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应用程序池 'DefaultAppPool' 的模板永久性缓存初始化失败 | Active Server Pages 5

事件来源: Active Server Pages
事件 ID: 5
日期: <chsdate w:st="on" isrocdate="False" islunardate="False" day="5" month="8" year="2004"></chsdate>2004-8-5
事件: 18:51:46
用户: N/A
计算机: DELL2600


错误: 应用程序池 'DefaultAppPool' 的模板永久性缓存初始化失败,这是由下列错误所导致: 无法创建应用程序池的磁盘缓存子目录。数据可能包含额外的错误代码。。

"Could not create a Disk Cache Sub-directory for the Application Pool" - I also had this error on Windows Server 2003 DC with Software Update Services. Q332097 was correctly implemented and still had error. To resolve this problem I went in IIS management, changed the identity of the DefaultAppPool from the default of "Network Service" to a specified user that belongs to the IIS_WPG group. Restarted IIS and problem gone. Be aware of the security implications of this fix however.

Error: "Could not create a Disk Cache Sub-directory for the Application Pool" - I had this error on Windows Server 2003 with Software Update Services. Solution <chmetcnv w:st="on" tcsc="0" numbertype="1" negative="False" hasspace="True" sourcevalue="2" unitname="in"></chmetcnv>2 in Q332097 worked for me, with one modification that is not mentioned in the article: Replace permission entries on all child objects. So, no removal or reinstallation of IIS needed.

Try these fixes:


C:\WINDOWS\Help\iisHelp\common with "Read and Execute," "List Folder Contents" and "Read".


C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\ASP Compiled Templates with Full Control.

C. Add the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE account to C:\WINDOWS\IIS Temporary Compressed Files with Full Control.

You receive a "Service Unavailable" error message when you browse an IIS 6.0 Web page on a Windows Server 2003-based domain controller



When you browse a Web page that is hosted on a Microsoft Windows Server 2003-based domain controller, you may receive the following Active Server Pages (ASP) Error 5 error message:

Service Unavailable

Additionally, the following warning event may be logged in the system event log:

Event Type: Warning

Event Source: W3SVC

Event Category: None

Event ID: 1009

Date: Date

Time: Time

User: N/A

Computer: Computer_Name


A process serving application pool 'Application_Pool_Name' terminated unexpectedly. The process id was '5288'. The process exit code was '0xffffffff'.

For more information, see Help and <place w:st="on"></place><placename w:st="on"></placename>Support <placetype w:st="on"></placetype>Center at <http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.>

Additionally, the following error event may be logged in the application event log:

Event Type: Message

Event Source: Active Server Pages

Event Category: None

Event ID: 5

Date: Date

Time: Time

User: N/A

Computer: Computer_Name


Error: The Template Persistent Cache initialization failed for Application Pool 'Application_Pool_Name' because of the following error: Could not create a Disk Cache Sub-directory for the Application Pool. The data may have additional error codes.

For more information, see Help and <place w:st="on"></place><placename w:st="on"></placename>Support <placetype w:st="on"></placetype>Center at <http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.>

When you use Filemon to monitor file activity, you receive an error message that is similar to the following:

3521 Time w3wp.exe:3168 CREATE C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\ASP Compiled Templates\PID3168.TMP ACCESS DENIED NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE


This issue may occur if the server that is running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 is also a domain controller. The problem occurs because the Application pool is using the NT Authority\Network Service account, and the NT Authority\Network Service account may not have permissions to access the required folders.


To resolve this problem, manually set permissions on the folders for the IIS_WPG group, and then set permissions on the folders for the NT Authority\Network Service account.

To set permissions on the folders for the IIS_WPG group, follow these steps:

1. Start Windows Explorer, and then open the following folder:

2. In the right pane, right-click the
Common folder, and then click
Sharing and Security.

3. Click the
Security tab, click
Add, type IIS_WPG, and then click

4. With
IIS_WPG selected, click to select the following check boxes under the
Allow column, and then click

· Read and Execute

· List Folder Contents

· Read

5. Open the following folder:

6. In the right pane, right-click the
ASP Compiled Templates folder, and then click
Sharing and Security.

7. Click the
Security tab, click the
IIS_WPG group, and then click to select the
Full Control check box under the
Allow column. Click

8. Open the following folder:

9. In the right pane, right-click the
IIS Temporary Compressed folder, and then click
Sharing and Security.

10. Click the
Security tab, click the
IIS_WPG group, and then click to select the
Full Control check box under the
Allow column. Click

To set permissions on the folders for the NT Authority\Network Service account, follow these steps:

1. Start Windows Explorer, and then open the following folder:

2. In the right pane, right-click the
Common folder, and then click
Sharing and Security.

3. Click the
Security tab, click
Add, type NETWORK SERVICE, and then click

4. With
NETWORK SERVICE selected, click to select the following check boxes under the
Allow column, and then click

· Read and Execute

· List Folder Contents

· Read

5. Open the following folder:

6. In the right pane, right-click the
ASP Compiled Templates folder, and then click
Sharing and Security.

7. Click the
Security tab, click
Add, type NETWORK SERVICE, and then click

8. With the
NETWORK SERVICE group selected, click to select the
Full Control check box under the
Allow column, and then click

9. Open the following folder:

10. In the right pane, right-click the
IIS Temporary Compressed folder, and then click
Sharing and Security.

11. Click the
Security tab, click
Add, type NETWORK SERVICE, and then click

12. With the
NETWORK SERVICE group selected, click to select the
Full Control check box under the
Allow column, and then click

After you have completed these steps, restart the IIS Admin service from the Services snap-in or from the Computer Management snap-in.


You may be able to temporarily work around this problem by restarting the IIS Admin service from the Services snap-in or from the Computer Management snap-in.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.


For additional information about a similar issue with a different cause, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

332097 DCPROMO does not retain permissions on some IIS folders

源文档 <http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;842493>


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