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软件设计模式(Software Design Patterns)是面向对象设计中常用的解决方案,它们为常见的软件设计问题提供了一些被证明有效的解决方案。以下是一些主要的软件设计模式及其在Kotlin中的实现示例。

创建型模式(Creational Patterns)

单例模式(Singleton Pattern)


object Singleton {init {println("Singleton instance created")}fun doSomething() {println("Doing something")}
}// 使用
fun main() {Singleton.doSomething()
工厂模式(Factory Pattern)


interface Product {fun use()
}class ConcreteProductA : Product {override fun use() {println("Using Product A")}
}class ConcreteProductB : Product {override fun use() {println("Using Product B")}
}class ProductFactory {fun createProduct(type: String): Product {return when (type) {"A" -> ConcreteProductA()"B" -> ConcreteProductB()else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown product type")}}
}// 使用
fun main() {val factory = ProductFactory()val productA = factory.createProduct("A")productA.use()val productB = factory.createProduct("B")productB.use()
抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory Pattern)


interface Button {fun click()
}class WindowsButton : Button {override fun click() {println("Windows Button clicked")}
}class MacButton : Button {override fun click() {println("Mac Button clicked")}
}interface GUIFactory {fun createButton(): Button
}class WindowsFactory : GUIFactory {override fun createButton(): Button {return WindowsButton()}
}class MacFactory : GUIFactory {override fun createButton(): Button {return MacButton()}
}// 使用
fun main() {val factory: GUIFactory = WindowsFactory()val button = factory.createButton()button.click()
建造者模式(Builder Pattern)


class Product private constructor(builder: Builder) {val partA: String?val partB: String?val partC: String?init {partA = builder.partApartB = builder.partBpartC = builder.partC}class Builder {var partA: String? = nullprivate setvar partB: String? = nullprivate setvar partC: String? = nullprivate setfun setPartA(partA: String) = apply { this.partA = partA }fun setPartB(partB: String) = apply { this.partB = partB }fun setPartC(partC: String) = apply { this.partC = partC }fun build() = Product(this)}
}// 使用
fun main() {val product = Product.Builder().setPartA("A").setPartB("B").setPartC("C").build()println("Product parts: ${product.partA}, ${product.partB}, ${product.partC}")

结构型模式(Structural Patterns)

适配器模式(Adapter Pattern)


interface Target {fun request()
}class Adaptee {fun specificRequest() {println("Specific request")}
}class Adapter(private val adaptee: Adaptee) : Target {override fun request() {adaptee.specificRequest()}
}// 使用
fun main() {val adaptee = Adaptee()val adapter = Adapter(adaptee)adapter.request()
装饰器模式(Decorator Pattern)


interface Component {fun operation()
}class ConcreteComponent : Component {override fun operation() {println("Concrete Component operation")}
}open class Decorator(private val component: Component) : Component {override fun operation() {component.operation()}
}class ConcreteDecorator(component: Component) : Decorator(component) {override fun operation() {super.operation()addedBehavior()}private fun addedBehavior() {println("Added behavior")}
}// 使用
fun main() {val component: Component = ConcreteDecorator(ConcreteComponent())component.operation()
代理模式(Proxy Pattern)


interface Subject {fun request()
}class RealSubject : Subject {override fun request() {println("RealSubject request")}
}class Proxy(private val realSubject: RealSubject) : Subject {override fun request() {println("Proxy request")realSubject.request()}
}// 使用
fun main() {val realSubject = RealSubject()val proxy = Proxy(realSubject)proxy.request()
外观模式(Facade Pattern)


class SubsystemA {fun operationA() {println("Subsystem A operation")}
}class SubsystemB {fun operationB() {println("Subsystem B operation")}
}class Facade {private val subsystemA = SubsystemA()private val subsystemB = SubsystemB()fun operation() {subsystemA.operationA()subsystemB.operationB()}
}// 使用
fun main() {val facade = Facade()facade.operation()

行为型模式(Behavioral Patterns)

策略模式(Strategy Pattern)


interface Strategy {fun execute()
}class ConcreteStrategyA : Strategy {override fun execute() {println("Executing Strategy A")}
}class ConcreteStrategyB : Strategy {override fun execute() {println("Executing Strategy B")}
}class Context(private var strategy: Strategy) {fun setStrategy(strategy: Strategy) {this.strategy = strategy}fun executeStrategy() {strategy.execute()}
}// 使用
fun main() {val context = Context(ConcreteStrategyA())context.executeStrategy()context.setStrategy(ConcreteStrategyB())context.executeStrategy()
观察者模式(Observer Pattern)


interface Observer {fun update()
}class ConcreteObserver : Observer {override fun update() {println("Observer updated")}
}class Subject {private val observers = mutableListOf<Observer>()fun addObserver(observer: Observer) {observers.add(observer)}fun removeObserver(observer: Observer) {observers.remove(observer)}fun notifyObservers() {for (observer in observers) {observer.update()}}
}// 使用
fun main() {val subject = Subject()val observer = ConcreteObserver()subject.addObserver(observer)subject.notifyObservers()subject.removeObserver(observer)subject.notifyObservers()
命令模式(Command Pattern)


interface Command {fun execute()
}class ConcreteCommand(private val receiver: Receiver) : Command {override fun execute() {receiver.action()}
}class Receiver {fun action() {println("Receiver action")}
}class Invoker {private lateinit var command: Commandfun setCommand(command: Command) {this.command = command}fun executeCommand() {command.execute()}
}// 使用
fun main() {val receiver = Receiver()val command = ConcreteCommand(receiver)val invoker = Invoker()invoker.setCommand(command)invoker.executeCommand()
责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility Pattern)


abstract class Handler {var nextHandler: Handler? = nullfun handleRequest(request: String) {if (canHandle(request)) {process(request)} else {nextHandler?.handleRequest(request)}}protected abstract fun canHandle(request: String): Booleanprotected abstract fun process(request: String)
}class ConcreteHandlerA : Handler() {override fun canHandle(request: String) = request == "A"override fun process(request: String) {println("Handler A processed $request")}
}class ConcreteHandlerB : Handler(){override fun canHandle(request: String) = request == "B"override fun process(request: String) {println("Handler B processed $request")}
}// 使用
fun main() {val handlerA = ConcreteHandlerA()val handlerB = ConcreteHandlerB()handlerA.nextHandler = handlerBhandlerA.handleRequest("A")handlerA.handleRequest("B")


我有多年软件开发经验,精通嵌入式STM32,RTOS,Linux,Ubuntu, Android AOSP, Android APP, Java , Kotlin , C, C++, Python , QT。 如果您有软件开发定制需求,请联系我,电子邮件: mysolution@qq.com


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