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【Linux kernel/cpufreq】framework ----cpufreq core(1)

cpufreq framework提供机制(cpufreq driver)与策略(cpufreq governor),此外提供了cpufreq core来对机制和策略进行管理。


看起来与cpuidle framework的图很像,但是有些差别如下:

用户层与cpufreq framework的交互,主要是通过sysfs,这个可以在/sys下看到很多文件,而Kernel Module也可以使用某些接口来回调它;
系统只允许有一个Platform Drivers,为全局变量cpufreq_driver,cpufreq core通过它去回调驱动;


struct cpufreq_policy:用于描述不同的policy,涉及到频率表、cpuinfo等各种信息,并且每个policy都会指向某个governor;
struct cpufreq_governor:用于对policy的管理;
struct cpufreq_driver:用于描述具体的驱动程序;
cpufreq core是cpufreq framework的核心模块,和kernel其它framework类似,它主要实现三类功能:


对下,提供CPU core频率和电压控制的驱动框架,方便底层driver的开发;同时,提供governor框架,用于实现不同的频率调整机制;

内部,封装各种逻辑,实现所需功能。这些逻辑主要围绕struct cpufreq_driver、struct cpufreq_policy和struct cpufreq_governor三个数据结构进行。

1)struct cpufreq_driver

struct cpufreq_driver用于抽象cpufreq驱动,是平台驱动工程师关注最多的结构,其定义如下:

 /* include/linux/cpufreq.h */
 struct cpufreq_driver {
     char            name[CPUFREQ_NAME_LEN];
     u8            flags;
     void            *driver_data;
     /* needed by all drivers */
     int    (*init)        (struct cpufreq_policy *policy);
     int    (*verify)    (struct cpufreq_policy *policy);
     /* define one out of two */
     int    (*setpolicy)    (struct cpufreq_policy *policy);
      * On failure, should always restore frequency to policy->restore_freq
      * (i.e. old freq).
     int    (*target)    (struct cpufreq_policy *policy,    /* Deprecated */
                  unsigned int target_freq,
                  unsigned int relation);
     int    (*target_index)    (struct cpufreq_policy *policy,
                  unsigned int index);
      * Only for drivers with target_index() and CPUFREQ_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION
      * unset.
      * get_intermediate should return a stable intermediate frequency
      * platform wants to switch to and target_intermediate() should set CPU
      * to to that frequency, before jumping to the frequency corresponding
      * to 'index'. Core will take care of sending notifications and driver
      * doesn't have to handle them in target_intermediate() or
      * target_index().
      * Drivers can return '0' from get_intermediate() in case they don't
      * wish to switch to intermediate frequency for some target frequency.
      * In that case core will directly call ->target_index().
     unsigned int (*get_intermediate)(struct cpufreq_policy *policy,
                      unsigned int index);
     int    (*target_intermediate)(struct cpufreq_policy *policy,
                        unsigned int index);
     /* should be defined, if possible */
     unsigned int    (*get)    (unsigned int cpu);
     /* optional */
     int    (*bios_limit)    (int cpu, unsigned int *limit);
     int    (*exit)        (struct cpufreq_policy *policy);
     void    (*stop_cpu)    (struct cpufreq_policy *policy);
     int    (*suspend)    (struct cpufreq_policy *policy);
     int    (*resume)    (struct cpufreq_policy *policy);
     struct freq_attr    **attr;
     /* platform specific boost support code */
     bool                    boost_supported;
     bool                    boost_enabled;
     int     (*set_boost)    (int state);

介绍该结构之前,我们先思考一个问题:由设备模型可知,driver是用来驱动设备的,那么struct cpufreq_driver所对应的设备是什么?也许从该结构中回调函数的参数可以猜到,是struct cpufreq_policy。

name,该driver的名字,需要唯一,因为cpufreq framework允许同时注册多个driver,用户可以根据实际情况选择使用哪个driver。driver的标识,就是name。

init,driver的入口,由cpufreq core在设备枚举的时候调用,driver需要根据硬件情况,填充policy的内容。


setpolicy,driver需要提供这个接口,用于设置CPU core动态频率调整的范围(即policy)。

target、target_index,driver需要实现这两个接口中的一个(target为旧接口,不推荐使用),用于设置CPU core为指定频率(同时修改为对应的电压)。


有关struct cpufreq_driver的API包括:

 int cpufreq_register_driver(struct cpufreq_driver *driver_data);
 int cpufreq_unregister_driver(struct cpufreq_driver *driver_data);
 const char *cpufreq_get_current_driver(void);
 void *cpufreq_get_driver_data(void);


2)struct cpufreq_policy

struct cpufreq_policy是比较抽象的一个数据结构,我们需要借助cpufreq core中的一些实现逻辑,去分析、理解它。

前面我们提到过一个问题,cpufreq driver对应的设备是什么?kernel是这样抽象cpufreq的:

cpufreq model抽象出一个CPU bus(对应的sysfs目录为/sys/devices/system/cpu/,所有的CPU device都挂在这个bus上。cpufreq是CPU device的一类特定功能,被抽象为一个subsys interface。

当CPU device和CPU driver匹配时,bus core会调用subsys interface的add_dev回调函数,相当于为该特定功能添加一个“device”,进而和该特定功能的“driver”(这里为cpufreq driver)匹配,执行driver的初始化(probe,或者其它)接口。

那么该“特定功能”应该用什么样的“device”表示呢?应具体功能具体对待。kernel使用cpufreq policy(即“调频策略”)来抽象cpufreq。所谓的调频策略,即频率调整的范围,它从一定程度上,代表了cpufreq的属性。这就是struct cpufreq_policy结构的现实意义:

 struct cpufreq_policy {
     /* CPUs sharing clock, require sw coordination */
     cpumask_var_t        cpus;    /* Online CPUs only */
     cpumask_var_t        related_cpus; /* Online + Offline CPUs */
     unsigned int        shared_type; /* ACPI: ANY or ALL affected CPUs
                         should set cpufreq */
     unsigned int        cpu;    /* cpu nr of CPU managing this policy */
     unsigned int        last_cpu; /* cpu nr of previous CPU that managed
                        * this policy */
     struct clk        *clk;
     struct cpufreq_cpuinfo    cpuinfo;/* see above */
     unsigned int        min;    /* in kHz */
     unsigned int        max;    /* in kHz */
     unsigned int        cur;    /* in kHz, only needed if cpufreq
                      * governors are used */
     unsigned int        restore_freq; /* = policy->cur before transition */
     unsigned int        suspend_freq; /* freq to set during suspend */
     unsigned int        policy; /* see above */
     struct cpufreq_governor    *governor; /* see below */
     void            *governor_data;
     bool            governor_enabled; /* governor start/stop flag */
     struct work_struct    update; /* if update_policy() needs to be
                      * called, but you're in IRQ context */
     struct cpufreq_real_policy    user_policy;
     struct cpufreq_frequency_table    *freq_table;
     struct list_head        policy_list;
     struct kobject        kobj;
     struct completion    kobj_unregister;
      * The rules for this semaphore:
      * - Any routine that wants to read from the policy structure will
      *   do a down_read on this semaphore.
      * - Any routine that will write to the policy structure and/or may take away
      *   the policy altogether (eg. CPU hotplug), will hold this lock in write
      *   mode before doing so.
      * Additional rules:
      * - Lock should not be held across
      *     __cpufreq_governor(data, CPUFREQ_GOV_POLICY_EXIT);
     struct rw_semaphore    rwsem;
     /* Synchronization for frequency transitions */
     bool            transition_ongoing; /* Tracks transition status */
     spinlock_t        transition_lock;
     wait_queue_head_t    transition_wait;
     struct task_struct    *transition_task; /* Task which is doing the transition */
     /* For cpufreq driver's internal use */
     void            *driver_data;


min/max frequency,调频范围,对于可以自动调频的CPU而言,只需要这两个参数就够了。

current frequency和governor,对于不能自动调频的CPU,需要governor设置具体的频率值。下面介绍一下governor。

struct cpufreq_policy不会直接对外提供API。

3) cpufreq governors

对于不能自动调频的CPU core,必须由软件设定具体的频率值。根据使用场景的不同,会有不同的调整方案,这是由governor模块负责的,如下:

 struct cpufreq_governor {
     char    name[CPUFREQ_NAME_LEN];
     int    initialized;
     int    (*governor)    (struct cpufreq_policy *policy,
                  unsigned int event);
     ssize_t    (*show_setspeed)    (struct cpufreq_policy *policy,
                      char *buf);
     int    (*store_setspeed)    (struct cpufreq_policy *policy,
                      unsigned int freq);
     unsigned int max_transition_latency; /* HW must be able to switch to
             next freq faster than this value in nano secs or we
             will fallback to performance governor */
     struct list_head    governor_list;
     struct module        *owner;



show_setspeed、store_setspeed,用于提供sysfs “setspeed” attribute文件的回调函数。


cpufreq governors主要向具体的governor模块提供governor的注册和注销接口。


Linux cpufreq framework
linux cpufreq framework(3)_cpufreq core


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