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      • 如何获取多屏IDs
      • 获取多屏的size/density
      • 如何启动应用到指定DisplayId
      • 多屏截屏/录屏
        • screencap
        • screenrecord
        • 发送按键到指定DisplayId


dumpsys display | grep mDisplayIdtrinket:/ # dumpsys display | grep mDisplayIdmDisplayId=0mDisplayId=2
trinket:/ #


trinket:/ # wm
Window manager (window) commands:helpPrint this help text.size [reset|WxH|WdpxHdp] [-d DISPLAY_ID]Return or override display size.width and height in pixels unless suffixed with 'dp'.density [reset|DENSITY] [-d DISPLAY_ID]Return or override display density.folded-area [reset|LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM]Return or override folded area.overscan [reset|LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM] [-d DISPLAY ID]Set overscan area for display.scaling [off|auto] [-d DISPLAY_ID]Set display scaling mode.dismiss-keyguardDismiss the keyguard, prompting user for auth if necessary.set-user-rotation [free|lock] [-d DISPLAY_ID] [rotation]Set user rotation mode and user rotation.set-fix-to-user-rotation [-d DISPLAY_ID] [enabled|disabled]Enable or disable rotating display for app requested orientation.tracing (start | stop)Start or stop window tracing.

通过指令 wm size -d xxx; // xxx 代表ID

trinket:/ # wm size -d 0
Physical size: 1080x1920
trinket:/ # wm size -d 2
Physical size: 1280x720
trinket:/ #

通过指令 wm density -d xxx; // xxx 代表ID

trinket:/ # wm density -d 0
Physical density: 320
Override density: 240
trinket:/ # wm density -d 2
Physical density: 213


am start -n com.android.settings/.Settings --display 2


trinket:/ # screencap  -h
usage: screencap [-hp] [-d display-id] [FILENAME]-h: this message-p: save the file as a png.-d: specify the physical display ID to capture (default: 19260879647709569)see "dumpsys SurfaceFlinger --display-id" for valid display IDs.
If FILENAME ends with .png it will be saved as a png.
If FILENAME is not given, the results will be printed to stdout.


//display id 0,界面截屏
screencap -p -d 0 sdcard/0.png
//display id 2,界面截屏
screencap -p -d 2 sdcard/2.png


//发送 back 按键到display id 2
input -d 2 keyevent 4//发送屏幕点击事件
input -d 2 tap 200 200 //发送屏幕滑动事件
//swipe <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [duration(ms)] (Default: touchscreen)
input -d 2 siwpe 200 200 200 500 40


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