clear the child chain.StringAppendF(&command, ":%s -\n", childChain);// But only add it to the parent chain if it's not already there.if (existingChildChains.find(childChain) == existingChildChains.end()) {//static const char* CHILD_CHAIN_TEMPLATE = "-A %s -j %s\n";StringAppendF(&command, CHILD_CHAIN_TEMPLATE, parentChain, childChain);}}command += "COMMIT\n";execIptablesRestore(target, command);
//以 createChildChains(V4V6, "filter", "INPUT", FILTER_INPUT, true);为例,相当于执行了
iptable-restore <
*filter \n
:INPUT -  \n
:fw_INPUT - \n
-A INPUT -j  fw_INPUT 
//即在filter表的INPUT链处理时调用 fw_INPUT 链,所以fw_INPUT 时INPUT链的子链

int FirewallController::resetFirewall(void) {mFirewallType = WHITELIST;mIfaceRules.clear();// flush any existing rulesstd::string command ="*filter\n"":fw_INPUT -\n"":fw_OUTPUT -\n"":fw_FORWARD -\n""COMMIT\n";return (execIptablesRestore(V4V6, command.c_str()) == 0) ? 0 : -EREMOTEIO;
}int FirewallController::setFirewallType(FirewallType ftype) {int res = 0;if (mFirewallType != ftype) {// flush any existing rulesresetFirewall();if (ftype == WHITELIST) {// create default rule to drop all trafficstd::string command ="*filter\n""-A fw_INPUT -j DROP\n""-A fw_OUTPUT -j REJECT\n""-A fw_FORWARD -j REJECT\n""COMMIT\n";res = execIptablesRestore(V4V6, command.c_str());}// Set this after calling disableFirewall(), since it defaults to WHITELIST theremFirewallType = ftype;}return res ? -EREMOTEIO : 0;

所以调用ndc firewall enable whitelist相当于:

iptable-restore < "*filter\n"":fw_INPUT -\n"":fw_OUTPUT -\n"":fw_FORWARD -\n""COMMIT\n";//白名单类型再调用如下规则,再将所有链的数据都DROp或REJECT,相当与所有应用默认无法上网。
iptable-restore < "*filter\n""-A fw_INPUT -j DROP\n""-A fw_OUTPUT -j REJECT\n""-A fw_FORWARD -j REJECT\n""COMMIT\n";



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