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【笔记】Android 多用户模式和用户类型


用户界面:System =》Multiple Users =》 开关多用户模式。








@return the user type of the context user.



Returns the user name of the context user. This call is only available to applications on the system image.



Used to check if the context user is the system user. The system user is the initial user that is implicitly created on first boot and hosts most of the system services.



Used to check if the context user is a guest user. A guest user may be transient.

@return whether the context user is a guest user.

isGuestUser(@UserIdInt int userId)


Checks if a user is a guest user.

@return whether user is a guest user.

isUserAdmin(@UserIdInt int userId)



@hide Returns whether the provided user is an admin user. There can be more than one admin user.


/*** Manages users and user details on a multi-user system. There are two major categories of* users: fully customizable users with their own login, and profiles that share a workspace* with a related user.* <p>* Users are different from accounts, which are managed by* {@link AccountManager}. Each user can have their own set of accounts.* <p>* See {@link DevicePolicyManager#ACTION_PROVISION_MANAGED_PROFILE} for more on managed profiles.*/
public class UserManager {/*** @return the user type of the context user.* @hide*/@TestApi@RequiresPermission(anyOf = {android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_USERS,android.Manifest.permission.CREATE_USERS,android.Manifest.permission.QUERY_USERS})@UserHandleAwarepublic @NonNull String getUserType() {UserInfo userInfo = getUserInfo(mUserId);return userInfo == null ? "" : userInfo.userType;}




   //判断是否为Owner机主  private static boolean isAdminUser(Context context) {if (context == null) return false;final UserManager userManager = context.getSystemService(UserManager.class);if (userManager == null) return false;//获取当前用户类型 Log.d(TAG, "isAdminUser: Now user is " + userManager.getUserType());return userManager.isAdminUser();}





 User type representing a {@link UserHandle#USER_SYSTEM system} user that is a human user.
 This type of user cannot be created; it can only pre-exist on first boot.
USER_TYPE_FULL_SECONDARYandroid.os.usertype.full.SECONDARYUser,非Owner(机主)用户。User type representing a regular non-profile non-{@link UserHandle#USER_SYSTEM system} human
This is sometimes called an ordinary 'secondary user'.
USER_TYPE_FULL_GUESTandroid.os.usertype.full.GUESTGuset,访客模式User type representing a guest user that may be transient.
USER_TYPE_FULL_DEMOandroid.os.usertype.full.DEMO怎么变成demo?User type representing a user for demo purposes only, which can be removed at any time.
USER_TYPE_FULL_RESTRICTEDandroid.os.usertype.full.RESTRICTED受限用户,profile是什么?User type representing a "restricted profile" user, which is a full user that is subject to
certain restrictions from a parent user. Note, however, that it is NOT technically a profile.

User type representing a managed profile, which is a profile that is to be managed by a
device policy controller (DPC).
The intended purpose is for work profiles, which are managed by a corporate entity.



User type representing a clone profile. Clone profile is a user profile type used to run
second instance of an otherwise single user App (eg, messengers). Currently only the
{@link android.content.pm.UserInfo#isMain()} user can have a clone profile.



User type representing a private profile. Private profile is a user profile that can be used
as an alternative user-space to install and use sensitive apps.
UI surfaces can adopt an alternative strategy to show apps belonging to this profile, in line
with their sensitive nature.


USER_TYPE_PROFILE_TESTandroid.os.usertype.profile.TEST测试User type representing a generic profile for testing purposes. Only on debuggable builds.
USER_TYPE_PROFILE_COMMUNALandroid.os.usertype.profile.COMMUNAL多个用户共享一些资源而不共享敏感信息。User type representing a communal profile, which is shared by all users of the device.
public static final String USER_TYPE_FULL_SYSTEM = "android.os.usertype.full.SYSTEM";
public static final String USER_TYPE_FULL_SECONDARY = "android.os.usertype.full.SECONDARY";
public static final String USER_TYPE_FULL_GUEST = "android.os.usertype.full.GUEST";
public static final String USER_TYPE_FULL_DEMO = "android.os.usertype.full.DEMO";
public static final String USER_TYPE_FULL_RESTRICTED = "android.os.usertype.full.RESTRICTED";
public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_MANAGED = "android.os.usertype.profile.MANAGED";
public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_CLONE = "android.os.usertype.profile.CLONE";
public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE = "android.os.usertype.profile.PRIVATE";
public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_TEST = "android.os.usertype.profile.TEST";
public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_COMMUNAL = "android.os.usertype.profile.COMMUNAL";
public static final String USER_TYPE_FULL_SYSTEM = "android.os.usertype.full.SYSTEM";
public static final String USER_TYPE_FULL_SECONDARY = "android.os.usertype.full.SECONDARY";
public static final String USER_TYPE_FULL_GUEST = "android.os.usertype.full.GUEST";
public static final String USER_TYPE_FULL_DEMO = "android.os.usertype.full.DEMO";
public static final String USER_TYPE_FULL_RESTRICTED = "android.os.usertype.full.RESTRICTED";
public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_MANAGED = "android.os.usertype.profile.MANAGED";
public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_CLONE = "android.os.usertype.profile.CLONE";
public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE = "android.os.usertype.profile.PRIVATE";
public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_TEST = "android.os.usertype.profile.TEST";
public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_COMMUNAL = "android.os.usertype.profile.COMMUNAL";
public static final String USER_TYPE_SYSTEM_HEADLESS = "android.os.usertype.system.HEADLESS";


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