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  • 设计模式
    • 创建型模式
      • 单例模式 [1-小明的购物车](https://kamacoder.com/problempage.php?pid=1074)
      • 工厂模式 [2-积木工厂](https://kamacoder.com/problempage.php?pid=1076)
      • 抽象⼯⼚模式 [3-家具工厂](https://kamacoder.com/problempage.php?pid=1077)
      • 建造者模式 [4-⾃⾏⻋加⼯](https://kamacoder.com/problempage.php?pid=1077)
      • 原型模式 [5-矩形原型](https://kamacoder.com/problempage.php?pid=1083)


单例模式 1-小明的购物车

单例模式是⼀种创建型设计模式, 它的核⼼思想是保证⼀个类只有⼀个实例,并提供⼀个全局访问点来访问这个实

  • 只有⼀个实例的意思是,在整个应⽤程序中(进程),只存在该类的⼀个实例对象,⽽不是创建多个相同类型的对象。
  • 全局访问点的意思是,为了让其他类能够获取到这个唯⼀实例,该类提供了⼀个全局访问点(通常是⼀个静态 ⽅法),通过这个⽅法就能获得实例
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include<atomic>class ShoppingCartManager {
private:std::unordered_map<std::string, int> cart;std::vector<std::string> order; // 保持顺序// 私有构造函数ShoppingCartManager() {}static std::mutex m_mutex;//static ShoppingCartManager* m_cart;static std::atomic<ShoppingCartManager*> m_atomic; //使用原子变量将对象指针保存public:// 获取购物车实例static ShoppingCartManager* getInstance() {ShoppingCartManager* m_cart = m_atomic.load();if (m_cart == nullptr) {m_mutex.lock();m_cart = m_atomic.load();if (m_cart == nullptr) {m_cart = new ShoppingCartManager;m_atomic.store(m_cart); //保存对象指针}m_mutex.unlock();}return m_cart;}// 添加商品void addToCart(const std::string& itemName, int quantity) {if (cart.find(itemName) == cart.end()) { //如果cart里面没有该货物order.push_back(itemName); //注意这里是order,为了使得货物和数量能对齐}cart[itemName] += quantity;}// 查看商品void viewCart() const {for (const auto& itemName : order) { //这里按照顺序读取货物,保证有序输出;若只用unordered_map,无法保证有序std::cout << itemName << " " << cart.at(itemName) << std::endl;}}
};//ShoppingCartManager* ShoppingCartManager::m_cart = nullptr;
std::atomic<ShoppingCartManager*> ShoppingCartManager::m_atomic;
std::mutex ShoppingCartManager::m_mutex;int main() {std::string itemName;int quantity;ShoppingCartManager* cart = ShoppingCartManager::getInstance();while (std::cin >> itemName >> quantity) {cart->addToCart(itemName, quantity);}cart->viewCart();return 0;


工厂模式 2-积木工厂


  • 抽象的⼯⼚⽅法(⽤于创建产品对象)。
  • 具体⼯⼚:实现抽象⼯⼚接⼝,创建具体的产品。
  • 抽象产品:定义产品的接⼝。
  • 具体产品:实现抽象产品接⼝,是⼯⼚创建的对象。
// 表驱动 + lambda 表达式#include<iostream>
#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;class Shape {
public:virtual void show() = 0;
};class Circle : public Shape {
public:void show() {cout << "Circle Block" << endl;}
};class Square : public Shape {
public:void show () {cout << "Square Block" << endl;}
};class ShapeFactory {
public:virtual Shape* produce() = 0;
};class CircleFactory : public ShapeFactory {
public:Shape* produce() {return new Circle();}
};class SquareFactory : public ShapeFactory {
public:Shape* produce() {return new Square();}
};unordered_map<string, function<ShapeFactory*()>> m {{"Circle", [](){ return new CircleFactory();}},{"Square", [](){ return new SquareFactory();}},
};class BlocksFactory {
public:vector<Shape*> blocks;void CreateBlocks(string& type, int count) {ShapeFactory* sf = m[type]();Shape* s = sf -> produce();for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {blocks.push_back(s);}}void Print() {for (const auto& s : blocks) {s -> show();}}
};int main() {int produceTime;cin >> produceTime;string type;int count;BlocksFactory* bf = new BlocksFactory();for (int i = 0; i < produceTime; i++) {cin >> type >> count;bf->CreateBlocks(type, count);}bf->Print();return 0;

抽象⼯⼚模式 3-家具工厂


  • 抽象产品接⼝ AbstractProduct : 定义产品的接⼝,可以定义多个抽象产品接⼝,⽐如说沙发、椅⼦、茶⼏都是抽象产品。
  • 具体产品类 ConcreteProduct : 实现抽象产品接⼝,产品的具体实现,古典⻛格和沙发和现代⻛格的沙发都是具体产品。
  • 抽象⼯⼚接⼝AbstractFactory : 声明⼀组⽤于创建产品的⽅法,每个⽅法对应⼀个产品。
  • 具体⼯⼚类 ConcreteFactory : 实现抽象⼯⼚接⼝,,负责创建⼀组具体产品的对象,在本例中,⽣产古典⻛格的⼯⼚和⽣产现代⻛格的⼯⼚都是具体实例.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <functional>using namespace std;class Sofa {
public:virtual void info() = 0;
};class ModernSofa : public Sofa {
public:void info() override {cout << "modern sofa" << endl;};
};class ClassicalSofa : public Sofa {
public:void info() override {cout << "classical sofa" << endl;};
};class Chair {
public:virtual void info() = 0;
};class ModernChair : public Chair {
public:void info() override {cout << "modern chair" << endl;};
};class ClassicalChair : public Chair {
public:void info() override {cout << "classical chair" << endl;};
};class Factory {
public:virtual Sofa *buildSofa() = 0;virtual Chair *buildChair() = 0;
};class ModernFactory : public Factory {
public:Sofa *buildSofa() override{return new ModernSofa();}Chair *buildChair() override{return new ModernChair();}
};class ClassicalFactory : public Factory {
public:Sofa *buildSofa() override{return new ClassicalSofa();}Chair *buildChair() override{return new ClassicalChair();}
};unordered_map<string, function<Factory*()>> factoryTable {{"modern", [](){ return new ModernFactory(); }},{"classical", [](){ return new ClassicalFactory(); }}
};int main()
{int loop;cin >> loop;string type;while (loop--){cin >> type;Factory *f = factoryTable[type]();Chair *c = f->buildChair();Sofa *s = f->buildSofa();c->info();s->info();}return 0;

建造者模式 4-⾃⾏⻋加⼯


  • 产品Product:被构建的复杂对象, 包含多个组成部分。
  • 抽象建造者 Builder : 定义构建产品各个部分的抽象接⼝和⼀个返回复杂产品的⽅法
  • 具体建造者 getResult Concrete Builder :实现抽象建造者接⼝,构建产品的各个组成部分,并提供⼀个⽅法返回最终的产品。
  • 指导者 Director :调⽤具体建造者的⽅法,按照⼀定的顺序或逻辑来构建产品。


  • 使⽤建造者模式可以将⼀个复杂对象的构建与其表示分离,通过将构建复杂对象的过程抽象出来,可以使客户端代码与具体的构建过程解耦
  • 同样的构建过程可以创建不同的表示,可以有多个具体的建造者(相互独⽴),可以更加灵活地创建不同组合的对象
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <functional>using namespace std;class Sofa {
public:virtual void info() = 0;
};class ModernSofa : public Sofa {
public:void info() override {cout << "modern sofa" << endl;};
};class ClassicalSofa : public Sofa {
public:void info() override {cout << "classical sofa" << endl;};
};class Chair {
public:virtual void info() = 0;
};class ModernChair : public Chair {
public:void info() override {cout << "modern chair" << endl;};
};class ClassicalChair : public Chair {
public:void info() override {cout << "classical chair" << endl;};
};class Factory {
public:virtual Sofa *buildSofa() = 0;virtual Chair *buildChair() = 0;
};class ModernFactory : public Factory {
public:Sofa *buildSofa() override{return new ModernSofa();}Chair *buildChair() override{return new ModernChair();}
};class ClassicalFactory : public Factory {
public:Sofa *buildSofa() override{return new ClassicalSofa();}Chair *buildChair() override{return new ClassicalChair();}
};unordered_map<string, function<Factory*()>> factoryTable {{"modern", [](){ return new ModernFactory(); }},{"classical", [](){ return new ClassicalFactory(); }}
};int main()
{int loop;cin >> loop;string type;while (loop--){cin >> type;Factory *f = factoryTable[type]();Chair *c = f->buildChair();Sofa *s = f->buildSofa();c->info();s->info();}return 0;

原型模式 5-矩形原型


  • 抽象原型接⼝ prototype : 声明⼀个克隆⾃身的⽅法
  • 具体原型类 ConcretePrototype : 实现 clone ⽅法,复制当前对象并返回⼀个新对象。在客户端代码中,可以声明⼀个具体原型类的对象,然后调⽤clone() ⽅法复制原对象⽣成⼀个新的对象
using namespace std;class Prototype {
public:virtual Prototype* clone() = 0;virtual void print() = 0;virtual ~Prototype() {}
};class Triangle : public Prototype{
private:string color;int width, height;
public:Triangle(const string& color, int width, int height): color(color), width(width), height(height) {}Prototype* clone() override {return new Triangle(this->color, this->width, this->height);}void print() override {cout<<"Color: "<<this->color<<", Width: "<<this->width<<", Height: "<<this->height<<endl;}
};int main(){int n;string color;int w,h;cin >> color >> w >> h;cin >> n;while(n--){Prototype* original = new Triangle(color, w, h);Prototype* cloned = original->clone();cloned->print();delete original;delete cloned;}return 0;


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