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区块链会议投稿资讯CCF A--USENIX Security 2025 截止9.4、1.22 附录用率


会议名称:34th USENIX Security Symposium

CCF等级:CCF A类学术会议



Symposium Topics

  • System security

    • Operating systems security

    • Web security

    • Mobile systems security

    • Distributed systems security

    • Cloud computing security

  • Network security

    • Intrusion and anomaly detection and prevention

    • Network infrastructure security

    • Denial-of-service attacks and countermeasures

  • Wireless security

  • Security analysis

    • Malware analysis

    • Analysis of network and security protocols

    • Attacks with novel insights, techniques, or results

    • Forensics and diagnostics for security

    • Automated security analysis of hardware designs and implementation

    • Automated security analysis of source code and binaries

    • Program analysis

    • Fuzzing and Vulnerability Discovery

    • Formal methods for Security

  • Machine learning security and privacy

    • Machine learning applications to security and privacy

    • Machine learning privacy issues and methods

    • Adversarial machine learning

  • Data-driven security and measurement studies

    • Measurements of fraud, malware, spam

    • Measurements of human behavior and security

  • Privacy

    • Privacy metrics

    • Anonymity

    • Web and mobile privacy

    • Privacy-preserving computation

    • Privacy attacks

  • Usable security and privacy

    • User studies related to security and privacy

    • Human-centered security and privacy design

  • Language-based security

  • Hardware security

    • Secure computer architectures

    • Embedded systems security

    • Cyber-physical systems security

    • Methods for detection of malicious or counterfeit hardware

    • Side channels

  • Research on surveillance and censorship

  • Social issues and security

    • Research on computer security law and policy

    • Ethics of computer security research

    • Research on security education and training

    • Information manipulation, misinformation, and disinformation

    • Protecting and understanding at-risk users

    • Emerging threats, harassment, extremism, and online abuse

  • Applications of cryptography

    • Analysis of deployed cryptography and cryptographic protocols

    • Cryptographic implementation analysis

    • New cryptographic protocols with real-world applications

    • Blockchains and distributed ledger security

Important Dates

Cycle 1

  • Paper submissions due: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

  • Early reject notification: Tuesday, October 15, 2024

  • Rebuttal Period: November 18–25, 2024

  • Notification to authors: Wednesday, December 11, 2024

  • Final paper files due: Thursday, January 30, 2025

Cycle 2

  • Paper submissions due: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

  • Early reject notification: Tuesday, March 4, 2025

  • Rebuttal Period: April 7–14, 2025

  • Notification to authors: Wednesday, April 30, 2025

  • Final paper files due: Thursday, June 12, 2025






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