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  • 多线程
  • 多处理器
  • 中断




// Mutual exclusion lock.
struct spinlock
{uint locked; // Is the lock held?// For debugging:char *name;		 // Name of lock.struct cpu *cpu; // The cpu holding the lock.


  • 当locked == 0,说明无锁,可以访问
  • 当locked == 1,说明已经上锁,无法访问
// Acquire the lock.
// Loops (spins) until the lock is acquired.
void acquire(struct spinlock *lk)
{push_off(); // disable interrupts to avoid deadlock.if (holding(lk))panic("acquire");// On RISC-V, sync_lock_test_and_set turns into an atomic swap://   a5 = 1//   s1 = &lk->locked//   amoswap.w.aq a5, a5, (s1)while (__sync_lock_test_and_set(&lk->locked, 1) != 0);// Tell the C compiler and the processor to not move loads or stores// past this point, to ensure that the critical section's memory// references happen strictly after the lock is acquired.// On RISC-V, this emits a fence instruction.__sync_synchronize();// Record info about lock acquisition for holding() and debugging.lk->cpu = mycpu();


  1. 关中断
  2. 获取锁
  3. 设置内存屏障
  4. 更新数据
// Release the lock.
void release(struct spinlock *lk)
{if (!holding(lk))panic("release");lk->cpu = 0;// Tell the C compiler and the CPU to not move loads or stores// past this point, to ensure that all the stores in the critical// section are visible to other CPUs before the lock is released,// and that loads in the critical section occur strictly before// the lock is released.// On RISC-V, this emits a fence instruction.__sync_synchronize();// Release the lock, equivalent to lk->locked = 0.// This code doesn't use a C assignment, since the C standard// implies that an assignment might be implemented with// multiple store instructions.// On RISC-V, sync_lock_release turns into an atomic swap://   s1 = &lk->locked//   amoswap.w zero, zero, (s1)__sync_lock_release(&lk->locked);pop_off();


  1. 重置数据
  2. 设置内存屏障
  3. 释放锁
  4. 开中断
void push_off(void)
{int old = intr_get();intr_off();if (mycpu()->noff == 0)mycpu()->intena = old;mycpu()->noff += 1;


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