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2019年美赛题目Problem A: Game of Ecology




在虚构的电视连续剧“权力的游戏”中,基于一系列史诗般的幻想小说“冰与火之歌”[1],三只龙是由“龙之母”的Daenerys Targaryen提出的。当孵化时,龙是小的,大约10公斤,一年后长到大约30-40公斤。它们在整个生命过程中都会继续增长,这取决于它们的食物条件和数量。



与迁移的其他动物一样,龙可能会以非常不同的气候前往世界不同的地区。气候条件对您的分析有多重要?例如,在干旱地区,暖温带地区和北极地区之间移动龙会对保持和生长龙所需的资源产生很大的影响吗?一旦你的龙分析完成,请写一封两页的信给“冰与火之歌”的作者George RR Martin,以提供关于如何保持故事的现实生态基础的指导,特别是关于龙的运动从干旱地区到温带地区和南极地区。



1.. Penguin Random House (2018). A Song of Ice and Fire Series. Retrieved from


In the fictional television series Game of Thrones, based on the series of epic fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire[1], three dragons are raised by Daenerys Targaryen, the “Mother of Dragons.” When hatched, the dragons are small, roughly 10 kg, and after a year grow to roughly 30-40 kg. They continue to grow throughout their life depending on the conditions and amount of food available to them.

For the purposes of this problem, consider these three fictional dragons are living today. Assume that thebasic biology of dragons described above is accurate. You will need to make some additional assumptions about dragons that might include, for example, that dragons are able to fly great distances, breath fire, andresist tremendous trauma. As you address the problem requirements, it should be clear how yourassumptions are related to the physical constraints of the functions, size, diet, changes, or thercharacteristics associated with the animals.

Your team is assigned to analyze dragon characteristics, behavior, habits, diet, and interaction with theirenvironment. To do so, you will have to consider many questions. At a minimum, address the following:What is the ecological impact and requirements of the dragons? What are the energy expenditures of thedragons, and what are their caloric intake requirements? How much area is required to support the threedragons? How large a community is necessary to support a dragon for varying levels of assistance that canbe provided to the dragons? Be clear about what factors you are considering when addressing thesequestions.

As with other animals that migrate, dragons might travel to different regions of the world with very differentclimates. How important are the climate conditions to your analysis? For example, would moving a dragonbetween an arid region, a warm temperate region, and an arctic region make a big difference in the resourcesrequired to maintain and grow a dragon?
Once your dragon analysis is complete, draft a two-page letter to the author of A Song of Ice and Fire,George R.R. Martin, to provide guidance about how to maintain the realistic ecological underpinning of thestory, especially with respect to the movement of dragons from arid regions to temperate regions and toarctic regions.

While your dragon analysis does not directly apply to a real physical situation, the mathematical modelingitself makes use of many realistic features used in modeling a situation. Aside from the modeling activitiesthemselves, describe and discuss a situation outside of the realm of fictional dragons that your modelingefforts might help inform and provide insight?

Your submission should consist of:
1、One-page Summary Sheet,
2、Two-page letter,
3、Your solution of no more than 20 pages, for a maximum of 23 pages with your summary and letter.
Note: Reference list and any appendices do not count toward the 23-page limit and should appear after your completed solution.
NOTE: You should not make use of unauthorized images and materials whose use is restricted by copyright laws. Please be careful in how you use and cite the sources for your ideas and the materials used in your report.

1. Penguin Random House (2018). A Song of Ice and Fire Series. Retrieved from


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