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在Flutter中可以通过扩展函数的特性 对Function增加全局扩展函数,实现防抖效果。


extension FunctionExt on Function {VoidCallback throttle() {return FunctionProxy(this).throttle;}// 立即执行目标操作,同时给出一个延迟的时间,// 在该时间范围内如果再次触发了事件,该次事件会被忽略,直到超过该时间范围后触发事件才会被处理。VoidCallback throttleWithTimeout({int? timeout}) {return FunctionProxy(this, timeout: timeout).throttleWithTimeout;}// 在触发事件时,不立即执行目标操作,而是给出一个延迟的时间,// 在该时间范围内如果再次触发了事件,则重置延迟时间,直到延迟时间结束才会执行目标操作。VoidCallback debounce({int? timeout}) {return FunctionProxy(this, timeout: timeout).debounce;}
}class FunctionProxy {static final Map<String, bool> _funcThrottle = {};static final Map<String, Timer> _funcDebounce = {};final Function? target;final int timeout;FunctionProxy(this.target, {int? timeout}) : timeout = timeout ?? 500;// 节流(默认延迟)void throttle() async {String key = hashCode.toString();bool enable = _funcThrottle[key] ?? true;if (enable) {_funcThrottle[key] = false;try {await target?.call();} catch (e) {rethrow;} finally {_funcThrottle.remove(key);}}}// 节流(自定义延迟)void throttleWithTimeout() {String key = hashCode.toString();bool enable = _funcThrottle[key] ?? true;if (enable) {_funcThrottle[key] = false;Timer(Duration(milliseconds: timeout), () {_funcThrottle.remove(key);});target?.call();}}//延迟顺序执行的防抖void debounce() {String key = hashCode.toString();Timer? timer = _funcDebounce[key];timer?.cancel();timer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: timeout), () {Timer? t = _funcDebounce.remove(key);t?.cancel();target?.call();});_funcDebounce[key] = timer;}


              onBackPressed: () {}.throttleWithTimeout(timeout: 500)



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