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Error when attempting to add data source to Azure OpenAI api

题意:尝试向 Azure OpenAI API 添加数据源时出现错误


My code is working for a call to Azure OpenAI when I don't have a datasource added. However, when I do add my datasource with the following parameters I get an error:

当我没有添加数据源时,我的代码在调用 Azure OpenAI 时可以正常工作。然而,当我使用以下参数添加数据源时,出现了错误:

response = client.chat.completions.create(messages = [{"role": "system","content": "when the user provides a project name as input you should do the steps mentioned below: Step 1: Get the project band of the project from the file."},{"role": "user","content": 'Project Name: "Test project" '}],model = "GPT-3.5 Turbo",seed = 42,temperature = 0,max_tokens = 800,extra_body = {"dataSources": [{"type": "AzureCognitiveSearch","parameters": {"endpoint": os.environ["SEARCH_ENDPOINT"],"key": os.environ["SEARCH_KEY"],"indexName": "test-index"}}]

Gives error:        错误信息:

Exception has occurred: BadRequestError
Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': 'Unrecognized request argument supplied: dataSources', 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': None, 'code': None}}
httpx.HTTPStatusError: Client error '400 model_error' for url 'https://openai-ngap-genai-poc.openai.azure.com//openai/deployments/NTAPOC/chat/completions?api-version=2023-09-01-preview'
For more information check: https://httpstatuses.com/400During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:File "C:\Users\choran\OneDrive - Open Sky Data Systems\Documents\NTA\NTA Chatbot code\Attempting to add datasource.py", line 13, in <module>response = client.chat.completions.create(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
openai.BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': 'Unrecognized request argument supplied: dataSources', 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': None, 'code': None}}Verified that datasource details were correct.

Full code here


In my environment, when I tried the same code, I got the same error:



openai.BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message':'Unrecognized request argument supplied: dataSources', 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': None, 'code': None}}

You can use this MS-DOCS to create your own data with chat completion.

你可以使用这个 [MS-DOCS](https://docs.microsoft.com) 来创建自己的数据,并进行聊天补全。

You can use the code below to create chat completion with data source and openai version 1.9.0.

你可以使用下面的代码,在数据源和 OpenAI 版本 1.9.0 下创建聊天补全。


import os
from openai import AzureOpenAIendpoint=os.environ["AZURE_ENDPOINT"]
client = AzureOpenAI(base_url=f"{endpoint}/openai/deployments/{deployment}/extensions", api_key=apikey, api_version="2023-09-01-preview")for i in range(3):print (f'Answer Version {i + 1}\n---')completion = client.chat.completions.create(model = deployment,messages = [{"role": "system","content": "When the user provides a project name as input, you should do the steps mentioned below: Step 1: Get the project band of the project from the file."},{"role": "user","content": 'Where do I go for Azure OpenAI customer support?" '}],seed = 42,temperature = 0,max_tokens = 800,extra_body = {"dataSources": [{"type": "AzureCognitiveSearch","parameters": {"endpoint": os.environ["SEARCH_ENDPOINT"],"key": os.environ["SEARCH_KEY"],"indexName": "test-index"}}]}
print (completion.choices[0].message.content) print("---\n")


Answer Version 1
Answer Version 2
Answer Version 3
You can check the Cognitive Services support options guide for help with Azure OpenAI [doc1].


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