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RMAN Active Duplicate Between Two Oracle Versions (Doc ID 2346507.1)​编辑To Bottom

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Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and later
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Cloud Exadata Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service - Version N/A and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Can RMAN Active Duplicate be used with two different versions? I.e., can I use active duplicate to clone a database between source (target) to destination (auxiliary)?


In 12c, RMAN compatibility has been simplified so that the RMAN.exe must match that of the database. In most cases, it isn't an issue except with RMAN duplicate which requires a connection to more than one database using one RMAN executable.

For backup based duplication, the duplicate can be accomplished without a target connection. However, for active duplicate, this is not an option.

So, backup the question:

"Can I use active duplicate to clone a database between source (target) to destination (auxiliary)?"
No, you cannot do this with active duplicate.

If you use rman, you get error:

RMAN-06429: AUXILIARY database is not compatible with this version of RMAN
RMAN-06618: RMAN client and database release mismatch; indicated

If you use rman, you get error:

RMAN-06429: TARGET database is not compatible with this version of RMAN
RMAN-06618: RMAN client and database release mismatch; indicated

The RMAN-06429 will indicate which database (TARGET/AUXILIARY) is not compatible with the RMAN executable being used.



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