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Tips: 以下内容根据源码中的注解翻译


SpringApplication可用来从一个Java main方法引导和启动一个Spring应用。默认情况下,SpringApplication按照以下步骤引导你的应用:

  • 创建一个合适的ApplicationContext(依赖于你的classpath)
  • 注册一个CommandLinePropertySource,用来将命令行参数暴露为Spring属性
  • 刷新应用上下文,加载所有单例beans
  • 触发所有的CommandLineRunner beans

在绝大多数情况下,可以直接在main方法中调用静态方法 SpringApplication.run(Class, String[])来引导你的应用:

@Configuration@EnableAutoConfigurationpublic class MyApplication  {// ... Bean definitionspublic static void main(String[] args) {SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);}}


public static void main(String[] args) {SpringApplication application = new SpringApplication(MyApplication.class);// ... customize application settings hereapplication.run(args)}


  • 完全限定的类名,将被AnnotatedBeanDefinitionReader加载
  • XML配置文件的路径,将被XmlBeanDefintionReader加载,或者是groovy脚本,将被GroovyBeanDefintionReader加载
  • 包名,将被ClassPathBeanDefinitioinReader扫描

Configuration属性会被绑定到SpringApplication。这让动态设置SpringApplication属性成为可能,如附加的资源("spring.main.sources" - 一个CSV列表) ,表示一个web环境的标识("spring.main.web-application-type=none" ),或 关闭banner的标记("spring.main.banner-mode=off")


Class that can be used to bootstrap and launch a Spring application from a Java main method. By default class will perform the following steps to bootstrap your application:
Create an appropriate ApplicationContext instance (depending on your classpath)
Register a CommandLinePropertySource to expose command line arguments as Spring properties
Refresh the application context, loading all singleton beans
Trigger any CommandLineRunner beans
In most circumstances the static run(Class, String[]) method can be called directly from your main method to bootstrap your application:@Configuration@EnableAutoConfigurationpublic class MyApplication  {// ... Bean definitionspublic static void main(String[] args) {SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);}}For more advanced configuration a SpringApplication instance can be created and customized before being run:public static void main(String[] args) {SpringApplication application = new SpringApplication(MyApplication.class);// ... customize application settings hereapplication.run(args)}SpringApplications can read beans from a variety of different sources. It is generally recommended that a single @Configuration class is used to bootstrap your application, however, you may also set sources from:
The fully qualified class name to be loaded by AnnotatedBeanDefinitionReader
The location of an XML resource to be loaded by XmlBeanDefinitionReader, or a groovy script to be loaded by GroovyBeanDefinitionReader
The name of a package to be scanned by ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner
Configuration properties are also bound to the SpringApplication. This makes it possible to set SpringApplication properties dynamically, like additional sources ("spring.main.sources" - a CSV list) the flag to indicate a web environment ("spring.main.web-application-type=none") or the flag to switch off the banner ("spring.main.banner-mode=off").
See Also:
run(Class, String[]), run(Class[], String[]), SpringApplication(Class...)


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