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using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;public class XmlTool
{public static string ToXml<T>(T obj){XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));using var stringWriter = new StringWriter();//让xml文档的命名空间为空,文档显得简洁那么一点点。XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();xmlns.Add("","");//xmlSerializer.Serialize(stringWriter, obj, xmlns);return stringWriter.ToString();}public static T FromXml<T>(string xml){XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new(typeof(T));return (T)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(xml));}


public struct SceneAreaInfo
{[XmlAttribute("X")]public string strX{get { return x.ToString("0.##"); }set { x = float.Parse(value); }}[XmlIgnore]public float x;//场景区域最左侧坐标[XmlAttribute("Y")]public string strY{get { return y.ToString("0.##"); }set { y = float.Parse(value); }}[XmlIgnore]public float y;//场景区域最下面坐标[XmlAttribute("Width")]public string strWidth{get { return width.ToString("0.##"); }set { width = float.Parse(value); }}[XmlIgnore]public float width;//场景区域宽度[XmlAttribute("Height")]public string strHeight{get { return height.ToString("0.##"); }set { height = float.Parse(value); }}[XmlIgnore]public float height;//场景区域高度[XmlIgnore]public Vector2 size => new Vector2(width, height);public SceneAreaInfo(float x, float y, float width, float height){this.x = x;this.y = y;this.width = width;this.height = height;}public SceneAreaInfo(Rect rect){x = rect.x;y = rect.y;width = rect.width;height = rect.height;}


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