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1. 安装pytest

pip install -U pytest


> pytest --version
pytest 8.2.2

2. 创建第一个测试


  • 文件名必须以 test 开头
  • 测试类必须以 Test 开头,且不能含有 init 方法
  • 测试方法必须以 test 开头
# test_sample.py
def func(x):return x + 1def test_answer():assert func(3) == 5


================================================= test session starts =================================================
platform win32 -- Python 3.9.9, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: D:\Code\Pytest
collected 1 itemtest_sample.py F                                                                                                 [100%]====================================================== FAILURES =======================================================
_____________________________________________________ test_answer _____________________________________________________def test_answer():
>       assert func(3) == 5
E       assert 4 == 5
E        +  where 4 = func(3)test_sample.py:5: AssertionError
=============================================== short test summary info ===============================================
FAILED test_sample.py::test_answer - assert 4 == 5
================================================== 1 failed in 0.12s ==================================================
PS D:\Code\Pytest>


3. 运行多个测试

pytest _*.py或者pytest *_可以使 pytest 运行目录下的多个符合条件的文件。

3. pytest测试用例的运行方式


1. 运行所有:pytest.main()
import pytestdef fun_plus(x):return x+2def test_answer():assert fun_plus(2) == 5def test_addition():assert 1+1 == 2if __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main()



F:\SoftWare\Python\Python39\python39.exe F:/SoftWare/JetBrains/PyCharm2023.1.2/plugins/python/helpers/pycharm/_jb_pytest_runner.py --path F:\Code\PyCharmProject\Interview\pytest\test_demo01.py 
Testing started at 10:09 ...
Launching pytest with arguments F:\Code\PyCharmProject\Interview\pytest\test_demo01.py --no-header --no-summary -q in F:\Code\PyCharmProject\Interview\pytest============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 2 itemstest_demo01.py::test_answer FAILED                                       [ 50%]
test_demo01.py:5 (test_answer)
4 != 5Expected :5
Actual   :4
<Click to see difference>def test_answer():
>       assert fun_plus(2) == 5
E       assert 4 == 5
E        +  where 4 = fun_plus(2)test_demo01.py:7: AssertionErrortest_demo01.py::test_addition PASSED                                     [100%]========================= 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.03s =========================Process finished with exit code 1
2. 指定模块/文件
# test_demo01.py
import pytestdef fun_plus(x):return x+2def test_answer():assert fun_plus(2) == 5def test_addition():assert 1+1 == 2# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     pytest.main()
# test_demo02.py
import pytestdef fun_minus(x):return x-2def test_answer():assert fun_minus(2) == 5def test_minus():assert 4-2 == 2# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     pytest.main()
# run_suite.py
import pytestif __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main(['-vs', './test_demo01.py', './test_demo02.py'])




安装插件 pytest-xdist

pip install pytest-xdist
# run_suite.py
import pytestif __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main(['-vs', './', '-n 2'])
# 以两个线程来运行当前目录下的所有测试用例


============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.9.9, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- F:\SoftWare\Python\Python39\python39.exe
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: F:\Code\PyCharmProject\Interview\pytest
plugins: xdist-3.6.1
created: 2/2 workers
2 workers [4 items]scheduling tests via LoadSchedulingtest_demo02.py::test_answer 
[gw0] FAILED test_demo01.py::test_answer 
[gw1] FAILED test_demo02.py::test_answer 
[gw1] PASSED test_demo02.py::test_minus 
[gw0] PASSED test_demo01.py::test_addition ================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________________ test_answer _________________________________
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.9.9 F:\SoftWare\Python\Python39\python39.exedef test_answer():
>       assert fun_plus(2) == 5
E       assert 4 == 5
E        +  where 4 = fun_plus(2)test_demo01.py:7: AssertionError
_________________________________ test_answer _________________________________
[gw1] win32 -- Python 3.9.9 F:\SoftWare\Python\Python39\python39.exedef test_answer():
>       assert fun_minus(2) == 5
E       assert 0 == 5
E        +  where 0 = fun_minus(2)test_demo02.py:7: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ===========================
FAILED test_demo01.py::test_answer - assert 4 == 5
FAILED test_demo02.py::test_answer - assert 0 == 5
========================= 2 failed, 2 passed in 0.34s =========================Process finished with exit code 0
reruns 失败用例重跑

安装插件 pytest-rerunfailures

pip install pytest-rerunfailures


# run_suite.py
import pytestif __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main(['-vs', '--reruns=2'])


============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.9.9, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- F:\SoftWare\Python\Python39\python39.exe
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: F:\Code\PyCharmProject\Interview\pytest
plugins: rerunfailures-14.0, xdist-3.6.1
collecting ... collected 4 itemstest_demo01.py::test_answer RERUN
test_demo01.py::test_answer RERUN
test_demo01.py::test_answer FAILED
test_demo01.py::test_addition PASSED
test_demo02.py::test_answer RERUN
test_demo02.py::test_answer RERUN
test_demo02.py::test_answer FAILED
test_demo02.py::test_minus PASSED================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________________ test_answer _________________________________def test_answer():
>       assert fun_plus(2) == 5
E       assert 4 == 5
E        +  where 4 = fun_plus(2)test_demo01.py:7: AssertionError
_________________________________ test_answer _________________________________def test_answer():
>       assert fun_minus(2) == 5
E       assert 0 == 5
E        +  where 0 = fun_minus(2)test_demo02.py:7: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ===========================
FAILED test_demo01.py::test_answer - assert 4 == 5
FAILED test_demo02.py::test_answer - assert 0 == 5
==================== 2 failed, 2 passed, 4 rerun in 0.05s =====================Process finished with exit code 0


# run_suite.py
import pytestif __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main(['-vs', '-x'])


============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.9.9, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- F:\SoftWare\Python\Python39\python39.exe
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: F:\Code\PyCharmProject\Interview\pytest
plugins: rerunfailures-14.0, xdist-3.6.1
collecting ... collected 4 itemstest_demo01.py::test_answer FAILED================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________________ test_answer _________________________________def test_answer():
>       assert fun_plus(2) == 5
E       assert 4 == 5
E        +  where 4 = fun_plus(2)test_demo01.py:7: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ===========================
FAILED test_demo01.py::test_answer - assert 4 == 5
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stopping after 1 failures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
============================== 1 failed in 0.04s ==============================Process finished with exit code 0

–maxfail=n:如果有n个用例失败,测试就会停止(前提:安装插件 pytest-xdist)

# run_suite.py
import pytestif __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main(['-vs', '--maxfail=1'])


============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.9.9, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- F:\SoftWare\Python\Python39\python39.exe
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: F:\Code\PyCharmProject\Interview\pytest
plugins: rerunfailures-14.0, xdist-3.6.1
collecting ... collected 4 itemstest_demo01.py::test_answer FAILED================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________________ test_answer _________________________________def test_answer():
>       assert fun_plus(2) == 5
E       assert 4 == 5
E        +  where 4 = fun_plus(2)test_demo01.py:7: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ===========================
FAILED test_demo01.py::test_answer - assert 4 == 5
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stopping after 1 failures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
============================== 1 failed in 0.04s ==============================Process finished with exit code 0
通过读取 pytest.ini 配置文件运行
# pytest.ini[pytest]
# 命令行参数,用空格分隔
addopts = -vs# 测试用例文件夹
testpaths = testcase
# run_suite.py
import pytestif __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main(['--maxfail=1'])

已经将测试用例转移到 testcase 文件夹下,看看执行结果:

============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.9.9, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- F:\SoftWare\Python\Python39\python39.exe
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: F:\Code\PyCharmProject\Interview\pytest
configfile: pytest.ini
testpaths: testcase
plugins: rerunfailures-14.0, xdist-3.6.1
collecting ... collected 4 itemstestcase/test_demo01.py::test_answer FAILED================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________________ test_answer _________________________________def test_answer():
>       assert fun_plus(2) == 5
E       assert 4 == 5
E        +  where 4 = fun_plus(2)testcase\test_demo01.py:7: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ===========================
FAILED testcase/test_demo01.py::test_answer - assert 4 == 5
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stopping after 1 failures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
============================== 1 failed in 0.04s ==============================Process finished with exit code 0


# 配置测试搜索的模块文件名称
python_files = test_*.py# 配置测试搜索的测试类名
python_classes = Test*# 配置测试搜索的函数名
python_functions = test*

4. pytest执行测试用例顺序






安装 pytest-ordering 插件

pip install pytest-ordering



import pytestdef fun_plus(x):return x+2def test_01_answer():assert fun_plus(2) == 5@pytest.mark.run(order=1)
def test_02_addition():assert 1+1 == 2if __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main()

5. 以安静报告模式执行测试用例

pytest -q test_sysexit.py


6. 分组执行测试用例



# pytest.ini
# 命令行参数,用空格分隔
addopts = -vs# 测试用例文件夹
testpaths = ./testcase# 分组
markers =smoke:冒烟用例group1:第一组测试用例
# test_demo02.py
import pytestdef fun_minus(x):return x-2def test_answer():assert fun_minus(2) == 5@pytest.mark.smoke
def test_minus():assert 4-2 == 2if __name__ == '__main__':pytest.main(['./test_demo02.py', '-m', 'smoke'])


============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.9.9, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- F:\SoftWare\Python\Python39\python39.exe
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: F:\Code\PyCharmProject\Interview\pytest
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: ordering-0.6, rerunfailures-14.0, xdist-3.6.1
collecting ... collected 2 items / 1 deselected / 1 selectedtest_demo02.py::test_minus PASSED======================= 1 passed, 1 deselected in 0.02s =======================Process finished with exit code 0





Edit Configurations,新增解释器,将目标文件作为单独的python文件运行

2、修改Python integrated Tools(可以一劳永逸)

进入到File->Settings->Tools->Python integrated Tools页面,找到 Testing - Default test runner,将其修改为Unittest


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