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  1. 深度学习网络两种选择的强制选择对比度检测
  2. 贝叶斯自适应估计对比敏感度函数
  3. 空间观察对比目标
  4. 量化视觉皮质感知差异
  5. 亮度、红/绿值、蓝/黄值色彩空间改变OpenCV图像对比度
  6. 对比敏感度函数模型
  7. 空间对比敏感度估计
  8. 眼球运动医学研究
  9. 空间时间颜色偏心率对比敏感度函数模型



  • sRGB:sRGB 是一种三刺激色彩模型,是 Web 的标准,用于大多数计算机显示器。它使用与高清电视标准 Rec709 相同的原色和白点。sRGB 与 Rec709 的区别仅在于传输曲线,通常称为伽马。
  • 伽马:这是用于存储和传输各种图像编码方法的曲线。它通常类似于人类视觉的感知曲线。在数字中,伽马的作用是赋予图像较暗区域更多权重,以便由更多位定义它们,从而避免出现诸如“带状”之类的伪影。
  • 亮度:(记为 L 或 Y):光的线性测量或表示(即无伽马曲线)。测量单位通常是 cd/m2。表示单位是 Y,如 CIEXYZ,通常为 0(黑色)至 100(白色)。亮度具有光谱加权,基于人类对不同波长光的感知。但是,亮度在明暗度方面是线性的 - 也就是说,如果 100 个光子测量值为 10,那么 20 个光子就是 200 个光子。
  • L* (又名 Lstar):感知亮度,由 CIELAB 定义 ( L ∗ a ∗ b ∗ ) \left.L^* a^* b^*\right) Lab) 其中亮度与光量呈线性关系, L ⋆ L ^{\star} L 基于感知,因此在光量方面是非线性的,其曲线旨在匹配人眼的明视觉(伽马约为 ∧ 0.43 { }^{\wedge} 0.43 0.43 )。

亮度 vs L : ∗ 0 L:^* 0 L0 和 100 在光亮(写为 Y Y Y 或 L )和亮度(写为 L ∗ L^* L )方面是相同的,但在中间它们却非常不同。我们确定的中间灰色位于 L ∗ L^* L 的中间 50 处,但这与亮度 (Y) 中的 18.4 相关。在 sRGB 中,这是 #777777 或 46.7 % 46.7 \% 46.7%

对比度:定义两个 L 或两个 Y 值之间差异的术语。对比有多种方法和标准。一种常见的方法是韦伯对比,即 Δ L / L \Delta L / L ΔL/L。对比度通常以比率 (3:1) 或百分比 (70%) 表示。

对于紫色测试示例,我使用十六进制 #9d5fb0(代表 R:157、G:95、B:176),对于绿色测试示例,我使用十六进制 #318261(代表 R:49、G:130、B:97)。

 function HexToRGB(hex) {hex = String(hex);if(hex.length==3){hex='#'+hex.substr(0, 1)+hex.substr(0, 1)+hex.substr(1, 1)+hex.substr(1, 1)+hex.substr(2, 1)+hex.substr(2, 1);}if(hex.length==4){hex='#'+hex.substr(1, 1)+hex.substr(1, 1)+hex.substr(2, 1)+hex.substr(2, 1)+hex.substr(3, 1)+hex.substr(3, 1);}if(hex.length==6){hex='#'+hex;}let R = parseInt(hex.substr(1, 2),16);let G = parseInt(hex.substr(3, 2),16);let B = parseInt(hex.substr(5, 2),16);console.log("rgb from "+hex+" = "+[R,G,B]);   return [R,G,B];}

灰度 = round ⁡ ( ( R + G + B ) / 3 ) 灰度=\operatorname{round}((R+G+B) / 3) 灰度=round((R+G+B)/3)

  function RGBToGRAY(rgb) {let avg = parseInt((rgb[0]+rgb[1]+rgb[2])/3);return [avg,avg,avg];}

这会将紫色变成 #8f8f8f 因为平均值 = 143,将绿色变成#5c5c5c,因为平均值 = 92。92 和 143 之间的差异太大,会错误地通过我预期的测试。

现在,正如之前所解释的,我们应该使其呈线性并应用 gamma 2.2 校正。
R ′ ∧ 2.2 = R lin ⁡ G ′ ∧ 2.2 = G lin ⁡ B ′ ∧ 2.2 = B lin ⁡ R^{\prime \wedge} 2.2=R \operatorname{lin} G^{\prime \wedge} 2.2=G \operatorname{lin} B^{\prime \wedge} 2.2=B \operatorname{lin} R2.2=RlinG2.2=GlinB2.2=Blin

  function linearFromRGB(rgb) {let R = rgb[0]/255.0; let G = rgb[1]/255.0; let B = rgb[2]/255.0; let gamma = 2.2;R = Math.pow(R, gamma); G = Math.pow(G, gamma); B = Math.pow(B, gamma); let linear = [R,G,B];console.log('linearized rgb = '+linear);  return linear;}

紫色的伽马校正线性结果现在为 R : 0.3440 、 G : 0.1139 、 B : 0.4423 R:0.3440、G:0.1139、B:0.4423 R0.3440G0.1139B0.4423,绿色的结果为 R : 0.0265 、 G : 0.2271 、 B : 0.1192 R:0.0265、G:0.2271、B:0.1192 R0.0265G0.2271B0.1192。现在通过应用系数获得亮度 L 或(XYZ 比例的 Y)如下:
Y = Rlin*  0.2126 + Glin*  0.7152 + Blin*  0.0722 Y=\text { Rlin* } 0.2126 \text { + Glin* } 0.7152+\text { Blin* } 0.0722 Y= Rlin* 0.2126 + Glin* 0.7152+ Blin* 0.0722

   function luminanceFromLin(rgblin) {let Y = (0.2126 * (rgblin[0])); Y = Y + (0.7152 * (rgblin[1])); Y = Y + (0.0722 * (rgblin[2]));console.log('luminance from linear = '+Y);       return Y;}

现在两个 Y(或 L)值之间的感知对比度:
(L较亮 - L较暗) / (L较亮 + 0.1)  \text { (L较亮 - L较暗) / (L较亮 + 0.1) }  (L较亮 - L较暗) / (L较亮 + 0.1) 

 function perceivedContrast(Y1,Y2){let C = ((Math.max(Y1,Y2)-Math.min(Y1,Y2))/(Math.max(Y1,Y2)+0.1));console.log('perceived contrast from '+Y1+','+Y2+' = '+C); return C;      }


function perceivedContrastFromHex(hex1,hex2){let lin1 = linearFromRGB(HexToRGB(hex1));let lin2 = linearFromRGB(HexToRGB(hex2));let y1 = luminanceFromLin(lin1);let y2 = luminanceFromLin(lin2);return perceivedContrast(y1,y2);}


 var P = perceivedContrastFromHex('#318261','#9d5fb0');alert(P);// shows 0.034369592139888626
  var P = perceivedContrastFromHex('#000','#fff'); alert(P);// shows 0.9090909090909091


const Color_Parser = {version: '1.0.0.beta',name: 'Color_Parser',result: null, loging: true,parseHex: function(_input) {if (this.loging) {console.log(this.name + ', input: ' + _input);}this.result = {};if (!_input) {this.result.error = true;console.log(this.name + ', error');return this.result;}this.result.hex = String(_input);if (this.result.hex.length == 3) {this.result.hex = '#' + this.result.hex.substr(0, 1) + this.result.hex.substr(0, 1) + this.result.hex.substr(1, 1) + this.result.hex.substr(1, 1) + this.result.hex.substr(2, 1) + this.result.hex.substr(2, 1);}if (this.result.hex.length == 4) {this.result.hex = '#' + this.result.hex.substr(1, 1) + this.result.hex.substr(1, 1) + this.result.hex.substr(2, 1) + this.result.hex.substr(2, 1) + this.result.hex.substr(3, 1) + this.result.hex.substr(3, 1);}if (this.result.hex.length == 6) {this.result.hex = '#' + this.result.hex;}if (this.loging) {console.log(this.name + ', added to result: ' + this.result.hex);}this.result.rgb = {r: null,g: null,b: null};this.result.rgb.r = parseInt(this.result.hex.substr(1, 2), 16);this.result.rgb.g = parseInt(this.result.hex.substr(3, 2), 16);this.result.rgb.b = parseInt(this.result.hex.substr(5, 2), 16);if (this.loging) {console.log(this.name + ', added to result: ' + this.result.rgb);}this.result.int = ((this.result.rgb.r & 0x0ff) << 16) | ((this.result.rgb.g & 0x0ff) << 8) | (this.result.rgb.b & 0x0ff);if (this.loging) {console.log(this.name + ', added to result: ' + this.result.int);}this.result.dec = {r: null,g: null,b: null};this.result.dec.r = this.result.rgb.r / 255.0; this.result.dec.g = this.result.rgb.g / 255.0; this.result.dec.b = this.result.rgb.b / 255.0; if (this.loging) {console.log(this.name + ', added to result: ' + this.result.dec);}this.result.lin = {r: null,g: null,b: null};for (var i = 0, len = 3; i < len; i++) {if (this.result.dec[['r', 'g', 'b'][i]] <= 0.04045) {this.result.lin[['r', 'g', 'b'][i]] = this.result.dec[['r', 'g', 'b'][i]] / 12.92;} else {this.result.lin[['r', 'g', 'b'][i]] = Math.pow(((this.result.dec[['r', 'g', 'b'][i]] + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);}}if (this.loging) {console.log(this.name + ', added to result: ' + this.result.lin);}this.result.y = (0.2126 * (this.result.lin.r)); // red channelthis.result.y += (0.7152 * (this.result.lin.g)); // green channelthis.result.y += (0.0722 * (this.result.lin.b)); // blue channelif (this.loging) {console.log(this.name + ', added to result: ' + this.result.y);}this.result.invert = {r: null,g: null,b: null,hex: null};this.result.invert.r = (255 - this.result.rgb.r);this.result.invert.g = (255 - this.result.rgb.g);this.result.invert.b = (255 - this.result.rgb.b);        this.result.invert.hex = this.result.invert.b.toString(16); if (this.result.invert.hex.length < 2) {this.result.invert.hex = '0' + this.result.invert.hex;}this.result.invert.hex = this.result.invert.g.toString(16) + this.result.invert.hex;if (this.result.invert.hex.length < 4) {this.result.invert.hex = '0' + this.result.invert.hex;}this.result.invert.hex = this.result.invert.r.toString(16) + this.result.invert.hex;if (this.result.invert.hex.length < 6) {this.result.invert.hex = '0' + this.result.invert.hex;}this.result.invert.hex = '#' + this.result.invert.hex;this.result.error = false;if (this.loging) {console.log(this.name + ', final output:');}if (this.loging) {console.log(this.result);}return this.result;}



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