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【Android14 ShellTransitions】(一)开篇






1 TransitionController











/*** Handles all the aspects of recording (collecting) and synchronizing transitions. This is only* concerned with the WM changes. The actual animations are handled by the Player.** Currently, only 1 transition can be the primary "collector" at a time. This is because WM changes* are still performed in a "global" manner. However, collecting can actually be broken into* two phases:*    1. Actually making WM changes and recording the participating containers.*    2. Waiting for the participating containers to become ready (eg. redrawing content).* Because (2) takes most of the time AND doesn't change WM, we can actually have multiple* transitions in phase (2) concurrently with one in phase (1). We refer to this arrangement as* "parallel" collection even though there is still only ever 1 transition actually able to gain* participants.** Parallel collection happens when the "primary collector" has finished "setup" (phase 1) and is* just waiting. At this point, another transition can start collecting. When this happens, the* first transition is moved to a "waiting" list and the new transition becomes the "primary* collector". If at any time, the "primary collector" moves to playing before one of the waiting* transitions, then the first waiting transition will move back to being the "primary collector".* This maintains the "global"-like abstraction that the rest of WM currently expects.** When a transition move-to-playing, we check it against all other playing transitions. If it* doesn't overlap with them, it can also animate in parallel. In this case it will be assigned a* new "track". "tracks" are a way to communicate to the player about which transitions need to be* played serially with each-other. So, if we find that a transition overlaps with other transitions* in one track, the transition will be assigned to that track. If, however, the transition overlaps* with transition in >1 track, we will actually just mark it as SYNC meaning it can't actually* play until all prior transition animations finish. This is heavy-handed because it is a fallback* situation and supporting something fancier would be unnecessarily complicated.*/
class TransitionController

处理记录(收集)和同步Transition的所有方面。 这仅涉及WM更改。 实际的动画由Player处理。

目前,一次只能有 1 个Transition成为主要“收集器”。 这是因为 WM 更改仍然以“全局”方式执行。 然而,收集实际上可以分为两个阶段:

1. 实际进行WM更改并记录参与的容器。

2. 等待参与容器准备就绪(例如重绘内容)。

因为 (2) 花费了大部分时间并且不会改变 WM,所以我们实际上可以在阶段 (2) 中同时进行多个Transition,同时在阶段 (1) 中进行一个Transition。 我们将这种安排称为“并行”收集,尽管实际上仍然只有 1 个Transition能够获得参与者。

当“主收集器”完成“设置”(第 1 阶段)并等待时,会发生并行收集。 此时,另一个Transition可以开始收集。 发生这种情况时,第一个Transition将移至“等待”列表,新Transition将成为“主收集器”。 如果在任何时候,“主收集器”在其中一个等待Transition之前开始播放,则第一个等待Transition将变回“主收集器”。 这维持了 WM 其余部分当前所期望的“全局”抽象。

当一个Transition移动到播放时,我们会根据所有其他播放Transition进行检查。 如果它不与它们重叠,它也可以并行动画。 在这种情况下,它将被分配一个新的“轨道”。 “轨道”是一种与Player沟通哪些Transition需要彼此串行播放的方式。 因此,如果我们发现一个Transition与一个轨道中的其他Transition重叠,则该Transition将被分配给该轨道。 但是,如果Transition与 大于1个轨道中的Transition重叠,我们实际上会将其标记为 SYNC,这意味着在所有先前的Transition动画完成之前它无法实际播放。 这是一种笨拙的做法,因为这是一种后备情况,支持更高级的东西会变得不必要的复杂。

2 Transitions

/*** Plays transition animations. Within this player, each transition has a lifecycle.* 1. When a transition is directly started or requested, it is added to "pending" state.* 2. Once WMCore applies the transition and notifies, the transition moves to "ready" state.* 3. When a transition starts animating, it is moved to the "active" state.** Basically: --start--> PENDING --onTransitionReady--> READY --play--> ACTIVE --finish--> |*                                                            --merge--> MERGED --^** The READY and beyond lifecycle is managed per "track". Within a track, all the animations are* serialized as described; however, multiple tracks can play simultaneously. This implies that,* within a track, only one transition can be animating ("active") at a time.** While a transition is animating in a track, transitions dispatched to the track will be queued* in the "ready" state for their turn. At the same time, whenever a transition makes it to the* head of the "ready" queue, it will attempt to merge to with the "active" transition. If the* merge succeeds, it will be moved to the "active" transition's "merged" list and then the next* "ready" transition can attempt to merge. Once the "active" transition animation is finished,* the next "ready" transition can play.** Track assignments are expected to be provided by WMCore and this generally tries to maintain* the same assignments. If, however, WMCore decides that a transition conflicts with >1 active* track, it will be marked as SYNC. This means that all currently active tracks must be flushed* before the SYNC transition can play.*/
public class Transitions

播放Transition动画。 在这个Players中,每个Transition都有一个生命周期。

1. 当直接启动或请求Transition时,将其添加到“PENDING ”状态。

2. 一旦 WMCore 应用Transition并发出通知,Transition就会转至“READY ”状态。

3. 当Transition开始动画时,它会转至“ACTIVE ”状态。

基本上:–start–> PENDING --onTransitionReady–> READY --play–> ACTIVE --finish–> --merge–> MERGED –

READY 及以后的生命周期按“轨道”进行管理。 在一个轨道中,所有动画都按描述的方式串行排列; 但是,多个轨道可以同时播放。 这意味着,在一个轨道内,一次只能有一个Transition处于动画状态(“ACTIVE ”)。

当一个Transition在一个轨道中进行动画时,分派到该轨道的Transition将以“READY ”状态排队等待轮到。 同时,每当Transition到达“READY ”队列的头部时,它将尝试与“ACTIVE ”Transition合并。 如果合并成功,它将被移动到“ACTIVE ”Transition的“合并”列表,然后下一个“READY ”Transition可以尝试合并。 一旦“ACTIVE ”过渡动画完成,就可以播放下一个“READY ”Transition。

轨道分配预计由 WMCore 提供,这通常会尝试保持相同的分配。 但是,如果 WMCore 确定Transition与大于1个活动轨道冲突,则会将其标记为 SYNC。 这意味着在 SYNC Transition可以播放之前,必须刷新所有当前活动的轨道。

3 Transition

/*** Represents a logical transition. This keeps track of all the changes associated with a logical* WM state -> state transition.* @see TransitionController** In addition to tracking individual container changes, this also tracks ordering-changes (just* on-top for now). However, since order is a "global" property, the mechanics of order-change* detection/reporting is non-trivial when transitions are collecting in parallel. See* {@link #collectOrderChanges} for more details.*/
class Transition implements BLASTSyncEngine.TransactionReadyListener



4 小结


start–> PENDING --onTransitionReady–> READY --play–> ACTIVE --finish–> --merge–> MERGED




  • STATE_PENDING,当Transition刚被创建的时候就是这个状态。
  • STATE_COLLECTING,当Transition开始收集动画参与者的时候,就会被置为这个状态。
  • STATE_STARTED,Transition已经被正式启动,它仍在收集中,但一旦所有参与者准备好进行动画(完成绘制),它将停止。结合STATE_COLLECTING,这里的意思应该就是说,如果Transition没有被start,那么它将一直处于收集参与者的状态,及时所有参与者都已经完成绘制可以开始动画了,但是因为当前Transition没有被启动,所以也无法进行下一步。
  • STATE_PLAYING,Transition正在执行动画,并且不能再继续收集了,也不能被改变。也就是说此时谁谁谁要执行动画已经确定了,并且这些参与者已经开始进行动画了,所以就不能再去收集新的参与者了,而且也不能对当前Transition进行修改了。
  • STATE_FINISHED,Transition已经成功执行完了动画。
  • STATE_ABORTED,Transition正在被中止或者已经中止,不会执行任何动画,也不会将任何内容发给player。







5)、finishTransition ,Transition进入STATE_FINISHED状态。



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