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USB - 常用开发工具

有多种工具可用于检测和管理 USB 通信。下面是几个选项:

  1. USBDeview

    • 描述: NirSoft 开发的一款免费工具,可列出连接到计算机的所有 USB 设备以及之前连接的 USB 设备。
    • 特点: 提供每个 USB 设备的详细信息,包括名称、描述、设备类型、序列号等。它还允许你禁用、启用和卸载 USB 设备。
  2. USBlyzer

    • 描述: 一款专业的 USB 协议分析器,可提供有关计算机上所有 USB 设备和 USB 控制器的详细信息。
    • 特点: 提供全面的 USB 流量分析和详细的 USB 设备属性报告。适用于调试 USB 通信和开发。
  3. USBTrace

    • 描述: 功能强大的 USB 协议分析软件,可捕获和分析 USB 协议数据。
    • 特点: 允许您监控 USB 流量、解码 USB 协议并调试 USB 相关问题。它支持多种 USB 类,可用于硬件和软件 USB 调试。
  4. 使用USBPcap的Wireshark

    • 说明:Wireshark 是一款著名的网络协议分析器,USBPcap 是一款开源 USB 数据包捕获软件。
    • 特点: 两者结合使用,可让您捕获和分析 Windows 上的 USB 流量。这种组合非常灵活,能深入洞察 USB 通信。
  5. Bus Hound

    • 描述: 一款适用于 Windows 的 USB 总线分析仪,可提供详细的 USB 数据捕获和分析。
    • 特点: 允许您实时监控 USB 通信,并提供全面的数据记录和协议解码。
  6. Total Phase Data Center

    • 描述: 跨平台 USB 协议分析仪,提供实时 USB 总线监控。
    • 特点: 支持 USB 1.1、2.0 和 3.0,并提供详细的分析和可视化工具。它对使用 USB 设备的开发人员和测试人员都很有用。
  7. USB TreeView

    • USBTreeView 是一款 Windows 图形用户界面应用程序,可让您浏览计算机上的所有 USB 控制器和已连接的 USB 设备。
  8. USBView

通用串行总线查看器(USBView)或 usbview.exe 是一款 Windows 应用程序,可用于浏览计算机上的所有 USB 控制器和已连接的 USB 设备。USBView 适用于所有版本的 Windows。

9, 其他


There are several tools for detecting and managing USB communication. Here are a few options:

  1. USBDeview:

    • Description: A free tool by NirSoft that lists all USB devices connected to your computer, as well as previously connected USB devices.
    • Features: Provides detailed information about each USB device, including name, description, device type, serial number, and more. It also allows you to disable, enable, and uninstall USB devices.
  2. USBlyzer:

    • Description: A professional USB protocol analyzer that provides detailed information about all USB devices and USB controllers on your computer.
    • Features: Offers comprehensive analysis of USB traffic and detailed reports on USB device properties. Suitable for debugging USB communication and development.
  3. USBTrace:

    • Description: A powerful USB protocol analyzer software that captures and analyzes USB protocol data.
    • Features: Allows you to monitor USB traffic, decode USB protocols, and debug USB-related issues. It supports a wide range of USB classes and can be used for both hardware and software USB debugging.
  4. Wireshark with USBPcap:

    • Description: Wireshark is a well-known network protocol analyzer, and USBPcap is an open-source USB packet capture software.
    • Features: Together, they allow you to capture and analyze USB traffic on Windows. This combination is highly flexible and provides deep insights into USB communications.
  5. Bus Hound:

    • Description: A USB bus analyzer for Windows that provides detailed USB data capture and analysis.
    • Features: Allows you to monitor USB communications in real time and offers comprehensive data logging and protocol decoding.
  6. Total Phase Data Center:

    • Description: A cross-platform USB protocol analyzer that provides real-time USB bus monitoring.
    • Features: Supports USB 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0, and offers detailed analysis and visualization tools. It’s useful for both developers and testers working with USB devices.
  7. USBTreeView

  • USBTreeView is a Windows graphical user interface application that enables you to browse all USB controllers and connected USB devices on your computer.
  1. USBView:

The Universal Serial Bus Viewer (USBView) or usbview.exe is a Windows app that you can use to browse all USB controllers and connected USB devices on your computer. USBView works on all versions of Windows.

9, Misc

Each of these tools has its own set of features and strengths, so the best choice depends on your specific needs, such as whether you’re looking for a free solution, need detailed protocol analysis, or require cross-platform support.


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