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Nerd Fonts


    • 关于 Nerd Fonts
      • 重要告示
      • TL;DR
        • 字体的各种下载选项
      • 特点
    • Glyph Sets
      • shell中的图标名称
    • 修补字体
      • Variations
    • 字体安装
      • `Option 1: Release Archive Download`
      • `Option 2: Homebrew Fonts`
      • `Option 3: Unofficial Chocolatey or Scoop Repositories`
      • `Option 4: Arch Extra Repository`
      • `Option 5: Ad Hoc Curl Download`
        • Linux
        • 苹果操作系统(OS X)
      • `Option 6: Install Script`
        • 所有字体:
        • 单一字体:
      • `Option 7: Clone the Repo`
      • `Option 8: Patch Your Own Font`
    • 字体修补程序
        • 例子
    • 必须修补他们所有字体补丁!
    • 不稳定的文件路径
    • 其他需要修补的好字体

关于 Nerd Fonts

Nerd Fonts 是一个用大量字形(图标)修补开发人员目标字体的项目。特别是从流行的“标志性字体”中添加大量额外的字形,如字体真棒、Devicons、Octicons和其他。


  • github :https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
  • 官网 : https://www.nerdfonts.com/
  • wiki : https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/wiki/
  • 项目动机:https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/wiki/Project-Purpose
  • 发布|字体|字体修补程序|Wiki文档|贴纸|VimDevIcons




  • master分支文件路径被认为是稳定的。验证您的存储库URI引用
  • 克隆此存储库建议(由于回购大小),除非您要为开发做出贡献


Nerd Fonts 采用流行的编程字体并添加了一堆字形。 如果您想要的字体尚未修补,也可以使用字体修补程序。 有关更多高级信息,请参阅wiki。如果您正在寻找Vim插件,请参阅VimDevIcons。



  • Option 1.想要下载字体系列变体包(粗体、斜体字等)请参阅下载存档
  • Option 2.macOS上,想要使用Homebrew请参阅Homebrew字体
  • Option 3.Windows上,想要使用ChocolateyScoop请参阅非官方Chocolatey或Scoop Reposititory
  • Option 4.ArchLinux上,想要使用额外包,请参阅Arch额外存储库
  • Option 5.想要使用**curl命令或在脚本**中使用参见Ad hoc Curl下载
  • Option 6.想要自动安装或使用脚本请参阅安装脚本
  • Option 7.想要完全控制然后查看克隆repo
  • Option 8.想要修补您自己的字体,请参阅字体修补程序


  • FontForge Python脚本
    • 包括创建等宽(固定间距、固定宽度)或双宽(非等宽)字形的选项
    • 有关详细信息,请参阅字体修补程序部分
  • **67**已经修补的字体系列
  • 超过 10,000 个字形/图标组合 (更多详情)
  • 当前字形集包括:带有额外符号的电力线、字体真棒、材料设计图标、天气、Devicons、Octicons、字体徽标(以前的字体Linux)、Pomicons、Codeicons
  • 每种字体的单倍间距(固定间距、固定宽度)或双倍宽度(非单倍间距)或比例字形版本
    • 这是指 Nerd Fonts 字形本身,不一定是整个字体
  • 开发者/贡献者提供了bash脚本来重新修补所有字体

Glyph Sets

🔍🔍您可以通过NerdFonts.com在Cheat Sheet 很方便的搜索






Font NameOriginal Font Name and Repositoryver*RFN
0xProto Nerd Font0xProto1.603NO
3270 Nerd Font32703.0.1NO
Agave Nerd FontAgave37NO
AnonymicePro Nerd FontAnonymous Pro1.002YES
Arimo Nerd FontArimo1.33NO
AurulentSansMono Nerd FontAurulent Sans Mono (Stephen G. Hartke)NO
BigBlueTerminal Nerd FontBigBlueTerminal (VileR)NO
BitstromWera Nerd FontVera Sans Mono (Bitstream Inc)1.1YES
BlexMono Nerd FontIBM Plex Mono2.004YES
CaskaydiaCove Nerd FontCascadia Code2111.01YES
CaskaydiaMono Nerd FontCascadia Mono2111.01YES
CodeNewRoman Nerd FontCode New Roman (Sam Radian)2.0NO
ComicShannsMono Nerd FontComic Shanns Mono1.3.1NO
CommitMono Nerd FontCommit Mono1.143NO
Cousine Nerd FontCousine1.211NO
D2Coding Nerd FontD2Coding1.3.2NO
DaddyTimeMono Nerd FontDaddyTimeMono1.2.3NO
DejaVuSansMono Nerd FontDejaVu2.37NO
DroidSansMono Nerd FontDroid Sans Mono (Ascender Corp)1.00-113NO
EnvyCodeR Nerd FontEnvy Code R0.79YES
FantasqueSansMono Nerd FontFantasque Sans Mono1.8.0NO
FiraCode Nerd FontFira Code6.2NO
FiraMono Nerd FontFira Mono3.206NO
GeistMono Nerd FontGeist Mono1.200NO
GoMono Nerd FontGo-Mono2.010NO
Gohu Nerd FontGohu TTF, Gohu2.0NO
Hack Nerd FontHack3.003NO
Hasklug Nerd FontHasklig1.2YES
HeavyDataMono Nerd FontHeavyData (Vic Fieger)1NO
Hurmit Nerd FontHermit2.0YES
iM-Writing Nerd FontiA-WriterDec 2018YES
Inconsolata Nerd FontInconsolata3.000NO
InconsolataGo Nerd FontInconsolataGo1.013NO
Inconsolata LGC Nerd FontInconsolata LGC1.5.2NO
IntoneMono Nerd FontIntel One Mono1.3.0YES
Iosevka Nerd FontIosevka29.0.4NO
IosevkaTerm Nerd FontIosevka Term29.0.4NO
IosevkaTermSlab Nerd FontIosevka Term Slab29.0.4NO
JetBrainsMono Nerd FontJetBrains Mono2.304NO
Lekton Nerd FontLekton34NO
Literation Nerd FontLiberation2.1.5YES
Lilex Nerd FontLilex2.400NO
MartianMono Nerd FontMartianMono1.0.0NO
Meslo Nerd FontMeslo1.21NO
Monaspice Nerd FontMonaspace1.0.0YES
Monofur Nerd FontMonofur (Tobias B Koehler)1.0NO
Monoid Nerd FontMonoid0.61NO
Mononoki Nerd FontMononoki1.6YES
M+ Nerd FontMPlus Fonts2023/09NO
Noto Nerd FontNotodivNO
OpenDyslexic Nerd FontOpenDyslexic2.001NO
Overpass Nerd FontOverpass3.0.5NO
ProFont Nerd FontProFont2.3, 2.2NO
ProggyClean Nerd FontProggyClean (Tristan Grimmer)2004/04/15NO
RecMono Nerd FontRecursive Mono1.085NO
RobotoMono Nerd FontRoboto Mono3.0NO
SauceCodePro Nerd FontSource Code Pro2.042YES
ShureTechMono Nerd FontShare Tech Mono1.003YES
SpaceMono Nerd FontSpace Mono1.001NO
Terminess Nerd FontTerminus TTF4.49.3YES
Tinos Nerd FontTinos1.23NO
Ubuntu Nerd FontUbuntu Font0.83NO
UbuntuMono Nerd FontUbuntu Font0.80NO
UbuntuSans Nerd FontUbuntu Sans1.004NO
VictorMono Nerd FontVictor Mono1.5.6NO
ZedMono Nerd FontZed Mono1.2.0NO



  • 没有给出标志(默认只有Seti-UI+自定义和**设备图标**)
  • 双(可变/比例)或单(固定/等宽)或比例宽度图标字形
  • Font Awesome
  • Font Awesome Extension
  • Material Design Icons
  • Weather
  • GitHub Octicons
  • Font Logos (Formerly Font Linux)
  • Powerline Extra Symbols
  • IEC Power Symbols
  • Pomicons
  • Codicons


Option 1: Release Archive Download


字体可作为包下载在最新版本 一个很好的概述是在 Nerd Fonts 网站上(但错过了更紧凑的xv档案)。


curl -OL https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/latest/download/JetBrainsMono.tar.xz

Option 2: Homebrew Fonts


所有字体都可以通过macOS(OS X)上的Homebrew Cask获得

brew install font-hack-nerd-font

Option 3: Unofficial Chocolatey or Scoop Repositories



choco install nerd-fonts-hack


scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
scoop install Hack-NF

Option 4: Arch Extra Repository


大多数字体可通过Arch Extra软件包获得。 一些特殊的包是在AUR。

Option 5: Ad Hoc Curl Download



mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
cd ~/.local/share/fonts && curl -fLO https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/HEAD/patched-fonts/DroidSansMono/DroidSansMNerdFont-Regular.otf


苹果操作系统(OS X)
cd ~/Library/Fonts && curl -fLO https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/HEAD/patched-fonts/DroidSansMono/DroidSansMNerdFont-Regular.otf

Option 6: Install Script



  • 安装所有打补丁的字体(警告:这是很多字体加起来很大的尺寸)



  • 安装您选择的单个字体
./install.sh <FontName>
./install.sh Hack
./install.sh HeavyData


./install.ps1 <FontName>
./install.ps1 Hack
./install.ps1 HeavyData
./install.ps1 FiraCode, Hack
./install.ps1 DejaVuSansMono -WhatIf

Option 7: Clone the Repo





git clone --depth 1


git clone --filter=blob:none git@github.com:ryanoasis/nerd-fonts

如果您只想克隆一个子目录,请使用git sparse-checkout

git clone --filter=blob:none --sparse git@github.com:ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
cd nerd-fonts
git sparse-checkout add patched-fonts/JetBrainsMono

Option 8: Patch Your Own Font




  • 如果您不想使用提供的字体
  • 您仍然需要将生成的字体复制到系统上正确的字体目录


Nerd Fonts Patcher


  • 使用脚本
    • 下载脚本及其辅助文件作为存档和解压
    • 仅仅下载font-patcher脚本是不够的。
    • 需要:Fontforge、Python 3、python-fontforge 和 argparse 包
      • 可以以包的形式安装 Fontforge
      • 或在OSX上通过brew install fontforge 安装
      • 或作为AppImage
    • 用法,推荐:
    fontforge -script font-patcher PATH_TO_FONT
    • 用法,直接(更方便的调用,如果它适合您):
    ./font-patcher PATH_TO_FONT
    • 使用Fontforge AppImage
      注意chmod u+x下载后的AppImage。所有提供的路径都需要是绝对的,并且需要显式输出路径!如果所有内容都位于同一目录中,您可以使用$PWD速记。
    ./FontForge.AppImage -script $PWD/font-patcher $PWD/BaseFont.ttf -out /tmp
  • 使用docker
    • 默认并行任务
    docker run --rm -v /path/to/fonts:/in:Z -v /path/for/output:/out:Z nerdfonts/patcher [OPTIONS]
    • 单进程(慢)
    docker run --rm -v /path/to/fonts:/in:Z -v /path/for/output:/out:Z -e "PN=1" nerdfonts/patcher [OPTIONS]
    • 将并行任务编号指定为10
    docker run --rm -v /path/to/fonts:/in:Z -v /path/for/output:/out:Z -e "PN=10" nerdfonts/patcher [OPTIONS]

注:生成的字体系列(又名字体名称)将在CamelCash之后设置为原始系列,删除空格并附加 Nerd Font。例如,iosevka term将成为IosevkaTerm Nerd Font


Nerd Fonts Patcher v3.1.0-6 (4.8.1) (ff 20230101)
usage: font-patcher [-h] [-v] [-s] [--variable-width-glyphs][--debug [{0,1,2,3}]] [-q] [--careful] [-ext EXTENSION][-out OUTPUTDIR] [--makegroups [{-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6}]] [-c][--codicons] [--fontawesome] [--fontawesomeext][--fontlogos] [--material] [--octicons] [--powersymbols][--pomicons] [--powerline] [--powerlineextra] [--weather][--boxdrawing] [--configfile CONFIGFILE] [--custom CUSTOM][--dry] [--glyphdir GLYPHDIR] [--has-no-italic] [-l][--metrics {HHEA,TYPO,WIN}] [--name FORCE_NAME][--postprocess POSTPROCESS] [--removeligs][--xavgcharwidth [XAVGWIDTH]][--progressbars | --no-progressbars]fontNerd Fonts Font Patcher: patches a given font with programming and development related glyphs* Website: https://www.nerdfonts.com
* Version: 3.1.0-6
* Development Website: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
* Changelog: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/-/changelog.mdpositional arguments:font                  The path to the font to patch (e.g., Inconsolata.otf)options:-h, --help            show this help message and exit-v, --version         show program's version number and exit-s, --mono, --use-single-width-glyphsWhether to generate the glyphs as single-width not double-width (default is double-width) (Nerd Font Mono)--variable-width-glyphsDo not adjust advance width (no "overhang") (Nerd Font Propo)--debug [{0,1,2,3}]   Verbose mode (optional: 1=just to file; 2*=just to terminal; 3=display and file)-q, --quiet           Do not generate verbose output--careful             Do not overwrite existing glyphs if detected-ext EXTENSION, --extension EXTENSIONChange font file type to create (e.g., ttf, otf)-out OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir OUTPUTDIRThe directory to output the patched font file to--makegroups [{-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6}]Use alternative method to name patched fonts (default=1)Symbol Fonts:-c, --complete        Add all available Glyphs--codicons            Add Codicons Glyphs (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons)--fontawesome         Add Font Awesome Glyphs (http://fontawesome.io/)--fontawesomeext      Add Font Awesome Extension Glyphs (https://andrelzgava.github.io/font-awesome-extension/)--fontlogos           Add Font Logos Glyphs (https://github.com/Lukas-W/font-logos)--material, --mdi     Add Material Design Icons (https://github.com/templarian/MaterialDesign)--octicons            Add Octicons Glyphs (https://octicons.github.com)--powersymbols        Add IEC Power Symbols (https://unicodepowersymbol.com/)--pomicons            Add Pomicon Glyphs (https://github.com/gabrielelana/pomicons)--powerline           Add Powerline Glyphs--powerlineextra      Add Powerline Extra Glyphs (https://github.com/ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols)--weather             Add Weather Icons (https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons)Expert Options:--boxdrawing          Force patching in (over existing) box drawing glyphs--configfile CONFIGFILESpecify a file path for JSON configuration file (see sample: src/config.sample.json)--custom CUSTOM       Specify a custom symbol font, all glyphs will be copied; absolute path suggested--dry                 Do neither patch nor store the font, to check naming--glyphdir GLYPHDIR   Path to glyphs to be used for patching--has-no-italic       Font family does not have Italic (but Oblique), to help create correct RIBBI set-l, --adjust-line-heightWhether to adjust line heights (attempt to center powerline separators more evenly)--metrics {HHEA,TYPO,WIN}Select vertical metrics source (for problematic cases)--name FORCE_NAME     Specify naming source ('full', 'postscript', 'filename', or concrete free name-string)--postprocess POSTPROCESSSpecify a Script for Post Processing--removeligs, --removeligaturesRemoves ligatures specificed in JSON configuration file (needs --configfile)--xavgcharwidth [XAVGWIDTH]Adjust xAvgCharWidth (optional: concrete value)--progressbars        Show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set (default)--no-progressbars     Don't show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set

./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf -s -q
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --use-single-width-glyphs --quiet./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf --fontawesome
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf --fontawesome --octicons --pomicons
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf./FontForge.AppImage -script /tmp/nerdfonts/font-patcher /tmp/nerdfonts/CascadiaMonoPL-Semibold.ttf --fontawesome -out /tmp
./FontForge.AppImage -script $PWD/font-patcher $PWD/CascadiaMonoPL-Semibold.ttf --octicons -out $HOMEdocker run --rm -v ~/myfont/patchme:/in:Z -v ~/myfont/patched:/out:Z nerdfonts/patcher
docker run --rm -v ~/Desktop/myfont/patchme:/in:Z -v ~/Desktop/myfont/patched:/out:Z nerdfonts/patcher --fontawesome



  • 供贡献者或开发者使用
  • 重新修补未修补目录中的所有字体:
  • 可以选择限制为特定的字体名称模式:
    ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh Hermit
  • 或以特定目录名称开始:
    ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh /Heavy


Usage: ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher!.sh [OPTION] [FILTER]OPTION:-c, --checkfont     Create the font(s) in check-fonts/ instead-t, --keeptime      Try to preserve timestamp of previously patchedfont in patched-fonts/ directory-v, --verbose       Show more information when running-i, --info          Rebuild JUST the readmes-j, --jobs          Run up to 8 patch processes in parallel-h, --help          Show this helpFILTER:The filter argument to this script is a filter for the fonts to patch.The filter is a regex (glob * is expressed as [^/]*, see `man 7 glob`)All font files that start with that filter (and are ttf, otf, or sfd files) willbe processed only.Example ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh "iosevka"Process all font files that start with "iosevka"If the argument starts with a '/' all font files in a directory that matchesthe filter are processed only.Example ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh "/iosevka"Process all font files that are in directory "iosevka"




  • 比如
    • ✅用途:https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/tree/**v3.0.0**/patched-fonts/Hermit/Regular/HurmitNerdFont-Regular.otf
    • ✅用途:https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/**0.9.0**/patched-fonts/Hermit/Medium/complete/Hurmit%20Medium%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.otf
    • ❌ 替代:https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/master/patched-fonts/Hermit/Medium/complete/Hurmit%20Medium%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.otf


可以从修补中受益但由于许可证(专有、商业等)未包含在 Nerd Fonts 中的字体的非详尽列表:

  • Consolas
  • Dank Mono
  • Input Mono
  • Operator Mono
  • PragmataPro
  • SF Mono



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