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Using Azure openAI key rotation automation

题意:使用 Azure OpenAI 密钥轮换自动化


We are planning to do the Azure OpenAI key rotation automatically. How can we achieve this? Do we have terraform resource for this.

我们计划自动执行 Azure OpenAI 密钥轮换。我们如何实现这一点?是否有相应的 Terraform 资源可用?

resource "azurerm_cognitive_account" "example" {name                = "xxxxx"location            = azurerm_resource_group.example.locationresource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.example.namekind                = "OpenAI"sku_name = "S0"


Firstly, there is no direct resource present for the Open AI key rotation in terraform. Following a workaround on the requirement, I found below approach to make it work.

首先,Terraform 中没有直接用于 OpenAI 密钥轮换的资源。针对这一需求,我找到了一种可行的替代方法,具体如下。

As I mentioned in the comments, use azurerm_cognitive_account resource from terraform by providing kind as an "OpenAI" as shown.

正如我在评论中提到的,可以使用 Terraform 中的 azurerm_cognitive_account 资源,并将 kind 设置为 OpenAI,如图所示。

I tried creating a new open AI account with the below code and the deployment was successful.

我尝试使用以下代码创建一个新的 OpenAI 帐户,部署成功。

provider  "azurerm"{features{}
data  "azurerm_resource_group"  "example"  {name = "DefaultResourceGroup-EUS"
resource  "azurerm_cognitive_account"  "example"  {name = "examplesample"location = data.azurerm_resource_group.example.locationresource_group_name = data.azurerm_resource_group.example.namekind = "OpenAI"
sku_name = "S0"

Once it is done, you need to retrieve the keys from the external path. To do that, use data "external" block.

完成后,你需要从外部路径检索密钥。为此,可以使用 data "external" 块。

How to use it: Reference

Sample data block shown below:


data "external" "keys" {program = ["sh", "/path/retrieve_sshkey.sh"]

Now refer this in the main.tf terraform resource with null_resource block by passing the open ai resource id under triggers block and add a provisioner as well.

现在,在 main.tf Terraform 资源中,通过在 null_resource 块的 triggers 块中传递 OpenAI 资源 ID,并添加一个 provisioner

resource "null_resource" "samplerotation" {triggers = {open_ai_resource_id = azurerm_cognitive_account.example.id}
provisioner "remote-exec" {//write a powershell script here and refer the above keys data block here}

Alternatively, you can also follow an other approach with the help of key vault. Store all the keys in the key vault and apply the key rotation from there itself.

另外,你也可以使用密钥保管库(Key Vault)采取另一种方法。将所有密钥存储在密钥保管库中,并从那里执行密钥轮换。

To do so, refer the terraform code from SO & for CLI approach refer Github doc.

为此,可以参考来自 Stack Overflow 的 Terraform 代码,并且对于 CLI 方法,可以参考 GitHub 文档。


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