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学习008-02-04-03 Group List View Data(组列表查看数据)

Group List View Data(组列表查看数据)

This lesson explains how to group the Employee List View data by department and position.

Before you proceed, take a moment to review the previous lessons: 在继续之前,请花点时间回顾一下之前的课程:

  • Place an Action in a Different Location(将操作放在不同的位置)

Step-by-Step Instructions(分步说明)

1.Open the Model.DesignedDiffs.xafml file in the Model Editor.
在模型编辑器中打开Model. DesignedDiffs.xafml文件。

2.Click the Views | MySolution.Module.BusinessObjects | Employee | Employee_ListView | Columns node to open the Grid List Editor Designer. Right-click the table header and select the Show Group By Box item.
单击Views|MySolutions. Module.BusinessObjects|Employee|Employee_ListView|列节点以打开网格列表编辑器设计器。右键单击表格标题并选择按框显示分组项。

3.The Group Panel appears above the column headers.

4.Drag the Department and Position column headers to the Group Panel. Note that multiple columns in the group area create nested groups.

When you add a column to the Group Panel, the column’s GroupIndex property value changes. You can also directly specify a column’s GroupIndex property to group List View data. See the following topic for more information: List View Columns Customization.

5.Run the application. The Employee List View displays objects grouped by the Department and Position properties. You can see the Group Panel above the grid:

ASP.NET Core Blazor

Windows Forms

Users can drag columns to and from the Group Panel to group and ungroup the List View objects. You can hide the Group Panel to prevent users from changing groups. Navigate to the Views | MySolution.Module.BusinessObjects | Employee | Employee_ListView node and set its IsGroupPanelVisible property to False.
用户可以在组面板中拖动列来对列表视图对象进行分组和取消分组。您可以隐藏组面板以防止用户更改组。导航到Views | MySolution.Module.BusinessObjects | Employee | Employee_ListView节点,并将其IsGroupPanelVisible属性设置为False。

Next Lesson(下一课)

Enable Split Layout in a List View


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