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Day 1 词汇备战


expand [ɪk'spænd] v. (使)膨胀,(使)扩张;张开,展开

rotate [rəʊ'teɪt] v. (使)旋转

revolve [rɪ'vɒlv] v. (使)旋转

evolve [ɪ'vɒlv] v. (使)发展,(使)进化;引申出,推导出;演变

resolve [rɪ'zɒlv] v. 解决;决定;决心;决议

incline [ɪn'klaɪn] v. (使)倾斜,(使)偏向;(使)倾向于

appropriate [ə'prəʊpriət] a. (to) 适当的,恰如其分的

revise [rɪ'vaɪz] v. 修改,修订;修正;复习

devise [dɪ'vaɪz] v. 设计,想出,发明

grateful ['greɪtfl] a. (to, for) 感激的;感谢的;可喜的,舒适的

deserve [dɪ'zɜ

comparison [kəm'pærɪsn] n. 比较,对比;比喻,比拟

fertilizer ['fɜ

distract [dɪ'strækt] v. 分神,打扰;迷惑,扰乱

operator ['ɒpəreɪtə(r)] n. 操作人员,(电话)接线员

abandon [ə'bændən] v. 放弃;抛弃

compare [kəm'peə(r)] v. (with, to) 比较,相比;对比

intention [ɪn'tenʃn] n. 打算,意图,目的

shortcoming ['ʃɔ

isolate ['aɪsəleɪt] v. 隔离,孤立

alter ['ɔ

vary ['veəri] v. 改变;变化

sufficient [sə'fɪʃnt] a. (for) 足够的,充分的

resent [rɪ'zent] v. 愤恨,怨恨;对……反感

hatred ['heɪtrɪd] n. 憎恨,憎恶,怨恨

disgust [dɪs'gʌst] n. 厌恶,恶心 v. 使厌恶

flame [fleɪm] n. 火焰,火苗;热情;光辉 v. 发火焰;燃烧

passion ['pæʃn] n. 激情,热情;爱好;激怒,大发脾气

presently ['prezntli] ad. 一会儿,不久;现在,目前

preserve [prɪ'zɜ

adapt [ə'dæpt] v. (to) (使)适应;改编,改写

distribute ['dɪstrɪbju

expand [ɪk'spænd] v. (使)膨胀,(使)扩张;张开,展开

  • 解释: To increase in size, number, or importance.
  • 例句: The company plans to expand its operations to new markets next year.

rotate [rəʊ'teɪt] v. (使)旋转

  • 解释: To turn around a central point.
  • 例句: The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.

revolve [rɪ'vɒlv] v. (使)旋转

  • 解释: To move in a circle around a central point.
  • 例句: The planets revolve around the Sun.

evolve [ɪ'vɒlv] v. (使)发展,(使)进化;引申出,推导出;演变

  • 解释: To develop gradually over time.
  • 例句: Humans have evolved from earlier forms of life over millions of years.

resolve [rɪ'zɒlv] v. 解决;决定;决心;决议

  • 解释: To solve or settle a problem or disagreement.
  • 例句: We need to resolve this issue before moving forward.

incline [ɪn'klaɪn] v. (使)倾斜,(使)偏向;(使)倾向于

  • 解释: To be likely to do something or to have a tendency.
  • 例句: He inclines to agree with her opinions.

appropriate [ə'prəʊpriət] a. (to) 适当的,恰如其分的

  • 解释: Suitable or proper in a particular situation.
  • 例句: It is appropriate to dress formally for the interview.

revise [rɪ'vaɪz] v. 修改,修订;修正;复习

  • 解释: To make changes to something in order to improve it.
  • 例句: I need to revise my essay before submitting it.

devise [dɪ'vaɪz] v. 设计,想出,发明

  • 解释: To invent a plan or method.
  • 例句: They have devised a new way to store energy.

grateful ['greɪtfl] a. (to, for) 感激的;感谢的;可喜的,舒适的

  • 解释: Feeling or showing thanks.
  • 例句: I'm very grateful for your help with this project.

deserve [dɪ'zɜ] v. 应得,值得

  • 解释: To earn or be worthy of something.
  • 例句: She deserves a reward for her hard work.

comparison [kəm'pærɪsn] n. 比较,对比;比喻,比拟

  • 解释: The act of comparing two or more things.
  • 例句: In comparison to last year, sales have increased by 20%.

fertilizer ['fɜəlaɪzə] n. 肥料

  • 解释: A substance added to soil to help plants grow.
  • 例句: The farmer used fertilizer to improve crop yields.

distract [dɪ'strækt] v. 分神,打扰;迷惑,扰乱

  • 解释: To prevent someone from concentrating on something.
  • 例句: The noise outside distracted me from my work.

operator ['ɒpəreɪtə(r)] n. 操作人员,(电话)接线员

  • 解释: A person who operates equipment or machinery.
  • 例句: The operator is responsible for starting the machine.

abandon [ə'bændən] v. 放弃;抛弃

  • 解释: To leave something or someone behind.
  • 例句: The project was abandoned due to lack of funding.

compare [kəm'peə(r)] v. (with, to) 比较,相比;对比

  • 解释: To examine the similarities and differences between two things.
  • 例句: Let's compare the two products before making a decision.

intention [ɪn'tenʃn] n. 打算,意图,目的

  • 解释: A plan or purpose.
  • 例句: His intention is to study abroad next year.

shortcoming ['ʃɔʌmɪŋ] n. 不足,缺点

  • 解释: A weakness or failure.
  • 例句: One of his major shortcomings is his lack of punctuality.

isolate ['aɪsəleɪt] v. 隔离,孤立

  • 解释: To separate something or someone from others.
  • 例句: The patient was isolated to prevent the spread of the disease.

alter ['ɔə(r)] v. 改变,变更

  • 解释: To make changes to something.
  • 例句: They decided to alter the design after receiving feedback.

vary ['veəri] v. 改变;变化

  • 解释: To differ or change.
  • 例句: The temperature can vary greatly from day to night.

sufficient [sə'fɪʃnt] a. (for) 足够的,充分的

  • 解释: Enough for a particular purpose.
  • 例句: Is there sufficient evidence to support this theory?

resent [rɪ'zent] v. 愤恨,怨恨;对……反感

  • 解释: To feel angry or upset about a situation or person.
  • 例句: She resents being told what to do all the time.

hatred ['heɪtrɪd] n. 憎恨,憎恶,怨恨

  • 解释: A very strong feeling of dislike.
  • 例句: His hatred for injustice drove him to become a lawyer.

disgust [dɪs'gʌst] n. 厌恶,恶心 v. 使厌恶

  • 解释: A strong feeling of dislike or disapproval.
  • 例句: The sight of the rotten food filled him with disgust.

flame [fleɪm] n. 火焰,火苗;热情;光辉 v. 发火焰;燃烧

  • 解释: The visible, hot part of a fire.
  • 例句: The flames quickly spread through the forest.

passion ['pæʃn] n. 激情,热情;爱好;激怒,大发脾气

  • 解释: Strong feeling or emotion.
  • 例句: Her passion for music is evident in her performances.

presently ['prezntli] ad. 一会儿,不久;现在,目前

  • 解释: Soon or in a short time.
  • 例句: He will be here presently to discuss the matter.

preserve [prɪ'zɜ] v. 保护;维持;保存,保藏;腌渍 n. 专门领域

  • 解释: To keep something as it is, especially to prevent it from being damaged or destroyed.
  • 例句: Efforts are being made to preserve the historic building.

adapt [ə'dæpt] v. (to) (使)适应;改编,改写

  • 解释: To change something to suit new conditions or uses.
  • 例句: The novel was adapted into a successful movie.

distribute ['dɪstrɪbju

] v. 分配;分布;散布

  • 解释: To give something out to a number of people.
  • 例句: Food was distributed to the flood victims.


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