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Flutter 应用加速之本地缓存管理






  1. 过期时间 expired —— 缓存超过了一定时间,需要更新了,但当前数据仍然有效
  2. 失效时间 deprecated —— 缓存超过了很长时间,当前数据已经无效,不能再用了

在过期时间 expired 之前,缓存数据/对象可直接使用,无需刷新;
超过了过期时间 expired,但未超过失效时间 deprecated,此时缓存数据仍然有效,可以继续使用,但需要委托一个线程去获取最新数据/对象,然后再更新本地缓存;
如果后台线程多次更新失败,当前缓存数据/对象已经严重超时,即超过了 deprecated,此时应该丢弃当前缓存数据/对象,返回空数据/对象给调用者。


首先我们设计一个 ```CacheHolder``` 类来保存被缓存数据/对象,以及与之对应的时间信息:

import 'package:object_key/object_key.dart' show Time;/// Holder for cache value with times in seconds
class CacheHolder <V> {CacheHolder(V? cacheValue, double cacheLifeSpan, {double? now}): _value = cacheValue, _life = cacheLifeSpan {now ??= Time.currentTimestamp;_expired = now + cacheLifeSpan;_deprecated = now + cacheLifeSpan * 2;}V? _value;final double _life;      // life span (in seconds)double _expired = 0;     // time to expireddouble _deprecated = 0;  // time to deprecatedV? get value => _value;/// update cache value with current time in secondsvoid update(V? newValue, {double? now}) {_value = newValue;now ??= Time.currentTimestamp;_expired = now + _life;_deprecated = now + _life * 2;}/// check whether cache is alive with current time in secondsbool isAlive({double? now}) {now ??= Time.currentTimestamp;return now < _expired;}/// check whether cache is deprecated with current time in secondsbool isDeprecated({double? now}) {now ??= Time.currentTimestamp;return now > _deprecated;}/// renewal cache with a temporary life span and current time in secondsvoid renewal(double? duration, {double? now}) {duration ??= 120;now ??= Time.currentTimestamp;_expired = now + duration;_deprecated = now + _life * 2;}}

该类提供 update() 和 renew() 两个函数来更新缓存信息,前者为获取到最新数据之后调用以更新数据及时间,后者仅刷新一下时间,用以推迟有效时间;
另外提供两个函数 isAlive() 和 isDeprecated(),分别用于判断是否需要更新,以及当前数据是否应该丢弃。

另外,为使 CacheHolder 能适用于任意类型数据/对象,这里使用了“泛型”类型定义。


接下来我们需要设计一个缓冲池 ```CachePool```,用于保存同类型的 ```CacheHolder```:

import 'package:object_key/object_key.dart' show Time;
import 'holder.dart';class CachePair <V> {CachePair(this.value, this.holder);final V? value;final CacheHolder<V> holder;}/// Pool for cache holders with keys
class CachePool <K, V> {final Map<K, CacheHolder<V>> _holderMap = {};Iterable<K> get keys => _holderMap.keys;/// update cache holder for keyCacheHolder<V> update(K key, CacheHolder<V> holder) {_holderMap[key] = holder;return holder;}/// update cache value for key with timestamp in secondsCacheHolder<V> updateValue(K key, V? value, double life, {double? now}) =>update(key, CacheHolder(value, life, now: now));/// erase cache for keyCachePair<V>? erase(K key, {double? now}) {CachePair<V>? old;if (now != null) {// get exists value before erasingold = fetch(key, now: now);}_holderMap.remove(key);return old;}/// fetch cache value & its holderCachePair<V>? fetch(K key, {double? now}) {CacheHolder<V>? holder = _holderMap[key];if (holder == null) {// holder not foundreturn null;} else if (holder.isAlive(now: now)) {return CachePair(holder.value, holder);} else {// holder expiredreturn CachePair(null, holder);}}/// clear expired cache holdersint purge({double? now}) {now ??= Time.currentTimestamp;int count = 0;Iterable allKeys = keys;CacheHolder? holder;for (K key in allKeys) {holder = _holderMap[key];if (holder == null || holder.isDeprecated(now: now)) {// remove expired holders_holderMap.remove(key);++count;}}return count;}}

该缓冲池提供了 3 个接口给应用层使用:

  1. 更新缓存信息;
  2. 删除缓存信息;
  3. 获取缓存信息;

另外还提供一个 purge() 函数给缓存管理器调用,以清除已失效的 CacheHolder。


最后,我们还需要设计一个缓存管理器 ```CacheManager```,去统一管理所有不同类型的 ```CachePool```:

import 'package:object_key/object_key.dart' show Time;
import 'pool.dart';class CacheManager {factory CacheManager() => _instance;static final CacheManager _instance = CacheManager._internal();CacheManager._internal();final Map<String, dynamic> _poolMap = {};///  Get pool with name////// @param name - pool name/// @param <K>  - key type/// @param <V>  - value type/// @return CachePoolCachePool<K, V> getPool<K, V>(String name) {CachePool<K, V>? pool = _poolMap[name];if (pool == null) {pool = CachePool();_poolMap[name] = pool;}return pool;}///  Purge all pools////// @param now - current timeint purge(double? now) {now ??= Time.currentTimestamp;int count = 0;CachePool? pool;Iterable allKeys = _poolMap.keys;for (var key in allKeys) {pool = _poolMap[key];if (pool != null) {count += pool.purge(now: now);}}return count;}}


  1. 一个工厂方法 getPool(),用于获取/创建缓存池;
  2. 一个清除接口 purge(),供系统在适当的时候(例如系统内存不足时)调用以释放缓存空间。



假设我们有一个类 MetaTable,其作用是从数据库或者网络中获取 meta 信息,考虑到 I/O 的时间,以及数据解析为对象所消耗的 CPU 时间等,如果该类信息访问十分频繁,我们就需要为它加上一层缓存管理。


class MetaTable implements MetaDBI {@overrideFuture<Meta?> getMeta(ID entity) async {// 从数据库中获取 meta 信息}@overrideFuture<bool> saveMeta(Meta meta, ID entity) async {// 保存 meta 信息到数据库}}class MetaCache extends MetaTable {final CachePool<ID, Meta> _cache = CacheManager().getPool('meta');@overrideFuture<Meta?> getMeta(ID entity) async {CachePair<Meta>? pair;CacheHolder<Meta>? holder;Meta? value;double now = Time.currentTimeSeconds;await lock();try {// 1. check memory cachepair = _cache.fetch(entity, now: now);holder = pair?.holder;value = pair?.value;if (value == null) {if (holder == null) {// not load yet, wait to load} else if (holder.isAlive(now: now)) {// value not existsreturn null;} else {// cache expired, wait to reloadholder.renewal(128, now: now);}// 2. load from databasevalue = await super.getMeta(entity);// update cache_cache.updateValue(entity, value, 36000, now: now);}} finally {unlock();}// OK, return cache nowreturn value;}@overrideFuture<bool> saveMeta(Meta meta, ID entity) async {_cache.updateValue(entity, meta, 36000, now: Time.currentTimeSeconds);return await super.saveMeta(meta, entity);}}


当需要读取数据时,先通过 ```_cache.fetch()``` 检查当前缓存池中是否存在有效的值:

如果 (值存在),则 {



否则检查 holder;

如果 (holder 存在且未过期),则 {








由于我已将这部分代码提交到了 pub.dev,所以在实际应用中,你只需要在项目工程文件 ```pubspec.yaml``` 中添加:


    object_key: ^0.1.1

然后在需要使用的 dart 文件头引入即可:

import 'package:object_key/object_key.dart';


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