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1. 背景


2. 解决方案


  /*** 返回每个task按时间段划分的过滤语句* @param startDate* @param endDate* @param threadCount* @return*/def getPredicateDates(startDate: String, endDate: String, threadCount: Int): Array[String] = {getPredicates(startDate, endDate, threadCount).map(x=>s"recordDate>='${x._1}' and recordDate <='${x._2}'")}/*** 将startDate到endDate间的日期,根据给定的threadCount参数,做时间段划分,例如:* getPredicates("2017-01-01", "2017-01-31", 10)* 返回:* 2017-01-01 -> 2017-01-04* 2017-01-05 -> 2017-01-08* 2017-01-09 -> 2017-01-12* 2017-01-13 -> 2017-01-16* 2017-01-17 -> 2017-01-20* 2017-01-21 -> 2017-01-24* 2017-01-25 -> 2017-01-28* 2017-01-29 -> 2017-01-31** @param startDate   开始日期* @param endDate     结束日期* @param threadCount 线程数* @return 包含各个连续时段的数组*/def getPredicates(startDate: String, endDate: String, threadCount: Int): Array[(String, String)] = {val dayDiff = DateTimeUtils.rangeDay(startDate, endDate)val buff = new ArrayBuffer[(String, String)]()if (dayDiff <= threadCount) {//天数差小于期望的线程数,则按照每天一个线程处理var tempDate = startDatewhile (tempDate <= endDate) {buff += (tempDate -> tempDate)tempDate = DateTimeUtils.dateAddOne(tempDate)}} else {//天数差大于期望的线程数,则按照线程数对时间段切分val offset = (dayDiff / threadCount).toIntvar tempDate = startDatewhile (DateTimeUtils.dateAddN(tempDate, offset) <= endDate) {buff += (tempDate -> DateTimeUtils.dateAddN(tempDate, offset))tempDate = DateTimeUtils.dateAddOne(DateTimeUtils.dateAddN(tempDate, offset))}if (tempDate != endDate) {buff += (tempDate -> endDate)}}buff.toArray}
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.{Calendar, Date, Locale}object DateTimeUtils {def rangeDay(startDateStr: String, endDateStr: String): Long = {val dateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")val startDate: Date = dateFormat.parse(startDateStr)val endDate: Date = dateFormat.parse(endDateStr)(endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24}def dateAddOne(dateStr: String): String = {var dateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")var dateInfo: Date = dateFormat.parse(dateStr)var cal: Calendar = Calendar.getInstance()cal.setTime(dateInfo)cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1)dateFormat.format(cal.getTime)}def dateAddN(dateStr: String, value: Int): String = {var dateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")var dateInfo: Date = dateFormat.parse(dateStr)var cal: Calendar = Calendar.getInstance()cal.setTime(dateInfo)cal.add(Calendar.DATE, value)dateFormat.format(cal.getTime)}


    val startDate = DateTimeUtils.dateAddN(calcDate,-365) //获取计算日期一年前的日期作为开始时间val predicates= getPredicateDates(startDate,calcDate,12) //分12个task读取,提高性能val url = PropUtils.getProxyJdbc() //jdbc连接的代理(需按自己的项目实现)val res = spark.read.jdbc(url, tableName, predicates,PropUtils.getProperties()) 

3. 实验及结论

使用1个节点 8核16G的Clickhouse数据库,spark从clickhouse读取近4亿行数据。





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