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hyperf 多对多关联模型


php bin/hyperf.php gen:model users
php bin/hyperf.php gen:model roles


declare (strict_types=1);
namespace App\Model;use Hyperf\DbConnection\Model\Model;
/*** users模型 */
class users extends Model
{protected $connection = 'sso';protected $primaryKey = 'ID';//因为我表里的主键是大写的,所以这里我用大写,否则使用关联模型会出问题/*** The table associated with the model.** @var string*/protected $table = 'users';/*** The attributes that are mass assignable.** @var array*/protected $fillable = [];/*** The attributes that should be cast to native types.** @var array*/protected $casts = [];/*多对多建立关系*/public function roles(){return $this->belongsToMany(roles::class,'users_roles','userId','roleId');}


<?phpdeclare (strict_types=1);
namespace App\Model;use Hyperf\DbConnection\Model\Model;
/*** roles模型*/
class roles extends Model
{protected $connection = 'sso';protected $primaryKey = 'ID';/*** The table associated with the model.** @var string*/protected $table = 'roles';/*** The attributes that are mass assignable.** @var array*/protected $fillable = [];/*** The attributes that should be cast to native types.** @var array*/protected $casts = [];public function users(){return $this->belongsToMany(users::class,'users_roles','roleId','userId');}
  • 1、其中users_roles是我关联表的表名

  • 2、belongsToMany方法中,第一个参数,参数的与之关联的表模型;第二个参数是两个表的关联表(中间表);第三个参数是定义此关联的模型在连接表里的外键名;第四个参数是另一个模型在连接表里的外键名;


public function paginate()
{$data = Db::table('hlyun_sso_users')->paginate(10);return $data;


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