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When you buy an expensive item and pay for it in monthly payments, you can say you’re paying for it in installments. Here are some practical sample sentences using the word “installment”:

  1. I bought a new laptop last week and decided to pay for it in monthly installments.
  2. We purchased our living room furniture on a six-month installment plan.
  3. Instead of paying the full price upfront, I opted to make the payments in installments.
  4. The store offers a zero-interest installment plan for up to 12 months on all electronics.
  5. By choosing to pay in installments, I was able to afford the expensive gym equipment I wanted.
  6. They allow customers to split the cost into three equal installments, making it more manageable.
  7. I always check if there’s an installment option available before making any large purchases.
  8. The installment payments make it easier to budget for big-ticket items without draining my savings.
  9. I financed my new car with a five-year installment plan.
  10. The company offers flexible installment options to accommodate different financial situations.

Using “installment” in this context helps convey the idea of spreading out the payment over a period of time, making it easier to manage the cost of expensive items.


  • General Concept: Installments are periodic payments made to repay a loan or purchase an item. These payments are typically made monthly.
  • Usage: Installments can apply to a wide range of purchases and loans, such as electronics, furniture, vehicles, and personal loans.
  • Loan Type: Can be unsecured or secured, depending on the item or loan.
  • Example: Paying for a new laptop in 12 monthly installments of $100 each.


  • Specific Concept: A mortgage is a specific type of installment loan used to finance the purchase of real estate, such as a home or property.
  • Usage: Mortgages are used exclusively for real estate transactions.
  • Loan Type: Typically secured by the property itself, meaning the lender can take ownership of the property if the borrower fails to make payments.
  • Terms: Mortgages usually have longer terms, commonly 15 to 30 years.
  • Example: Paying off a home loan with monthly mortgage payments over 30 years.

Key Differences

  • Scope: Installments can be used for many types of purchases and loans, while mortgages are only for real estate.
  • Collateral: Mortgages are secured by the property being purchased; installment plans can be either secured or unsecured.
  • Duration: Mortgages generally have much longer repayment periods compared to typical installment plans.
  • Purpose: Mortgages are exclusively for buying real estate, whereas installments can be for a variety of items and services.

Practical Examples


  • “I bought a new smartphone and I’m paying for it in 24 monthly installments.”
  • “The car dealership offered a three-year installment plan for the new model.”


  • “We took out a 30-year mortgage to buy our first home.”
  • “They refinanced their mortgage to get a lower interest rate.”

Understanding these differences helps you choose the appropriate term based on the context of the payment arrangement you’re describing.


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