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Exercise 1.45

We saw in Section 1.3.3 that attempting to compute square roots by naively finding a fixed point of y → x y y\rightarrow \frac{x}{y} yyx does not converge, and that this can be fixed by average damping. The same method works for finding cube roots as fixed points of the average-dampedy x y 2 \frac{x}{y^2} y2x. Unfortunately, the process does not work for fourth roots—a single average damp is not enough to make a fixed-point search for y → x y 3 y\rightarrow \frac{x}{y^3} yy3x converge. On the other hand, if we average damp twice (i.e., use the average damp of the average damp of y → x y 3 y\rightarrow \frac{x}{y^3} yy3x) the fixed-point search does converge. Do some experiments to determine how many average damps are required to compute n t h n^{th} nth roots as a fixed point search based upon repeated average damping of y → x y n − 1 y\rightarrow \frac{x}{y^{n-1}} yyn1x. Use this to implement a simple procedure for computing n t h n^{th} nth roots using f i x e d − p o i n t , a v e r a g e − d a m p fixed-point, average-damp fixedpoint,averagedamp,and the r e p e a t e d repeated repeated procedure of Exercise1.43. Assume that any arithmetic operations you need are available as primitives.

这道题难度太难了,我最后也没能靠自己做出来。一个是怎么找到要执行几次 a v e r a g e − d a m p average-damp averagedamp,我一开始以为是 n − 2 n-2 n2,试了几个发现明显不是,又猜测是不是 n 2 \frac{n}{2} 2n,结果还是不对,最后上网搜了一下才知道是 l o g 2 n log_2^n log2n,感兴趣的可以参考知乎的这个回答;知道了重复执行的次数,在编写代码的时候再次遇到了问题,我对于“把一个过程作为另一个过程的返回值”这个概念理解的还是不到位,没有理解(repeated average-damp n)之后还要给它传一个过程作为 a v e r a g e − d a m p average-damp averagedamp 的参数,最后上网看了别人的答案才明白过来。下面是我的答案:

; 求 x 和 f(x) 的平均值
(define (average-damp f)(lambda (x) (average x (f x)))); 对于任意正整数 n,求使得 2^k < n 的最大 k 值
(define (max-expt n)(define (iter k pre)(if (< n pre)(- k 1)(iter (+ k 1) (* 2 pre))))(iter 1 2))(define (nth-root x n)(fixed-point ((repeated average-damp (max-expt n))(lambda (y) (/ x (expt y (- n 1)))))1.0))(display (nth-root 2 2))
(display (nth-root 32 5))
(newline); 结果


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