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      • 1. 坐标系转换
      • 2. 构建单位球面坐标系下的图像特征点和激光点云
      • 3. 构建深度直方图并过滤激光点云
      • 4. 最近邻搜索与深度估计
      • 5. 深度投影与可视化
      • 总结


1. 坐标系转换


  • 步骤 0.3:使用TF库查找并获取当前时刻的相机位姿(vins_worldvins_body_ros的变换)。通过这些数据,代码将世界坐标系下的点云转换到相机坐标系中。
  • 步骤 0.4:调用pcl::transformPointCloud函数,将激光点云从世界坐标系转换到相机坐标系下。这一步是将激光点云数据与相机的视角对齐,为后续操作做准备。

2. 构建单位球面坐标系下的图像特征点和激光点云


  • 步骤 0.5:将归一化后的图像特征点(z=1)投影到单位球面上。通过归一化处理,每个2D特征点被转换为一个3D方向向量。
  • 步骤 5:同样的,将转换到相机坐标系后的激光点云也投影到单位球面上。每个激光点的深度信息被保存在intensity字段中。

3. 构建深度直方图并过滤激光点云


  • 步骤 3:将相机坐标系下的激光点投影到一个二维平面(深度直方图)上。通过这种方式,同一个bin内的多个激光点将被简化为距离最近的那个点。
  • 步骤 4:根据深度直方图,从激光点云中提取出最接近的点,并构建一个过滤后的点云。这些点云点是与相机视角最近的点,将被用于后续的深度估计。

4. 最近邻搜索与深度估计


  • 步骤 6:为过滤后的激光点云构建一个KD树,以加速最近邻搜索。
  • 步骤 7:对于每个图像特征点,在单位球面上查找与之最接近的三个激光点。通过这三个点的深度信息,以及它们在单位球面上的位置,利用几何方法估计图像特征点的深度。

5. 深度投影与可视化


  • 步骤 7:如果找到足够多的匹配点,将估计的深度值赋给图像特征点,并发布这些深度信息用于可视化。
  • 步骤 8:将激光点云投影回图像平面,并对比显示。图像上显示的点根据其深度显示不同的颜色,方便用户直观地看到激光点云与图像特征的对应关系。



 sensor_msgs::ChannelFloat32 get_depth(const ros::Time& stamp_cur, const cv::Mat& imageCur, const pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr& depthCloud,const camodocal::CameraPtr& camera_model ,const vector<geometry_msgs::Point32>& features_2d) // 去畸变后的归一化坐标 xy1{// 0.1 initialize depth for return 深度通道, 用于作为结果返回sensor_msgs::ChannelFloat32 depth_of_point;depth_of_point.name = "depth";depth_of_point.values.resize(features_2d.size(), -1);// 0.2  check if depthCloud availableif (depthCloud->size() == 0)return depth_of_point;// 0.3 look up transform at current image timetry{listener.waitForTransform("vins_world", "vins_body_ros", stamp_cur, ros::Duration(0.01));listener.lookupTransform("vins_world", "vins_body_ros", stamp_cur, transform);} catch (tf::TransformException ex){// ROS_ERROR("image no tf");return depth_of_point;}double xCur, yCur, zCur, rollCur, pitchCur, yawCur;xCur = transform.getOrigin().x();yCur = transform.getOrigin().y();zCur = transform.getOrigin().z();tf::Matrix3x3 m(transform.getRotation());m.getRPY(rollCur, pitchCur, yawCur);Eigen::Affine3f transNow = pcl::getTransformation(xCur, yCur, zCur, rollCur, pitchCur, yawCur);// 0.4 transform cloud from global frame to camera frame// 激光点云: 世界坐标系 ---> 相机坐标系pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr depth_cloud_local(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());pcl::transformPointCloud(*depthCloud, *depth_cloud_local, transNow.inverse());// 0.5 project undistorted normalized (z) 2d features onto a unit sphere// 将视觉特征点的归一化坐标投影到单位球上pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr features_3d_sphere(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());for (int i = 0; i < (int)features_2d.size(); ++i){// normalize 2d feature to a unit sphereEigen::Vector3f feature_cur(features_2d[i].x, features_2d[i].y, features_2d[i].z); // z always equal to 1feature_cur.normalize();// convert to ROS standardPointType p;p.x =  feature_cur(2);p.y = -feature_cur(0);p.z = -feature_cur(1);p.intensity = -1; // intensity will be used to save depthfeatures_3d_sphere->push_back(p);}// 3. project depth cloud on a range image, filter points satcked in the same region// 构造激光点云的深度直方图, 对激光点云进行采样 (类似于 LOAM 和 VoxelGrid)float bin_res = 180.0 / (float)num_bins; // currently only cover the space in front of lidar (-90 ~ 90)cv::Mat rangeImage = cv::Mat(num_bins, num_bins, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(FLT_MAX)); // 深度直方图for (int i = 0; i < (int)depth_cloud_local->size(); ++i){PointType p = depth_cloud_local->points[i];// filter points not in camera viewif (p.x < 0 || abs(p.y / p.x) > 10 || abs(p.z / p.x) > 10)continue;// 当前激光点在深度直方图上的索引// find row id in range imagefloat row_angle = atan2(p.z, sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y)) * 180.0 / M_PI + 90.0; // degrees, bottom -> up, 0 -> 360int row_id = round(row_angle / bin_res);// find column id in range imagefloat col_angle = atan2(p.x, p.y) * 180.0 / M_PI; // degrees, left -> right, 0 -> 360int col_id = round(col_angle / bin_res);// id may be out of boundaryif (row_id < 0 || row_id >= num_bins || col_id < 0 || col_id >= num_bins)continue; // 超出索引范围// only keep points that's closer 仅仅保留最近的激光点深度float dist = pointDistance(p);if (dist < rangeImage.at<float>(row_id, col_id)){rangeImage.at<float>(row_id, col_id) = dist; // 深度pointsArray[row_id][col_id] = p;             // 激光点}}// 4. extract downsampled depth cloud from range image// 在深度直方图中, 每个bin只保留最近的一个激光点pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr depth_cloud_local_filter2(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; ++i){for (int j = 0; j < num_bins; ++j){if (rangeImage.at<float>(i, j) != FLT_MAX)depth_cloud_local_filter2->push_back(pointsArray[i][j]);}}*depth_cloud_local = *depth_cloud_local_filter2;publishCloud(&pub_depth_cloud, depth_cloud_local, stamp_cur, "vins_body_ros");// 5. project depth cloud onto a unit sphere// 将保留下来的激光点投影到单位球上pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr depth_cloud_unit_sphere(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());for (int i = 0; i < (int)depth_cloud_local->size(); ++i){PointType p = depth_cloud_local->points[i];float range = pointDistance(p);p.x /= range;p.y /= range;p.z /= range;p.intensity = range;depth_cloud_unit_sphere->push_back(p);}if (depth_cloud_unit_sphere->size() < 10)return depth_of_point;// 6. create a kd-tree using the spherical depth cloudpcl::KdTreeFLANN<PointType>::Ptr kdtree(new pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PointType>());kdtree->setInputCloud(depth_cloud_unit_sphere);// 7. find the feature depth using kd-tree// 在单位球上, 寻找与视觉特征点最近的三个激光点, 来估计视觉特征点的深度vector<int> pointSearchInd;vector<float> pointSearchSqDis;float dist_sq_threshold = pow(sin(bin_res / 180.0 * M_PI) * 5.0, 2);for (int i = 0; i < (int)features_3d_sphere->size(); ++i){kdtree->nearestKSearch(features_3d_sphere->points[i], 3, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis);if (pointSearchInd.size() == 3 && pointSearchSqDis[2] < dist_sq_threshold){// 单位球上最近的三个激光点 A B C (实际坐标)float r1 = depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[0]].intensity; // A的深度Eigen::Vector3f A(depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[0]].x * r1,depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[0]].y * r1,depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[0]].z * r1);float r2 = depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[1]].intensity; Eigen::Vector3f B(depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[1]].x * r2,depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[1]].y * r2,depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[1]].z * r2);float r3 = depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[2]].intensity;Eigen::Vector3f C(depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[2]].x * r3,depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[2]].y * r3,depth_cloud_unit_sphere->points[pointSearchInd[2]].z * r3);// 视觉特征点在单位球上的坐标 V// https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/100439/determine-where-a-vector-will-intersect-a-planeEigen::Vector3f V(features_3d_sphere->points[i].x,features_3d_sphere->points[i].y,features_3d_sphere->points[i].z);// 估计视觉特征点的深度 sEigen::Vector3f N = (A - B).cross(B - C);float s = (N(0) * A(0) + N(1) * A(1) + N(2) * A(2))  // (BA X CB) * OA/ (N(0) * V(0) + N(1) * V(1) + N(2) * V(2)); // (BA X CB) * OVfloat min_depth = min(r1, min(r2, r3));float max_depth = max(r1, max(r2, r3));if (max_depth - min_depth > 2 || s <= 0.5){continue;} else if (s - max_depth > 0) {s = max_depth;} else if (s - min_depth < 0) {s = min_depth;}// convert feature into cartesian space if depth is availablefeatures_3d_sphere->points[i].x *= s;features_3d_sphere->points[i].y *= s;features_3d_sphere->points[i].z *= s;// the obtained depth here is for unit sphere, VINS estimator needs depth for normalized feature (by value z), (lidar x = camera z)features_3d_sphere->points[i].intensity = features_3d_sphere->points[i].x; // ???}}// visualize features in cartesian 3d space (including the feature without depth (default 1))publishCloud(&pub_depth_feature, features_3d_sphere, stamp_cur, "vins_body_ros");// update depth value for returnfor (int i = 0; i < (int)features_3d_sphere->size(); ++i){if (features_3d_sphere->points[i].intensity > 3.0)depth_of_point.values[i] = features_3d_sphere->points[i].intensity;}// visualization project points on image for visualization (it's slow!)if (pub_depth_image.getNumSubscribers() != 0){vector<cv::Point2f> points_2d;vector<float> points_distance;for (int i = 0; i < (int)depth_cloud_local->size(); ++i){// convert points from 3D to 2DEigen::Vector3d p_3d(-depth_cloud_local->points[i].y,-depth_cloud_local->points[i].z,depth_cloud_local->points[i].x);Eigen::Vector2d p_2d;camera_model->spaceToPlane(p_3d, p_2d);points_2d.push_back(cv::Point2f(p_2d(0), p_2d(1)));points_distance.push_back(pointDistance(depth_cloud_local->points[i]));}cv::Mat showImage, circleImage;cv::cvtColor(imageCur, showImage, cv::COLOR_GRAY2RGB);circleImage = showImage.clone();for (int i = 0; i < (int)points_2d.size(); ++i){float r, g, b;getColor(points_distance[i], 50.0, r, g, b);cv::circle(circleImage, points_2d[i], 0, cv::Scalar(r, g, b), 5);}cv::addWeighted(showImage, 1.0, circleImage, 0.7, 0, showImage); // blend camera image and circle imagecv_bridge::CvImage bridge;bridge.image = showImage;bridge.encoding = "rgb8";sensor_msgs::Image::Ptr imageShowPointer = bridge.toImageMsg();imageShowPointer->header.stamp = stamp_cur;pub_depth_image.publish(imageShowPointer);}return depth_of_point;}


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