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    • powershell update-help
      • 为所有可用模块更新文档
      • 为指定模块更新帮助文档
    • 保存文档到本地(save-help)
      • 使用并行下载策略
      • 分享给其他设备安装

powershell update-help

  • Update-Help (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn

  • 虽然powershell会为cmdlet或者用户自定义的powershell函数生成文档,但是基本上仅限于函数参数的类型和属性信息,对于参数的直观描述往往是缺乏的,而且无法生成,例如ls -path这里的-Path参数的帮助文档

    • -Path <System.String[]>Specifies a path to one or more locations. Wildcards are accepted. The default location is the current directory (`.`).Required?                    falsePosition?                    0Default value                Current directoryAccept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)Accept wildcard characters?  true
    • 如果没有安装相应文档,那么中间的一段描述 Specifies a path to one or more locations. Wildcards are accepted. The default location is the current directory (.).就没有

  • 在powershell中直接使用update-help可能会失败,特别是非英文系统

  • 建议使用必要的参数来更新powershell的帮助文档,或者使用离线的方式更新或着安装文档,尤其是多台设备共享


  • 英文文档一定存在,所以报错机率比较小
  • 使用verbose参数来查看安装进度,及早发现问题
 update-help -Verbose -UICulture en-US


  • 比如我们为模块Microsoft.Powershell.Management更新文档

  • PS🌙[BAT:99%][MEM:63.5% (4.99/7.85)GB][1:10:04]
    # [cxxu@CXXUREDMIBOOK][<W:>][~]
    PS> update-help -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -Verbose
    VERBOSE: Resolving URI: "https://aka.ms/powershell73-help"
    VERBOSE: Your connection has been redirected to the following URI: "https://pshelpprod.blob.core.windows.net/cabinets/powershell-7.3/"
    VERBOSE: Postponing error and trying fallback cultures, will show as error if none of fallbacks are supported:
    The specified culture is not supported: zh-CN. Specify a culture from the following list: {en-US}.
    VERBOSE: Resolving URI: "https://aka.ms/powershell73-help"
    VERBOSE: Your connection has been redirected to the following URI:
    ....Update-Help: Failed to update Help for the module(s) 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Management' with UI culture(s) {zh-CN} : The specified culture is not supported: zh-CN. Specify a culture from the following list: {en-US}..
    English-US help content is available and can be installed using: Update-Help -UICulture en-US.PS🌙[BAT:99%][MEM:62.73% (4.92/7.85)GB][1:11:03]
    # [cxxu@CXXUREDMIBOOK][<W:>][~]
    PS> update-help -UICulture en-US -Verbose -Module Microsoft.Powershell.Management
    VERBOSE: Resolving URI: "https://aka.ms/powershell73-help"
    VERBOSE: Your connection has been redirected to the following URI: "https://pshelpprod.blob.core.windows.net/cabinets/powershell-7.3/"
    VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Update-Help" on target "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management, Current Version:, Available Version:, UICulture: en-US".
    VERBOSE: Microsoft.PowerShell.Management: Updated C:\Users\cxxu\Documents\PowerShell\Help\en-US\Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll-Help.xml. Culture en-US Version


Save-Help (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn


PS🌙[BAT:99%][MEM:53.45% (4.2/7.85)GB][1:30:55]
# [cxxu@CXXUREDMIBOOK][<W:>][~\Desktop]
PS> Save-Help  -Verbose -UICulture en-US -DestinationPath C:\Share\VERBOSE: Resolving URI: "https://aka.ms/powershell73-help"
VERBOSE: Your connection has been redirected to the following URI: "https://pshelpprod.blob.core.windows.net/cabinets/powershell-7.3/"
VERBOSE: CimCmdlets: Saved C:\Share\CimCmdlets_fb6cc51d-c096-4b38-b78d-0fed6277096a_en-US_HelpContent.cab. Culture en-US Version
VERBOSE: Resolving URI: "https://aka.ms/powershell73-help"
VERBOSE: Your connection has been redirected to the following URI: 
VERBOSE: Your connection has been redirected to the following URI: "https://pshelpprod.blob.core.windows.net/cabinets/powershell-7.3/"
VERBOSE: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core: Saved C:\Share\Microsoft.PowerShell.Core_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_en-US_HelpContent.cab. Culture en-US Version🌙[BAT:99%][MEM:33.57% (2.64/7.85)GB][1:34:18]
# [cxxu@CXXUREDMIBOOK][<W:>][~\Desktop]



$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object -Property HelpInfoUri$Destination = 'C:\PsHelpx' #指定你想要的下载目录即可
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Destination -Verbose -Force$modules.Name | ForEach-Object -Parallel {# param($Destination)$Destination = $using:Destination#这里可以指定verbose观察输出,也可以不使用-Verbose详情,检查下载目录即可Save-Help -Verbose -Module $_ -DestinationPath $Destination -UICulture en-us -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} -ThrottleLimit 64 



$modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object -Property HelpInfoUri$modules.Name | ForEach-Object -Parallel {#这里可以指定verbose观察输出,也可以不使用-Verbose详情,检查下载目录即可update-help -Verbose -Module $_  -UICulture en-us # -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} -ThrottleLimit 64 


  • 局域网内可以使用smb等工具分享,也可以配合robocopy传输内容给对方

  • 对方接受后执行update-help命令安装(注意仍然要指定-UICulture en-us),部分模块的文档会安装失败,这种情况下需要手动补充安装


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