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linux 内核 红黑树接口说明







性质1. 节点是红色或黑色。

性质2. 根是黑色。

性质3. 所有叶子都是黑色(叶子是NULL节点)。

性质4. 每个红色节点的两个子节点都是黑色。(从每个叶子到根的所有路径上不能有两个连续的红色节点)

性质5. 从任一节点到其每个叶子的所有简单路径都包含相同数目的黑色节点。

 * red-black trees properties:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rbtree


 *  1) A node is either red or black

 *  2) The root is black

 *  3) All leaves (NULL) are black

 *  4) Both children of every red node are black

 *  5) Every simple path from root to leaves contains the same number of black nodes.


 *  4 and 5 give the O(log n) guarantee, since 4 implies you cannot have two

 *  consecutive red nodes in a path and every red node is therefore followed by

 *  a black. So if B is the number of black nodes on every simple path (as per

 *  5), then the longest possible path due to 4 is 2B.


 *  We shall indicate color with case, where black nodes are uppercase(大写字母) and red nodes will be lowercase(小写字母).

 *  Unknown color nodes shall be drawn as red within parentheses and have some accompanying text comment.







struct rb_node {/*父节点,由于struct rb_node是long对齐,所以其地址低3-0bit或7-0bit未使用,低2位被用来作为颜色标志使用*/unsigned long  __rb_parent_color;struct rb_node *rb_right; /*右子树*/struct rb_node *rb_left;  /*左子树*/
} __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(long))));
/* The alignment might seem pointless, but allegedly CRIS needs it */注意,struct rb_node为long字节对齐,其地址最少也是4字节对齐,所以其成员__rb_parent_color用于存放其parent的地址,同时低2bit可以存放自身的----颜色属性。/*根节点*/
struct rb_root {struct rb_node *rb_node;
#define	RB_RED		0
#define	RB_BLACK		1/*父节点地址, &~3 去掉颜色标志位*/
#define rb_parent(r)   		((struct rb_node *)((r)->__rb_parent_color & ~3))#define RB_ROOT		(struct rb_root) { NULL, }
#define RB_ROOT_CACHED 	(struct rb_root_cached) { {NULL, }, NULL }#define __rb_parent(pc)    ((struct rb_node *)(pc & ~3))/*pc节点的颜色*/
#define __rb_color(pc)     ((pc) & 1)
#define __rb_is_black(pc)  __rb_color(pc)
#define __rb_is_red(pc)    (!__rb_color(pc))/*rb->__rb_parent_color的颜色*/
#define rb_color(rb)       __rb_color((rb)->__rb_parent_color)
#define rb_is_red(rb)      __rb_is_red((rb)->__rb_parent_color)
#define rb_is_black(rb)    __rb_is_black((rb)->__rb_parent_color)/*返回内嵌struct rb_node的数据结构*/
#define	rb_entry(ptr, type, member) container_of(ptr, type, member)#define RB_EMPTY_ROOT(root)  (READ_ONCE((root)->rb_node) == NULL)/* 'empty' nodes are nodes that are known not to be inserted in an rbtree */
#define RB_EMPTY_NODE(node)  \((node)->__rb_parent_color == (unsigned long)(node))/*注意,这里是赋值操作*/
#define RB_CLEAR_NODE(node)  \((node)->__rb_parent_color = (unsigned long)(node))




在将数据插入rbtree之前,需要用户实现查找函数,查找插入节点应该插入到rbtree root中的位置,建立链接后,才能将其插入到root中;


static inline void rb_link_node(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_node *parent,struct rb_node **rb_link)
{/*设置node__rb_parent_color的值,颜色属性为红色*/node->__rb_parent_color = (unsigned long)parent; node->rb_left = node->rb_right = NULL;*rb_link = node;
void rb_insert_color(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root)
{__rb_insert(node, root, dummy_rotate);
static __always_inline void __rb_insert(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root,void (*augment_rotate)(struct rb_node *old, struct rb_node *new))其中augment_rotate函数指针传入旋转回调函数,经典红黑树中未使用,传入哑旋转回调函数dummy_rotate;经典红黑树只是存储节点之间的顺序关系,无其他"额外"信息,所以其struct rb_augment_callbacks 增强回调函数全部实现为空;
/** Non-augmented rbtree manipulation functions.(非增强红黑树操作功能函数)** We use dummy augmented callbacks here, and have the compiler optimize them* out of the rb_insert_color() and rb_erase() function definitions.*/static inline void dummy_propagate(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_node *stop) {}
static inline void dummy_copy(struct rb_node *old, struct rb_node *new) {}
static inline void dummy_rotate(struct rb_node *old, struct rb_node *new) {}static const struct rb_augment_callbacks dummy_callbacks = {dummy_propagate, dummy_copy, dummy_rotate
};/** Please note - only struct rb_augment_callbacks and the prototypes for* rb_insert_augmented() and rb_erase_augmented() are intended to be public.* The rest are implementation details you are not expected to depend on.** See Documentation/rbtree.txt for documentation and samples.*/struct rb_augment_callbacks {void (*propagate)(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_node *stop);void (*copy)(struct rb_node *old, struct rb_node *new);void (*rotate)(struct rb_node *old, struct rb_node *new);
/*这个宏定义的内容比较长,定义了augment回调函数接口以及对应的struct rb_augment_callbacks rbname 结构体*/
#define RB_DECLARE_CALLBACKS(rbstatic, rbname, rbstruct, rbfield,	\rbtype, rbaugmented, rbcompute)		\
static inline void							\
rbname ## _propagate(struct rb_node *rb, struct rb_node *stop)		\
{									\while (rb != stop) {						\rbstruct *node = rb_entry(rb, rbstruct, rbfield);	\rbtype augmented = rbcompute(node);			\if (node->rbaugmented == augmented)			\break;						\node->rbaugmented = augmented;				\rb = rb_parent(&node->rbfield);				\}								\
}									\
static inline void							\
rbname ## _copy(struct rb_node *rb_old, struct rb_node *rb_new)		\
{									\rbstruct *old = rb_entry(rb_old, rbstruct, rbfield);		\rbstruct *new = rb_entry(rb_new, rbstruct, rbfield);		\new->rbaugmented = old->rbaugmented;				\
}									\
static void								\
rbname ## _rotate(struct rb_node *rb_old, struct rb_node *rb_new)	\
{									\rbstruct *old = rb_entry(rb_old, rbstruct, rbfield);		\rbstruct *new = rb_entry(rb_new, rbstruct, rbfield);		\new->rbaugmented = old->rbaugmented;				\old->rbaugmented = rbcompute(old);				\
}									\
rbstatic const struct rb_augment_callbacks rbname = {			\rbname ## _propagate, rbname ## _copy, rbname ## _rotate	\




/** Fixup the rbtree and update the augmented information when rebalancing.** On insertion, the user must update the augmented information on the path* leading to the inserted node, then call rb_link_node() as usual and* rb_augment_inserted() instead of the usual rb_insert_color() call.* If rb_augment_inserted() rebalances the rbtree, it will callback into* a user provided function to update the augmented information on the* affected subtrees.*/
static inline void rb_insert_augmented(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root,const struct rb_augment_callbacks *augment)
{__rb_insert_augmented(node, root, augment->rotate);
}/** Augmented rbtree manipulation functions.** This instantiates the same __always_inline functions as in the non-augmented* case, but this time with user-defined callbacks.*/void __rb_insert_augmented(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root,void (*augment_rotate)(struct rb_node *old, struct rb_node *new))
{__rb_insert(node, root, augment_rotate);




void rb_erase(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root)
{struct rb_node *rebalance;rebalance = __rb_erase_augmented(node, root, &dummy_callbacks);if (rebalance)____rb_erase_color(rebalance, root, dummy_rotate);
}/* Fast replacement of a single node without remove/rebalance/add/rebalance */
void rb_replace_node(struct rb_node *victim, struct rb_node *new,struct rb_root *root)
{struct rb_node *parent = rb_parent(victim);/* Set the surrounding nodes to point to the replacement */__rb_change_child(victim, new, parent, root);if (victim->rb_left)rb_set_parent(victim->rb_left, new);if (victim->rb_right)rb_set_parent(victim->rb_right, new);/* Copy the pointers/colour from the victim to the replacement */*new = *victim;



static __always_inline void rb_erase_augmented(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root,const struct rb_augment_callbacks *augment)
{struct rb_node *rebalance = __rb_erase_augmented(node, root, augment);if (rebalance)__rb_erase_color(rebalance, root, augment->rotate);



struct rb_node *rb_first(const struct rb_root *root)
{struct rb_node	*n;n = root->rb_node;if (!n)return NULL;while (n->rb_left)n = n->rb_left;return n;
struct rb_node *rb_last(const struct rb_root *root)
{struct rb_node	*n;n = root->rb_node;if (!n)return NULL;while (n->rb_right)n = n->rb_right;return n;
struct rb_node *rb_next(const struct rb_node *node)
{struct rb_node *parent;if (RB_EMPTY_NODE(node))return NULL;/** If we have a right-hand child, go down and then left as far* as we can.*/if (node->rb_right) { /*node右子树上的值都比node大*/node = node->rb_right;while (node->rb_left) /*一直寻找左子树*/node=node->rb_left;return (struct rb_node *)node;}/** No right-hand children. Everything down and left is smaller than us,* so any 'next' node must be in the general direction of our parent.* Go up the tree; any time the ancestor is a right-hand child of its* parent, keep going up. First time it's a left-hand child of its* parent, said parent is our 'next' node.*//*node无右子树且node的parent存在:1、如果node为parent的左节点,则返回parent(parent比node大);2、node为其parent的右节点(parent比node小),则继续递归往上找(如果一直为右节点,表明node是以当前parent为root的这棵子树上的最大值),直到找到node为parent的左节点时返回其parent(parent比左子树所以节点都大);*/while ((parent = rb_parent(node)) && node == parent->rb_right)node = parent;return parent; /*这里返回的是parent*/
struct rb_node *rb_prev(const struct rb_node *node)
{struct rb_node *parent;if (RB_EMPTY_NODE(node))return NULL;/** If we have a left-hand child, go down and then right as far* as we can.*/if (node->rb_left) {  /*node左子树上的值都比node小*/node = node->rb_left; while (node->rb_right) /*一直找右子树*/node=node->rb_right;return (struct rb_node *)node;}/** No left-hand children. Go up till we find an ancestor which* is a right-hand child of its parent.*//*node无左子树且node的parent存在:1、如果node为parent的右节点,则返回parent(parent比node小);	2、node为其parent的左节点(parent比node大),则继续递归往上找,(如果一直为左节点,表明node是以当前parent为root的这棵子树上的最小值),直到找到node为parent的右节点时返回其parent(parent比右子树所以节点都小);*/while ((parent = rb_parent(node)) && node == parent->rb_left)node = parent;return parent; /*这里返回的是parent*/


for (node = rb_first(&mytree); node; node = rb_next(node)){



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