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二、驱动方式:timerfd + epoll




struct TimerNodeBase { //  定时器节点基类,用于红黑树(set)存储time_t expire;     //  超时时间uint64_t id;       //  唯一 id, 用于解决超时时间相同的节点存储问题
};struct TimerNode : public TimerNodeBase {  // 子类定时器节点, 添加了一个回调函数using Callback = function<void(const TimerNode &node)>;Callback func;TimerNode(int64_t id, time_t expire, Callback func) : func(std::move(func)) { // 使用 move 右值引用,性能高this->expire = expire;this->id = id;}



bool operator < (const TimerNodeBase &lhd, const TimerNodeBase &rhd) { // 运算符重载,比较两个节点的大小// 先根据超时时间判定大小if (lhd.expire < rhd.expire) {return true;} else if (lhd.expire > rhd.expire) {return false;} // 超时时间相同时,根据 id 判断大小else return lhd.id < rhd.id;


class Timer {public:static inline time_t GetTick() { // 获取系统当前时间戳return chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();}TimerNodeBase AddTimer(int msec, TimerNode::Callback func) {time_t expire = GetTick() + msec; // msec是相对超时时间,expire是绝对超时时间(时间戳)// 如果待插入节点当前不是红黑树中最大的if (timeouts.empty() || expire <= timeouts.crbegin()->expire) { auto pairs = timeouts.emplace(GenID(), expire, std::move(func)); // emplace是在容器内部生成一个对象并插入到红黑树中,性能优于push的copy操作  2.使用move右值引用,避免copy// 使用static_cast将子类cast成基类return static_cast<TimerNodeBase>(*pairs.first); // emplace的返回值pair包含:1.创建并插入的节点 2.是否成功插入(已存在相同节点则插入失败)}// 如果待插入节点是最大的,直接插入到最右侧,时间复杂度 O(1) ,优化性能auto ele = timeouts.emplace_hint(timeouts.crbegin().base(), GenID(), expire, std::move(func));// 返回基类而不是子类return static_cast<TimerNodeBase>(*ele);}void DelTimer(TimerNodeBase &node) { // 从(set)红黑树中删除一个节点auto iter = timeouts.find(node); // 找到指定节点if (iter != timeouts.end())timeouts.erase(iter);       // 移除}void HandleTimer(time_t now) {     // 执行当前已超时的任务auto iter = timeouts.begin();while (iter != timeouts.end() && iter->expire <= now) {iter->func(*iter);iter = timeouts.erase(iter); // eraser返回下一个节点}}public:// 更新 timerfd 的到期时间为 timeouts 集合中最早到期的定时器时间virtual void UpdateTimerfd(const int fd) {struct timespec abstime;auto iter = timeouts.begin();  // 最小超时时间节点if (iter != timeouts.end()) {abstime.tv_sec = iter->expire / 1000;abstime.tv_nsec = (iter->expire % 1000) * 1000000;} else {abstime.tv_sec = 0;abstime.tv_nsec = 0;}struct itimerspec its;its.it_interval = {};its.it_value = abstime;timerfd_settime(fd, TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME, &its, nullptr);}private:static inline uint64_t GenID() { // 生成一个 idreturn gid++;}static uint64_t gid; // 全局 id 变量set<TimerNode, std::less<> > timeouts; // less指定排序方式:从小到大

在class timer中实现了






int main() {int epfd = epoll_create(1);  // epollint timerfd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);struct epoll_event ev = {.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET};epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, timerfd, &ev);unique_ptr<Timer> timer = make_unique<Timer>();int i = 0;timer->AddTimer(1000, [&](const TimerNode &node) {      //   lamda 表达式cout << Timer::GetTick() << "node id:" << node.id << "revoked times" << ++i << endl;});timer->AddTimer(1000, [&](const TimerNode &node) {cout << Timer::GetTick() << " node id:" << node.id << " revoked times:" << ++i << endl;});timer->AddTimer(3000, [&](const TimerNode &node) {cout << Timer::GetTick() << " node id:" << node.id << " revoked times:" << ++i << endl;});auto node = timer->AddTimer(2100, [&](const TimerNode &node) {cout << Timer::GetTick() << " node id:" << node.id << " revoked times:" << ++i << endl;});timer->DelTimer(node);cout << "now time:" << Timer::GetTick() << endl;struct epoll_event evs[64] = {0};while (true) {timer->UpdateTimerfd(timerfd);    // epoll中timerfd的到期时间int n = epoll_wait(epfd, evs, 64, -1); // 内核检测定时时间timerfdtime_t now = Timer::GetTick();   // 当前系统时间戳for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {     // for network event handle}timer->HandleTimer(now);         // 处理现在到期的定时任务}epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, timerfd, &ev);close(timerfd);close(epfd);return 0;







#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/timerfd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>#include <functional>
#include <chrono>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>using namespace std;struct TimerNodeBase { //  定时器节点基类,用于红黑树(set)存储time_t expire;     //  超时时间uint64_t id;       //  唯一 id, 用于解决超时时间相同的节点存储问题
};struct TimerNode : public TimerNodeBase {  // 子类定时器节点, 添加了一个回调函数using Callback = function<void(const TimerNode &node)>;Callback func;TimerNode(int64_t id, time_t expire, Callback func) : func(std::move(func)) { // 使用 move 右值引用,性能高this->expire = expire;this->id = id;}
};bool operator < (const TimerNodeBase &lhd, const TimerNodeBase &rhd) { // 运算符重载,比较两个节点的大小// 先根据超时时间判定大小if (lhd.expire < rhd.expire) {return true;} else if (lhd.expire > rhd.expire) {return false;} // 超时时间相同时,根据 id 判断大小else return lhd.id < rhd.id;
}class Timer {public:static inline time_t GetTick() { // 获取系统当前时间戳return chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();}TimerNodeBase AddTimer(int msec, TimerNode::Callback func) {time_t expire = GetTick() + msec; // msec是相对超时时间,expire是绝对超时时间(时间戳)// 如果待插入节点当前不是红黑树中最大的if (timeouts.empty() || expire <= timeouts.crbegin()->expire) { auto pairs = timeouts.emplace(GenID(), expire, std::move(func)); // emplace是在容器内部生成一个对象并插入到红黑树中,性能优于push的copy操作  2.使用move右值引用,避免copy// 使用static_cast将子类cast成基类return static_cast<TimerNodeBase>(*pairs.first); // emplace的返回值pair包含:1.创建并插入的节点 2.是否成功插入(已存在相同节点则插入失败)}// 如果待插入节点是最大的,直接插入到最右侧,时间复杂度 O(1) ,优化性能auto ele = timeouts.emplace_hint(timeouts.crbegin().base(), GenID(), expire, std::move(func));// 返回基类而不是子类return static_cast<TimerNodeBase>(*ele);}void DelTimer(TimerNodeBase &node) { // 从(set)红黑树中删除一个节点auto iter = timeouts.find(node); // 找到指定节点if (iter != timeouts.end())timeouts.erase(iter);       // 移除}void HandleTimer(time_t now) {     // 执行当前已超时的任务auto iter = timeouts.begin();while (iter != timeouts.end() && iter->expire <= now) {iter->func(*iter);iter = timeouts.erase(iter); // eraser返回下一个节点}}public:// 更新 timerfd 的到期时间为 timeouts 集合中最早到期的定时器时间virtual void UpdateTimerfd(const int fd) {struct timespec abstime;auto iter = timeouts.begin();  // 最小超时时间节点if (iter != timeouts.end()) {abstime.tv_sec = iter->expire / 1000;abstime.tv_nsec = (iter->expire % 1000) * 1000000;} else {abstime.tv_sec = 0;abstime.tv_nsec = 0;}struct itimerspec its;its.it_interval = {};its.it_value = abstime;timerfd_settime(fd, TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME, &its, nullptr);}private:static inline uint64_t GenID() { // 生成一个 idreturn gid++;}static uint64_t gid; // 全局 id 变量set<TimerNode, std::less<> > timeouts; // less指定排序方式:从小到大
};uint64_t Timer::gid = 0;int main() {int epfd = epoll_create(1);  // epollint timerfd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);struct epoll_event ev = {.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET};epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, timerfd, &ev);unique_ptr<Timer> timer = make_unique<Timer>();int i = 0;timer->AddTimer(1000, [&](const TimerNode &node) {      //   lamda 表达式cout << Timer::GetTick() << "node id:" << node.id << "revoked times" << ++i << endl;});timer->AddTimer(1000, [&](const TimerNode &node) {cout << Timer::GetTick() << " node id:" << node.id << " revoked times:" << ++i << endl;});timer->AddTimer(3000, [&](const TimerNode &node) {cout << Timer::GetTick() << " node id:" << node.id << " revoked times:" << ++i << endl;});auto node = timer->AddTimer(2100, [&](const TimerNode &node) {cout << Timer::GetTick() << " node id:" << node.id << " revoked times:" << ++i << endl;});timer->DelTimer(node);cout << "now time:" << Timer::GetTick() << endl;struct epoll_event evs[64] = {0};while (true) {timer->UpdateTimerfd(timerfd);    // epoll中timerfd的到期时间int n = epoll_wait(epfd, evs, 64, -1); // 内核检测定时时间timerfdtime_t now = Timer::GetTick();   // 当前系统时间戳for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {     // for network event handle}timer->HandleTimer(now);         // 处理现在到期的定时任务}epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, timerfd, &ev);close(timerfd);close(epfd);return 0;

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