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【docker npm】npm 私库


  • window 11 x64
  • Docker Desktop 4.34.1 (166053)
    • Docker Engine v27.2.0

1.1.Docker 镜像源

1.1.1.Docker Engine 配置

{"builder": {"features": {"buildkit": true},"gc": {"defaultKeepStorage": "32GB","enabled": true}},"experimental": true, "hosts": ["tcp://"],"registry-mirrors": ["https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn","https://registry.docker-cn.com","http://hub-mirror.c.163.com","https://mirror.ccs.tencentyun.com"]


# 拉取镜像
docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:latest
# 保存镜像源(选)
docker save -o verdaccio_verdaccio_latest verdaccio/verdaccio:latest


docker run -it -d --name npmmirror -p 4873:4873 -v D:\docker\npm\verdaccio\storage:/verdaccio/storage -v D:\docker\npm\verdaccio\conf:/verdaccio/conf -v D:\docker\npm\verdaccio\plugins:/verdaccio/plugins --privileged=true --restart=always verdaccio/verdaccio


  • --privileged=true 允许容器使用管理员权限
  • --restart=always 自动重启


# This is the config file used for the docker images.
# It allows all users to do anything, so don't use it on production systems.
# Do not configure host and port under `listen` in this file
# as it will be ignored when using docker.
# see https://verdaccio.org/docs/en/docker#docker-and-custom-port-configuration
# Look here for more config file examples:
# https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf
## path to a directory with all packages
storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
# path to a directory with plugins to include
plugins: /verdaccio/pluginsweb:# WebUI is enabled as default, if you want disable it, just uncomment this line#enable: falsetitle: NPM 私库# comment out to disable gravatar support# gravatar: false# by default packages are ordercer ascendant (asc|desc)# sort_packages: asc# darkMode: true# logo: http://somedomain/somelogo.png# favicon: http://somedomain/favicon.ico | /path/favicon.ico# rateLimit:#   windowMs: 1000#   max: 10000# translate your registry, api i18n not available yet
# i18n:
# list of the available translations https://github.com/verdaccio/ui/tree/master/i18n/translations
#   web: zh-CNauth:htpasswd:file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd# Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+infinity".# You can set this to -1 to disable registration.max_users: 100# a list of other known repositories we can talk to
uplinks:cnpmjs:url: http://registry.npm.taobao.org/npmjs:url: https://registry.npmmirror.com/packages:'@*/*':# scoped packagesaccess: $allpublish: $authenticatedunpublish: $authenticatedproxy: cnpmjs'**':# allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and# publish all packages## you can specify usernames/groupnames (depending on your auth plugin)# and three keywords: "$all", "$anonymous", "$authenticated"access: $all# allow all known users to publish/publish packages# (anyone can register by default, remember?)publish: $authenticatedunpublish: $authenticated# if package is not available locally, proxy requests to 'npmjs' registryproxy: cnpmjs# You can specify HTTP/1.1 server keep alive timeout in seconds for incoming connections.
# A value of 0 makes the http server behave similarly to Node.js versions prior to 8.0.0, which did not have a keep-alive timeout.
# WORKAROUND: Through given configuration you can workaround following issue https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/301. Set to 0 in case 60 is not enough.
server:keepAliveTimeout: 60middlewares:audit:enabled: true# log settings
logs: { type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http }
#  # support for npm token command
#  token: false
#  # enable tarball URL redirect for hosting tarball with a different server, the tarball_url_redirect can be a template string
#  tarball_url_redirect: 'https://mycdn.com/verdaccio/${packageName}/${filename}'
#  # the tarball_url_redirect can be a function, takes packageName and filename and returns the url, when working with a js configuration file
#  tarball_url_redirect(packageName, filename) {
#    const signedUrl = // generate a signed url
#    return signedUrl;
#  }# This affect the web and api (not developed yet)
i18n:web: zh-CN


登录的用户名和密码: admin/123456

admin:POhfqY8PVG4gA:autocreated 2023-09-06T11:01:37.149Z



# 登录
npm login --registry http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:4873/
# 发布
npm publish --registry http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:4873/
# 删包
npm unpublish xxx --registry http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:4873/
npm unpublish xxx@1.0.0 --registry http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:4873/
# 查看本地仓库
npm config get registry
# 设置本地仓库(选)
npm config set registry "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:4873/"pnpm set registry http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:4873/
yarn config set registry http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:4873/


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