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Sql Server 性能分析1 –查看数据库的相关信息

Sql Server 性能分析1 –查看数据库的相关信息

1. 在一台sql server 上操作,我们要尽过能的知道数据的相关信息,这是性能分析的根本。

查看能Sql Server 的相关信息,我们可以用Serverproperty来得到数据库的相关信息,以下是ServerProperty 的相关使用说明:


Returns property information about the server instance.



SERVERPROPERTY ( propertyname )



Is an expression containing the property information to be returned for the server. propertyname can be one of these values.


Property name

Values returned


The name of the default collation for the server.

Returns NULL if invalid input or error.

Base data type: nvarchar


The edition of the Microsoft® SQL Server™ instance installed on the server.


'Desktop Engine'
'Developer Edition'
'Enterprise Edition'
'Enterprise Evaluation Edition'
'Personal Edition'
'Standard Edition'

Base data type: nvarchar(128)

Engine Edition

The engine edition of the SQL Server instance installed on the server.

1 = Personal or Desktop Engine
2 = Standard
3 = Enterprise (returned for Enterprise, Enterprise Evaluation, and Developer)

Base data type: int


The name of the instance to which the user is connected.

Returns NULL if the instance name is the default instance, or invalid input or error.

Base data type: nvarchar


The server instance is configured in a failover cluster.

1 = Clustered.
0 = Not Clustered.
NULL = Invalid input, or error.

Base data type: int


The full-text component is installed with the current instance of SQL Server.

1 = Full-text is installed.
0 = Full-text is not installed.
NULL = Invalid input, or error.

Base data type: int


The server is in integrated security mode.

1 = Integrated Security.
0 = Not Integrated Security.
NULL = Invalid input, or error.

Base data type: int


The server is in single user mode.

1 = Single User.
0 = Not Single User
NULL = Invalid input, or error.

Base data type: int


The database is either a published database or a distribution database, and can be restored without disrupting transactional replication.

1 = True.
0 = False.

Base data type: int


Mode of this instance of SQL Server.

PER_SEAT = Per-seat mode
PER_PROCESSOR = Per-processor mode
DISABLED = Licensing is disabled.

Base data type: nvarchar(128)


Windows NT computer name on which the server instance is running.

For a clustered instance, an instance of SQL Server running on a virtual server on Microsoft Cluster Server, it returns the name of the virtual server.

Returns NULL if invalid input or error.

Base data type: nvarchar


Number of client licenses registered for this instance of SQL Server, if in per-seat mode.

Number of processors licensed for this instance of SQL Server, if in per-processor mode.

Returns NULL if the server is none of the above.

Base data type: int


Process ID of the SQL Server service. (ProcessID is useful in identifying which sqlservr.exe belongs to this instance.)

Returns NULL if invalid input or error.

Base data type: int


The version of the instance of SQL Server, in the form of 'major.minor.build'.

Base data type: varchar(128)


The level of the version of the SQL Server instance.

'RTM' = shipping version.
'SPn' = service pack version
'Bn', = beta version.

Base data type: nvarchar(128).


Both the Windows NT server and instance information associated with a specified instance of SQL Server.

Returns NULL if invalid input or error.

Base data type: nvarchar

例子:如要查询电脑名,Sql server 数据库实例名,数据库版本,数据类型,数据库级别(如升包等)


SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') as N’Machine Name’,

serverproperty('Servername') as N’Server Name’,

SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') N'Database Version',

SERVERPROPERTY ('Edition') N'Database Type',

SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') N'Database Packs'

注意:@@Version 中的信息与 SERVERPROPERTY 中反映的信息是不一定相同的,查看Sql Server数据库的信息我们应该以SERVERPROPERTY 为准。


cast(SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName')as varchar(10)) as N'Machine Name',

cast(SERVERPROPERTY('Servername') as varchar(20)) as N'Server Name',

cast(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') as varchar(10)) N'Database Version',

cast(SERVERPROPERTY ('Edition') as varchar(10)) N'Database Type',

cast(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel')as varchar(10)) N'Database Packs'

Machine Name Server Name Database Version Database Type Database Packs

------------ -------------------- ---------------- ------------- ----------

VS-HKMESDB VS-HKMESDB\HKDB 8.00.760 Enterprise SP3

select @@version


Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel IA-64)

Feb 6 2003 16:07:24

Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation

Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

上面两个Sql 都返回了一些sql server 数据库的信息,我们看到却有两个Service Pack,这里正确的Sql server server packe SP3 , @@version 中的Service Pack 2 sql server 所在电脑的windows service pack ,这个不能弄混了。


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