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  • 一、configure help原文
  • 二、configure help机译
  • 三、features


qtsrc/configure --help

一、configure help原文

Usage:  configure [options] [-- cmake-options]This is a convenience script for configuring Qt with CMake.
Options after the double dash are directly passed to CMake.Top-level installation directories:-prefix <dir> ...... The deployment directory, as seen on the target device.[/usr/local/Qt-$QT_VERSION; qtbase build directory if-developer-build]-no-prefix ......... The deployment directory is set to the qtbase builddirectory. Can be used instead of -developer-buildto not have to install, as well as avoid-developer-build's default of -warnings-are-errors.-extprefix <dir> ... The installation directory, as seen on the host machine.[SYSROOT/PREFIX]Fine tuning of installation directory layout. Note that all directories
except -sysconfdir should be located under -prefix:-bindir <dir> ......... Executables [PREFIX/bin]-headerdir <dir> ...... Header files [PREFIX/include]-libdir <dir> ......... Libraries [PREFIX/lib]-archdatadir <dir> .... Arch-dependent data [PREFIX]-plugindir <dir> ...... Plugins [ARCHDATADIR/plugins]-libexecdir <dir> ..... Helper programs [ARCHDATADIR/bin on Windows,ARCHDATADIR/libexec otherwise]-qmldir <dir> ......... QML imports [ARCHDATADIR/qml]-datadir <dir> ........ Arch-independent data [PREFIX]-docdir <dir> ......... Documentation [DATADIR/doc]-translationdir <dir> . Translations [DATADIR/translations]-sysconfdir <dir> ..... Settings used by Qt programs [PREFIX/etc/xdg]-examplesdir <dir> .... Examples [PREFIX/examples]-testsdir <dir> ....... Tests [PREFIX/tests]-hostdatadir <dir> .... Data used by qmake [PREFIX]Conventions for the remaining options: When an option's description is
followed by a list of values in brackets, the interpretation is as follows:
'yes' represents the bare option; all other values are possible prefixes to
the option, e.g., -no-gui. Alternatively, the value can be assigned, e.g.,
--gui=yes. Values are listed in the order they are tried if not specified;
'auto' is a shorthand for 'yes/no'. Solitary 'yes' and 'no' represent binary
options without auto-detection.Configure meta:-help, -h ............ Display this help screen-redo ................ Re-configure with previously used options. In addition,redo removes CMakeCache.txt file and CMakeFiles/ directoryand recreates them from scratch.Additional options may be passed, but will not besaved for later use by -redo.-feature-<feature> ... Enable <feature>-no-feature-<feature>  Disable <feature> [none]-list-features ....... List available features. Note that some featureshave dedicated command line options as well.Build options:-cmake-generator <name> ... Explicitly specify the build system generator forCMake instead of auto-detecting one.-cmake-use-default-generator ... Turn off auto-detection of the CMake buildsystem generator.-cmake-file-api ...... Let CMake store build metadata for loading the buildinto an IDE. [no; yes if -developer-build]-no-guess-compiler ... Do not guess the compiler from the target mkspec.-release ............. Build Qt with optimizations and without debugsymbols [yes]Note that -developer-build implies -debug unless-release is also explicitly specified-debug ............... Build Qt without optimizations and with debug symbols[no]-debug-and-release ... Build two versions of Qt in one build tree [no]-optimize-debug ...... Enable debug-friendly optimizations in debug builds[auto] (Not supported with MSVC or Clang toolchains)-optimize-size ....... Optimize release builds for size instead of speed [no]-force-debug-info .... Create symbol files for release builds [no]-separate-debug-info . Split off debug information to separate files [no]-gdb-index ........... Index the debug info to speed up GDB[no; auto if -developer-build with debug info]-gc-binaries ......... Place each function or data item into its own sectionand enable linker garbage collection of unusedsections. [auto for static builds, otherwise no]-force-asserts ....... Enable Q_ASSERT even in release builds [no]-developer-build ..... Compile and link Qt for developing Qt itself(exports for auto-tests, extra checks, implies-no-prefix, etc.) [no]-shared .............. Build shared Qt libraries [yes] (no for UIKit)-static .............. Build static Qt libraries [no] (yes for UIKit)-framework ........... Build Qt framework bundles [yes] (Apple only)-platform <target> ... Select mkspec for the qmake companion files-device <name> ....... Select devices/mkspec for the qmake companion files-device-option <key=value> ... Add option for the device mkspec-appstore-compliant .. Disable code that is not allowed in platform app stores.This is on by default for platforms which require distributionthrough an app store by default, in particular Android,iOS, tvOS, and watchOS. [auto]-qt-host-path <path> . Specify path to a Qt host build for cross-compiling.-qtnamespace <name> .. Wrap all Qt library code in 'namespace <name> {...}'.-qtlibinfix <infix> .. Rename all libQt6*.so to libQt6*<infix>.so.-coverage <tool> ..... Instrument with the code coverage tool.-gcov ................ Instrument with the GCov code coverage tool [no]-trace [backend] ..... Enable instrumentation with tracepoints.Currently supported backends are 'etw' (Windows),'lttng' (Linux), 'ctf' (Common Trace Format, cross-platform)or 'yes' for auto-detection. [no]-sanitize {address|thread|memory|fuzzer-no-link|undefined}Instrument with the specified compiler sanitizer.Note that some sanitizers cannot be combined;for example, -sanitize address cannot be combined with-sanitize thread.-mips_dsp/-mips_dspr2  Use MIPS DSP/rev2 instructions [auto]-qreal <type> ........ typedef qreal to the specified type. [double]Note: this affects binary compatibility.-R <string> .......... Add an explicit runtime library path to the Qtlibraries. Supports paths relative to LIBDIR.-rpath ............... Link Qt libraries and executables using the libraryinstall path as a runtime library path. Similar to-R LIBDIR. On Apple platforms, disabling this impliesusing absolute install names (based in LIBDIR) fordynamic libraries and frameworks. [auto]-reduce-exports ...... Reduce amount of exported symbols [auto]-reduce-relocations .. Reduce amount of relocations [auto] (Unix only)-plugin-manifests .... Embed manifests into plugins [no] (Windows only)-static-runtime ...... With -static, use static runtime [no] (Windows only)-pch ................. Use precompiled headers [auto]-ltcg ................ Use Link Time Code Generation [no]-intelcet ............ Use Intel Control-flow Enforcement Technology [no]-linker [bfd,gold,lld,mold]Force use of the GNU ld, GNU gold, LLVM/LLD or moldlinker instead of default one (GCC and clang only)-ccache .............. Use the ccache compiler cache [no] (Unix only)-unity-build ......... Enable Unity (Jumbo) build-unity-build-batch-size <int>Maximum number of source files used by the unity buildto create unity source files [32]-warnings-are-errors . Treat warnings as errors [no; yes if -developer-build]-disable-deprecated-up-to <version>Set the QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO value to <version>.QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO is used to removedeprecated methods from both API and ABI.<version> is a hex value, for example 0x060500 can beused to remove all code deprecated in Qt 6.5.0 orearlier releases.By default <version> is set to 0x040000 and 0x050000 onWindows, and non-Windows respectively.Build environment:-pkg-config .......... Use pkg-config [auto] (Unix only)-vcpkg ............... Use vcpkg [no]-D <string> .......... Pass additional preprocessor define-I <string> .......... Pass additional include path-L <string> .......... Pass additional library path-F <string> .......... Pass additional framework path (Apple only)-sdk <sdk> ........... Build Qt using Apple provided SDK <sdk>. The argumentshould be one of the available SDKs as listed by'xcodebuild -showsdks'.-android-sdk path .... Set Android SDK root path [$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT]-android-ndk path .... Set Android NDK root path [$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT]-android-ndk-platform  Set Android platform-android-abis .......  Only one ABI can be specified, default is: armeabi-v7a-android-javac-target  Set the javac build target version [8]-android-javac-source  Set the javac build source version [8]-android-style-assets  Automatically extract style assets from the device atrun time. This option makes the Android style behavecorrectly, but also makes the Android platform pluginincompatible with the LGPL2.1. [yes]Component selection:-submodules <repo>[,<repo>] ... Build the listed repositories and those theydepend on rather than all checked-out repositories.The list should be separated with commas, e.g.-submodules qtsvg,qtnetworkauth[default is to build all checked out repositories]-skip <repo>[,<repo>]  Exclude one or more entire repositories from thebuild. The list should be separated with commas.e.g. -skip qtimageformats,qtsvg-skip-tests <repo>[,<repo>] ... Skip building tests for one or morerepositories. The list should be separated with commas.e.g. -skip-tests qtimageformats,qtsvg-skip-examples <repo>[,<repo>] ... Skip building examples for one or morerepositories. The list should be separated with commas.e.g. -skip-examples qtimageformats,qtsvg-make <part> ......... Add <part> to the list of parts to be built.Specifying this option clears the default list first.(allowed values: libs, tools, examples, tests,benchmarks, manual-tests, minimal-static-tests)[default: libs and examples, also tools if notcross-building, also tests if -developer-build]-nomake <part> ....... Exclude <part> from the list of parts to be built.-install-examples-sources Installs examples source code into the Qt prefixOnly possible when -make examples is also passed[no]-gui ................. Build the Qt GUI module and dependencies [yes]-widgets ............. Build the Qt Widgets module and dependencies [yes]-no-dbus ............. Do not build the Qt D-Bus module[default on Android and Windows]-dbus-linked ......... Build Qt D-Bus and link to libdbus-1 [auto]-dbus-runtime ........ Build Qt D-Bus and dynamically load libdbus-1 [no]-accessibility ....... Enable accessibility support [yes]Note: Disabling accessibility is not recommended.Qt comes with bundled copies of some 3rd party libraries. These are used
by default if auto-detection of the respective system library fails.Core options:-doubleconversion .... Select used double conversion library [system/qt/no]No implies use of sscanf_l and snprintf_l (imprecise).-glib ................ Enable Glib support [no; auto on Unix]-inotify ............. Enable inotify support-icu ................. Enable ICU support [auto]-pcre ................ Select used libpcre2 [system/qt/no]-zlib ................ Select used zlib [system/qt]Logging backends:-journald .......... Enable journald support [no] (Unix only)-syslog ............ Enable syslog support [no] (Unix only)-slog2 ............. Enable slog2 support [auto] (QNX only)Network options:-ssl ................. Enable either SSL support method [auto]-no-openssl .......... Do not use OpenSSL [default on Apple]-openssl-linked ...... Use OpenSSL and link to libssl [no]-openssl-runtime ..... Use OpenSSL and dynamically load libssl [auto]-schannel ............ Use Secure Channel [auto] (Windows only)-securetransport ..... Use SecureTransport [auto] (Apple only)-sctp ................ Enable SCTP support [no]-libproxy ............ Enable use of libproxy [no]-system-proxies ...... Use system network proxies by default [yes]Gui, printing, widget options:-cups ................ Enable CUPS support [auto] (Unix only)-fontconfig .......... Enable Fontconfig support [auto] (Unix only)-freetype ............ Select used FreeType [system/qt/no]-harfbuzz ............ Select used HarfBuzz-NG [system/qt/no](Not auto-detected on Apple and Windows)-gtk ................. Enable GTK platform theme support [auto]-no-opengl ........... Disable OpenGL support-opengl <api> ........ Enable OpenGL support. Supported APIs:es2, desktop (default on Unix),dynamic (Windows only, default on Windows)-opengles3 ........... Enable OpenGL ES 3.x support instead of ES 2.x [auto]-egl ................. Enable EGL support [auto]-qpa <name> .......... Select default QPA backend(s) (e.g., xcb, cocoa, windows)A prioritized list separated by semi-colons.-xcb-xlib............. Enable Xcb-Xlib support [auto]Platform backends:-direct2d .......... Enable Direct2D support [auto] (Windows only)-directfb .......... Enable DirectFB support [no] (Unix only)-eglfs ............. Enable EGLFS support [auto; no on Android and Windows]-gbm ............... Enable backends for GBM [auto] (Linux only)-kms ............... Enable backends for KMS [auto] (Linux only)-linuxfb ........... Enable Linux Framebuffer support [auto] (Linux only)-xcb ............... Enable X11 support [auto] (Linux only)Input backends:-libudev............ Enable udev support [auto]-evdev ............. Enable evdev support [auto]-libinput .......... Enable libinput support [auto]-mtdev ............. Enable mtdev support [auto]-tslib ............. Enable tslib support [auto]-bundled-xcb-xinput  Use bundled XInput2 support [auto]-xkbcommon ......... Enable key mapping support [auto]Image formats:-gif ............... Enable reading support for GIF [auto]-ico ............... Enable support for ICO [yes]-libpng ............ Select used libpng [system/qt/no]-libjpeg ........... Select used libjpeg [system/qt/no]Database options:-sql-<driver> ........ Enable SQL <driver> plugin. Supported drivers:db2 ibase mysql oci odbc psql sqlite mimer[all auto]-sqlite .............. Select used sqlite [system/qt]Qt3D options:-assimp .............. Select used assimp library [system/qt/no]-qt3d-profile-jobs ... Enable jobs profiling [no]-qt3d-profile-gl ..... Enable OpenGL profiling [no]-qt3d-render ......... Enable the Qt3D Render aspect [yes]-qt3d-input .......... Enable the Qt3D Input aspect [yes]-qt3d-logic .......... Enable the Qt3D Logic aspect [yes]-qt3d-extras ......... Enable the Qt3D Extras aspect [yes]-qt3d-animation....... Enable the Qt3D Animation aspect [yes]Further image format options:-jasper .............. Enable JPEG-2000 support using the JasPer library [no]-mng ................. Enable MNG support [no]-tiff ................ Enable TIFF support [system/qt/no]-webp ................ Enable WEBP support [system/qt/no]Multimedia options:-pulseaudio .......... Enable PulseAudio support [auto] (Unix only)-alsa ................ Enable ALSA support [auto] (Unix only)-no-gstreamer ........ Disable support for GStreamer-gstreamer [version] . Enable GStreamer support [auto]With no parameter, 1.0 is tried first, then 0.10.-evr ................. Enables EVR in WMF [auto]QtQuick3D options:-assimp .............. Select used assimp library [system/qt/no]TextToSpeech options:-flite ............... Enable Flite support [auto] (Unix only)-flite-alsa .......... Enable Flite with ALSA support [auto] (Unix only)-speechd ............. Enable speech dispatcher support [auto] (Unix only)WebEngine options:-webengine-alsa ................ Enable ALSA support [auto] (Linux only)-webengine-pulseaudio .......... Enable PulseAudio support [auto](Linux only)-webengine-embedded-build ...... Enable Linux embedded build [auto](Linux only)-webengine-icu ................. Use system ICU libraries [system/qt](Linux only)-webengine-ffmpeg .............. Use system FFmpeg libraries [system/qt](Linux only)-webengine-opus ................ Use system Opus libraries [system/qt](Linux only)-webengine-webp ................ Use system WebP libraries [system/qt](Linux only)-webengine-pepper-plugins ...... Enable use of Pepper Flash and Widevineplugins [auto]-webengine-printing-and-pdf .... Enable use of printing and output to PDF[auto]-webengine-proprietary-codecs .. Enable support for proprietary codecs [no]-webengine-spellchecker ........ Enable support for spellchecker [yes]-webengine-native-spellchecker . Enable support for native spellchecker [no](macOS only)-webengine-webrtc .............. Enable support for WebRTC [auto]

二、configure help机译

用法:配置 [选项] [-- cmake 选项]这是一个使用CMake配置Qt的便捷脚本。双破折号后的选项会直接传递给CMake。顶级安装目录:-prefix <dir> ...... 部署目录,即在目标设备上看到的目录。如果是在Qt的本地构建目录中,则使用[/usr/local/Qt-$QT_VERSION; qtbase构建目录]-开发者版本]-no-prefix ...... 部署目录设置为qtbase构建目录目录。可以替代-developer-build使用无需安装,同时避免-developer-build的默认设置是“-warnings-are-errors”。-extprefix <dir> ... 指定安装目录,该目录在主机上可见。[SYSROOT/PREFIX]微调安装目录布局。请注意,所有目录除了-sysconfdir应位于-prefix下:-bindir <dir> ...... 可执行文件 [PREFIX/bin]-headerdir <dir> ...... 头文件 [PREFIX/include]-libdir <dir> ...... 库文件 [PREFIX/lib]-archdatadir <dir> ...... 依赖于架构的数据 [PREFIX]-plugindir <dir> ...... 插件 [ARCHDATADIR/plugins]-libexecdir <dir> ...... 辅助程序 [Windows 上为 ARCHDATADIR/bin,[否则,请访问ARCHDATADIR/libexec目录]-qmldir <dir> ...... QML导入[ARCHDATADIR/qml]-datadir <dir> ........ 独立于Arch的数据 [PREFIX]-docdir <dir> ...... 文档目录 [DATADIR/doc]-translationdir <dir> . 翻译文件 [DATADIR/translations]-sysconfdir <dir> ...... Qt 程序使用的设置 [PREFIX/etc/xdg]-examplesdir <dir> .... 示例目录 [PREFIX/examples]-testsdir <dir> ...... 测试 [PREFIX/tests]-hostdatadir <dir> ...... qmake [PREFIX] 所使用的数据对于剩余选项的约定:当一个选项的描述是后面括号中列出一系列数值,其解释如下:“yes”代表基本选项;所有其他值都可能是前缀例如,可以使用选项,如-no-gui。或者,也可以指定值,例如:。,--gui=yes。如果未指定,则按照尝试的顺序列出值;“auto”是“是/否”的简写。单独的“是”和“否”表示二元性无自动检测的选项。配置元数据:-help, -h ............ 显示此帮助界面-redo .............. 使用之前使用的选项重新配置。此外,“redo”会删除“CMakeCache.txt”文件和“CMakeFiles/”目录并从零开始重新创建它们。可以传递额外的选项,但它们不会被执行通过“-redo”命令保存以供后续使用。-feature-<feature> ... 启用<feature>-no-feature-<feature> 禁用 <feature> []-list-features 列出可用功能。请注意,某些功能也有专用的命令行选项。构建选项:-cmake-generator <name> ... 明确指定构建系统生成器使用CMake而不是自动检测。-cmake-use-default-generator ... 关闭CMake构建的自动检测功能系统生成器。-cmake-file-api ...... 让CMake存储构建元数据,以便加载构建过程集成到IDE中。[否;如果是开发者版本则为是]-no-guess-compiler ... 不要从目标mkspec中猜测编译器。-release ............. 使用优化选项构建Qt,且不包含调试信息符号 []请注意,除非另有说明,否则“-developer-build”意味着“-debug”-release也被明确指定-debug ............... 构建Qt时禁用优化并包含调试符号[]-debug-and-release ... 在一个构建树中构建两个Qt版本 []-optimize-debug ...... 在调试版本中启用有利于调试的优化[自动](在MSVC或Clang工具链中不受支持)-optimize-size ...... 优化发布版本以减小大小,而非提高速度 []-force-debug-info .... 为发布版本创建符号文件 []-separate-debug-info:将调试信息分离到单独的文件中[]-gdb-index ........... 索引调试信息以加速GDB的运行[否;如果是开发者构建且包含调试信息,则自动执行]-gc-binaries ...... 将每个函数或数据项放置到其自己的段中并启用链接器对未使用的内存进行垃圾回收部分。[静态构建时自动,否则无]-force-asserts ...... 即使在发布版本中也启用 Q_ASSERT []-developer-build ...... 编译并链接Qt,用于开发Qt本身(用于自动测试、额外检查的导出,意味着……)(无前缀,等等)[]-shared .............. 构建共享Qt库[](对于UIKit为否)-static .............. 构建静态Qt库(默认为no,对于UIKit则为yes)-framework ........... 构建Qt框架包[](仅限苹果)-platform <target> ... 选择mkspec用于生成qmake配套文件-device <name> ...... 选择设备/mkspec以获取qmake配套文件-device-option <key=value> ... 为设备mkspec添加选项-符合应用商店规定.. 禁用在平台应用商店中不允许使用的代码。对于需要分发的平台,此功能默认已开启默认情况下,通过应用商店,特别是安卓平台的应用商店,iOS、tvOS 和 watchOS。[自动]-qt-host-path <path>。指定用于交叉编译的Qt主机构建的路径。-qtnamespace <name> .. 将所有Qt库代码包裹在'namespace <name> {...}'中。-qtlibinfix <infix> .. 将所有libQt6*.so文件重命名为libQt6*<infix>.so。使用代码覆盖工具进行检测。-gcov .............. 使用GCov代码覆盖工具进行检测 []-trace [backend] ...... 启用带有跟踪点的检测功能。当前支持的后端是“etw”(Windows),'lttng'(Linux),'ctf'(通用跟踪格式,跨平台)或选择“是”进行自动检测。[]-sanitize {地址|线程|内存|不链接模糊器|未定义}使用指定的编译器检测工具进行检测。请注意,某些消毒剂不能混合使用;例如,-sanitize address不能与其他选项组合使用-对线程进行安全处理。-mips_dsp/-mips_dspr2 使用MIPS DSP/rev2指令[自动]-qreal <type> ...... 将 qreal 类型定义为指定的类型。[double]注意:这会影响二进制兼容性。-R <string> .......... 在Qt中添加一个明确的运行时库路径库。支持相对于LIBDIR的路径。-rpath ............... 使用库链接Qt库和可执行文件将安装路径设置为运行时库路径。类似于-R LIBDIR。在苹果平台上,禁用此选项意味着使用基于LIBDIR的绝对安装名称动态库和框架。[自动]-reduce-exports ...... 减少导出符号的数量 [自动]-reduce-relocations .. 减少重定位次数(自动)(仅限Unix系统)-plugin-manifests .... 将清单嵌入到插件中 [](仅限Windows)-static-runtime ...... 使用 -static 时,使用静态运行时 [](仅限 Windows)-pch ................. 使用预编译头文件 [自动]-ltcg ……………… 使用链接时代码生成 []-intelcet ............ 使用英特尔控制流执行技术[]-linker [bfd,gold,lld,mold]强制使用GNU ld、GNU gold、LLVM/LLD或mold使用自定义链接器替代默认链接器(仅限GCC和clang)-ccache .............. 使用ccache编译器缓存[](仅限Unix系统)-unity-build ………… 启用Unity(大型)构建-unity-build-batch-size <int>Unity构建所使用的源文件最大数量创建Unity源文件[32]将警告视为错误(如果为“no”,则视为错误;如果为“yes”,则视为错误,适用于开发人员构建)-disable-deprecated-up-to <version>将QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO值设置为<version>。QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO 用于移除API和ABI中的已弃用方法。<version>是一个十六进制值,例如0x060500可以表示用于移除Qt 6.5.0中弃用的所有代码或早期版本。默认情况下,<version>被设置为0x0400000x050000分别是Windows和非Windows。构建环境:-pkg-config .......... 使用pkg-config [auto](仅限Unix系统)-vcpkg ............... 使用vcpkg []-D <string> .......... 传递额外的预处理器定义-I <string> .......... 传递额外的包含路径-L <string> .......... 传递额外的库路径-F <string> .......... 传递额外的框架路径(仅限苹果)-sdk <sdk> ........... 使用苹果提供的SDK <sdk>来构建Qt。该参数应该是所列出的可用SDK之一'xcodebuild -showsdks'-android-sdk路径....设置Android SDK根路径为[$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT]-android-ndk路径....设置Android NDK根路径为[$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT]-android-ndk-platform 用于设置Android平台-android-abis ...... 只能指定一个ABI,默认值为:armeabi-v7a-android-javac-target 用于设置javac构建目标版本[8]-android-javac-source 用于设置javac构建源代码版本[8]-android-style-assets:自动从设备中提取样式资源运行时。此选项使Android风格得以展现正确执行,同时也使Android平台成为插件与 LGPL2.1 不兼容。[]组件选择:-submodules <repo>[,<repo>] ... 构建列出的仓库以及它们所包含的子模块依赖于而不是全部签出的仓库。列表应以逗号分隔,例如:。- 子模块 qtsvg、qtnetworkauth默认情况下,会构建所有已签出的仓库-skip <repo>[,<repo>] 从操作中排除一个或多个完整的仓库构建。列表应以逗号分隔。例如,跳过qtimageformats和qtsvg-skip-tests <repo>[,<repo>] ... 跳过一个或多个仓库的测试构建存储库。列表应以逗号分隔。例如,跳过测试qtimageformats和qtsvg-skip-examples <repo>[,<repo>] ... 跳过为一个或多个仓库构建示例的步骤存储库。列表应以逗号分隔。例如,跳过示例的qtimageformats和qtsvg-make <part> ......<part> 添加到待构建的部件列表中。指定此选项会首先清除默认列表。(允许值:库、工具、示例、测试),基准测试、手动测试、最小静态测试)[默认:库和示例,如果没有其他内容,也可以是工具]跨楼宇测试,也测试了开发者构建版本-nomake <part> ...... 从要构建的部件列表中排除 <part>-install-examples-sources 命令用于将示例源代码安装到Qt前缀中只有当同时传递了“-make examples”参数时,才可能执行此操作[]-gui ................. 构建Qt图形用户界面模块及其依赖项[]-widgets ............. 构建Qt Widgets模块及其依赖项 []-no-dbus ............. 表示不构建Qt D-Bus模块[在Android和Windows上默认为]-dbus-linked ...... 构建Qt D-Bus并链接到libdbus-1 [自动]-dbus-runtime ........ 构建Qt D-Bus并动态加载libdbus-1 []- 可访问性(Accessibility)......启用可访问性支持[]注意:不建议禁用辅助功能。Qt附带了一些第三方库的捆绑副本。这些库被使用如果系统库的自动检测失败,则默认为此。核心选项:-doubleconversion .... 选择已使用的双精度转换库 [system/qt/no]不表示使用scanf_l和printf_l(不精确)。-glib .............. 启用Glib支持[在Unix上默认为自动启用]-inotify ............. 启用inotify支持-icu ................. 启用ICU支持[自动]-pcre ............ 选择已使用的libpcre2 [系统/Qt/]-zlib ................ 选择已使用的zlib(系统/Qt)日志后端:-journald .......... 启用journald支持[](仅限Unix)-syslog ............ 启用syslog支持[](仅限Unix)-slog2 ............. 启用slog2支持[自动](仅限QNX)网络选项:-ssl ................. 启用任一 SSL 支持方法 [自动]-no-openssl .......... 不要使用OpenSSL(在苹果设备上默认为使用)-openssl-linked ...... 使用OpenSSL并链接到libssl []-openssl-runtime ...... 使用OpenSSL并动态加载libssl [自动]-schannel ............ 使用安全通道(自动)(仅限Windows)-securetransport ...... 使用 SecureTransport [自动](仅限苹果)-sctp .............. 启用SCTP支持[]-libproxy ............ 启用libproxy功能 []-system-proxies ...... 默认情况下使用系统网络代理 []GUI、打印、小部件选项:-cups ................ 启用CUPS支持[自动](仅限Unix系统)-fontconfig .......... 启用Fontconfig支持[自动](仅限Unix系统)-freetype ............ 选择已使用的FreeType [系统/Qt/]-harfbuzz ............ 选择使用HarfBuzz-NG [系统/Qt/](在苹果和Windows系统上未自动检测)-gtk ................. 启用GTK平台主题支持[自动]-no-opengl ........... 禁用OpenGL支持-opengl <api> ........ 启用OpenGL支持。支持的API:es2,桌面(在Unix上默认为此),动态(仅限Windows,在Windows上为默认设置)-opengles3 ........... 启用OpenGL ES 3.x支持,而不是ES 2.x [自动]-egl ................. 启用EGL支持[自动]-qpa <name> .......... 选择默认的QPA后端(例如,xcb、cocoa、windows)一个用分号分隔的优先级列表。-xcb-xlib ............. 启用 Xcb-Xlib 支持 [自动]平台后端:-direct2d .......... 启用Direct2D支持[自动](仅限Windows)-directfb .......... 启用DirectFB支持[](仅限Unix系统)-eglfs ............. 启用EGLFS支持 [自动;在Android和Windows上为否]-gbm ............... 启用GBM后端(自动)(仅限Linux)-kms ............... 启用KMS后端(仅限Linux)(自动)-linuxfb ........... 启用Linux帧缓冲支持[自动](仅限Linux)-xcb ............... 启用X11支持[自动](仅限Linux)输入后端:-libudev............ 启用udev支持 [自动]-evdev ............. 启用evdev支持[自动]-libinput .......... 启用libinput支持[自动]-mtdev ............. 启用mtdev支持[自动]-tslib ............. 启用tslib支持[自动]-bundled-xcb-xinput 使用捆绑的XInput2支持[自动]-xkbcommon ...... 启用键盘映射支持 [自动]图像格式:-gif ............... 启用对GIF的读取支持[自动]-ico ............... 启用对ICO的支持 []-libpng ............ 选择使用的libpng [系统/Qt/]-libjpeg ........... 选择使用的libjpeg [系统/Qt/]数据库选项:-sql-<driver> ........ 启用SQL <driver>插件。支持的驱动程序:db2、ibase、mysql、oci、odbc、psql、sqlite、mimer[全部自动]-sqlite .............. 选择已使用的SQLite [系统/Qt]Qt3D选项:-assimp .............. 选择已使用的assimp库 [系统/Qt/]-qt3d-profile-jobs ... 启用作业性能分析 []-qt3d-profile-gl ...... 启用OpenGL性能分析[]-qt3d-render ...... 启用Qt3D渲染特性[]-qt3d-input .......... 启用Qt3D输入特性[]-qt3d-logic .......... 启用Qt3D逻辑特性[]-qt3d-extras ......... 启用Qt3D附加特性[]-qt3d-animation....... 启用Qt3D动画特性[]更多图像格式选项:-jasper .............. 使用JasPer库启用JPEG-2000支持[]-mng ................. 启用MNG支持 []-tiff ............ 启用TIFF支持 [系统/Qt/]-webp .............. 启用WEBP支持[系统/Qt/]多媒体选项:-pulseaudio .......... 启用PulseAudio支持[自动](仅限Unix系统)-alsa ............... 启用 ALSA 支持 [自动](仅限 Unix)-no-gstreamer ........ 禁用GStreamer支持-gstreamer [version] 。启用GStreamer支持[自动]如果没有参数,会先尝试1.0,然后是0.10-evr ................. 在WMF中启用EVR [自动]QtQuick3D选项:-assimp .............. 选择已使用的assimp库[系统/Qt/]文本到语音选项:-flite ............... 启用Flite支持(自动)(仅限Unix系统)-flite-alsa .......... 启用带有ALSA支持的Flite(仅限Unix系统)-speechd ............. 启用语音调度器支持(自动)(仅限Unix系统)WebEngine选项:-webengine-alsa .............. 启用 ALSA 支持(自动)(仅限 Linux)-webengine-pulseaudio .......... 启用PulseAudio支持[自动](仅限Linux)-webengine-embedded-build ...... 启用Linux嵌入式构建[自动](仅限Linux)-webengine-icu ................. 使用系统ICU库[system/qt](仅限Linux)-webengine-ffmpeg .............. 使用系统FFmpeg库[系统/Qt](仅限Linux)-webengine-opus .............. 使用系统Opus库[system/qt](仅限Linux)-webengine-webp .............. 使用系统WebP库[system/qt](仅限Linux)-webengine-pepper-plugins ...... 启用Pepper Flash和Widevine插件插件 [自动]-webengine-printing-and-pdf ...... 启用打印功能并输出到PDF[自动]-webengine-proprietary-codecs .. 启用对专有编解码器的支持 []-webengine-spellchecker ........ 启用拼写检查支持 []-webengine-native-spellchecker。启用对本地拼写检查器的支持[](仅限macOS)-webengine-webrtc .............. 启用WebRTC支持[自动]


qt-everywhere-src-6.7.2$ ./configure -list-features
+ mkdir -p qtbase
+ cd qtbase
+ exec /home/jeady/Downloads/qt-everywhere-src-6.7.2/qtbase/configure -top-level -list-features
abstractbutton ........... Widgets: Abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons.
abstractslider ........... Widgets: Common super class for widgets like QScrollBar, QSlider and QDial.
accessibility ............ Utilities: Provides accessibility support.
action ................... Kernel: Provides abstract user interface actions.
androiddeployqt .......... Deployment: The Android deployment tool automates the process of creating Android packages.
animation ................ Utilities: Provides a framework for animations.
appstore-compliant ....... Disables code that is not allowed in platform app stores
assistant ................ Qt Assistant is a tool for viewing on-line documentation in Qt help file format.
batch_test_support ....... Allows merging of all tests into a single executable on demand
brotli ................... Networking: Support for downloading and decompressing resources compressed with Brotli through QNetworkAccessManager.
buttongroup .............. Widgets: Supports organizing groups of button widgets.
calendarwidget ........... Widgets: Provides a monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date.
cborstreamreader ......... Utilities: Provides support for reading the CBOR binary format.  Note that this is required for plugin loading. Qt GUI needs QPA plugins for basic operation.
cborstreamwriter ......... Utilities: Provides support for writing the CBOR binary format.
charts-area-chart ........ Support for area charts
charts-bar-chart ......... Support for bar charts
charts-boxplot-chart ..... Support for box plot charts
charts-candlestick-chart . Support for candlestick charts
charts-datetime-axis ..... Support for datetime axis
charts-line-chart ........ Support for line charts
charts-pie-chart ......... Support for pie charts
charts-scatter-chart ..... Support for scatter charts
charts-spline-chart ...... Support for spline charts
checkbox ................. Widgets: Provides a checkbox with a text label.
clipboard ................ Kernel: Provides cut and paste operations.
colordialog .............. Dialogs: Provides a dialog widget for specifying colors.
colornames ............... Painting: Supports color names such as "red", used by QColor and by some HTML documents.
columnview ............... ItemViews: Provides a model/view implementation of a column view.
combobox ................. Widgets: Provides drop-down boxes presenting a list of options to the user.
commandlineparser ........ Utilities: Provides support for command line parsing.
commandlinkbutton ........ Widgets: Provides a Vista style command link button.
completer ................ Utilities: Provides completions based on an item model.
concatenatetablesproxymodel . ItemViews: Supports concatenating source models.
concurrent ............... Kernel: Provides a high-level multi-threading API.
contextmenu .............. Widgets: Adds pop-up menus on right mouse click to numerous widgets.
cpp-winrt ................ basic cpp/winrt language projection support
cssparser ................ Kernel: Provides a parser for Cascading Style Sheets.
cups ..................... Painting: Provides support for the Common Unix Printing System.
cursor ................... Kernel: Provides mouse cursors.
datawidgetmapper ......... ItemViews: Provides mapping between a section of a data model to widgets.
datestring ............... Data structures: Provides conversion between dates and strings.
datetimeedit ............. Widgets: Supports editing dates and times.
datetimeparser ........... Utilities: Provides support for parsing date-time texts.
designer ................. Qt Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets. You can compose and customize your windows or dialogs in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) manner, and test them using different styles and resolutions.
desktopservices .......... Utilities: Provides methods for accessing common desktop services.
dial ..................... Widgets: Provides a rounded range control, e.g., like a speedometer.
dialog ................... Dialogs: Base class of dialog windows.
dialogbuttonbox .......... Dialogs: Presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate for the current widget style.
distancefieldgenerator ... The Qt Distance Field Generator tool can be used to pregenerate the font cache in order to optimize startup performance.
dnslookup ................ Networking: Provides API for DNS lookups.
dockwidget ............... Widgets: Supports docking widgets inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop.
dom ...................... File I/O: Supports the Document Object Model.
draganddrop .............. Kernel: Supports the drag and drop mechanism.
dtls ..................... Networking: Provides a DTLS implementation
easingcurve .............. Utilities: Provides easing curve.
effects .................. Kernel: Provides special widget effects (e.g. fading and scrolling).
errormessage ............. Dialogs: Provides an error message display dialog.
example-hwr .............. Generates random characters in response to handwriting input. For development and demonstration purposes only.
filedialog ............... Dialogs: Provides a dialog widget for selecting files or directories.
filesystemiterator ....... File I/O: Provides fast file system iteration.
filesystemmodel .......... File I/O: Provides a data model for the local filesystem.
filesystemwatcher ........ File I/O: Provides an interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications.
fontcombobox ............. Widgets: Provides a combobox that lets the user select a font family.
fontdialog ............... Dialogs: Provides a dialog widget for selecting fonts.
formlayout ............... Widgets: Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels.
freetype ................. Fonts: Supports the FreeType 2 font engine (and its supported font formats).
fscompleter .............. Utilities: Provides file name completion in QFileDialog.
future ................... Kernel: Provides QFuture and related classes.
gestures ................. Utilities: Provides a framework for gestures.
graphicseffect ........... Widgets: Provides various graphics effects.
graphicsframecapture ..... Utilities: Provides a way to capture a graphic's API calls for a rendered frame.
graphicsview ............. Widgets: Provides a canvas/sprite framework.
groupbox ................. Widgets: Provides widget grouping boxes with frames.
gssapi ................... Networking: Enable SPNEGO authentication through GSSAPI
highdpiscaling ........... Kernel: Provides automatic scaling of DPI-unaware applications on high-DPI displays.
hijricalendar ............ Utilities: Generic basis for Islamic calendars, providing shared locale data
http ..................... Networking: Provides support for the Hypertext Transfer Protocol in QNetworkAccessManager.
identityproxymodel ....... ItemViews: Supports proxying a source model unmodified.
im ....................... Kernel: Provides complex input methods.
image_heuristic_mask ..... Images: Supports creating a 1-bpp heuristic mask for images.
image_text ............... Images: Supports image file text strings.
imageformat_bmp .......... Images: Supports Microsoft's Bitmap image file format.
imageformat_jpeg ......... Images: Supports the Joint Photographic Experts Group image file format.
imageformat_png .......... Images: Supports the Portable Network Graphics image file format.
imageformat_ppm .......... Images: Supports the Portable Pixmap image file format.
imageformat_xbm .......... Images: Supports the X11 Bitmap image file format.
imageformat_xpm .......... Images: Supports the X11 Pixmap image file format.
imageformatplugin ........ Images: Provides a base for writing a image format plugins.
inputdialog .............. Dialogs: Provides a simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user.
islamiccivilcalendar ..... Utilities: Support the Islamic Civil calendar
itemmodel ................ ItemViews: Provides the item model for item views
itemmodeltester .......... Provides a utility to test item models.
itemviews ................ ItemViews: Provides the model/view architecture managing the relationship between data and the way it is presented to the user.
jalalicalendar ........... Utilities: Support the Jalali (Persian) calendar
keysequenceedit .......... Widgets: Provides a widget for editing QKeySequences.
kmap2qmap ................ kmap2qmap is a tool to generate keymaps for use on Embedded Linux. The source files have to be in standard Linux kmap format that is e.g. understood by the kernel's loadkeys command.
label .................... Widgets: Provides a text or image display.
lcdnumber ................ Widgets: Provides LCD-like digits.
library .................. File I/O: Provides a wrapper for dynamically loaded libraries.
lineedit ................. Widgets: Provides single-line edits.
linguist ................. Qt Linguist can be used by translator to translate text in Qt applications.
listview ................. ItemViews: Provides a list or icon view onto a model.
listwidget ............... Widgets: Provides item-based list widgets.
localserver .............. Networking: Provides a local socket based server.
macdeployqt .............. Deployment: The Mac deployment tool automates the process of creating a deployable application bundle that contains the Qt libraries as private frameworks.
mainwindow ............... Widgets: Provides main application windows.
mdiarea .................. Widgets: Provides an area in which MDI windows are displayed.
menu ..................... Widgets: Provides popup-menus.
menubar .................. Widgets: Provides pull-down menu items.
messagebox ............... Dialogs: Provides message boxes displaying informative messages and simple questions.
mimetype ................. Utilities: Provides MIME type handling.
modbus-serialport ........ Enables Serial-based Modbus Support
movie .................... Images: Supports animated images.
multiprocess ............. Utilities: Provides support for detecting the desktop environment, launching external processes and opening URLs.
network .................. Module: Provides the Qt Network module.
networkdiskcache ......... Networking: Provides a disk cache for network resources.
networkinterface ......... Networking: Supports enumerating a host's IP addresses and network interfaces.
networklistmanager ....... Networking: Use Network List Manager to keep track of network connectivity
networkproxy ............. Networking: Provides network proxy support.
ocsp ..................... Networking: Provides OCSP stapling support
openssl-hash ............. Uses OpenSSL based implementation of cryptographic hash algorithms.
pdf ...................... Painting: Provides a PDF backend for QPainter.
permissions .............. Utilities: Provides support for requesting user permission to access restricted data or APIs
picture .................. Painting: Supports recording and replaying QPainter commands.
pixeltool ................ The Qt Pixel Zooming Tool is a graphical application that magnifies the screen around the mouse pointer so you can look more closely at individual pixels.
poll-exit-on-error ....... Exit on error instead of just printing the error code and continue.
printdialog .............. Dialogs: Provides a dialog widget for specifying printer configuration.
printer .................. Painting: Provides a printer backend of QPainter.
printpreviewdialog ....... Dialogs: Provides a dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output.
printpreviewwidget ....... Widgets: Provides a widget for previewing page layouts for printer output.
printsupport ............. Module: Provides the Qt PrintSupport module.
process .................. File I/O: Supports external process invocation.
processenvironment ....... File I/O: Provides a higher-level abstraction of environment variables.
progressbar .............. Widgets: Supports presentation of operation progress.
progressdialog ........... Dialogs: Provides feedback on the progress of a slow operation.
proxymodel ............... ItemViews: Supports processing of data passed between another model and a view.
pushbutton ............... Widgets: Provides a command button.
qdbus .................... qdbus is a communication interface for Qt-based applications.
qdoc ..................... QDoc is Qt's documentation generator for C++ and QML projects.
qev ...................... qev allows introspection of incoming events for a QWidget, similar to the X11 xev tool.
qmake .................... The qmake tool helps simplify the build process for development projects across different platforms.
qml-animation ............ QML: Provides support for animations and timers in QML.
qml-debug ................ QML: Provides infrastructure and plugins for debugging and profiling.
qml-delegate-model ....... QML: Provides the DelegateModel QML type.
qml-itemmodel ............ QML: Provides the item model for item views in QML
qml-jit .................. QML: Provides a JIT for QML and JavaScript
qml-list-model ........... QML: Provides the ListModel QML type.
qml-locale ............... QML: Provides support for locales in QML.
qml-network .............. QML: Provides network transparency.
qml-object-model ......... QML: Provides the ObjectModel and Instantiator QML types.
qml-preview .............. QML: Updates QML documents in your application live as you change them on disk
qml-profiler ............. QML: Supports retrieving QML tracing data from an application.
qml-ssl .................. QML: Provides ssl support in QML.
qml-table-model .......... QML: Provides the TableModel QML type.
qml-worker-script ........ QML: Enables the use of threads in QML.
qml-xml-http-request ..... QML: Provides support for sending XML http requests.
qml-xmllistmodel ......... QML: Enable XmlListModel in QML
qt3d-animation ........... Aspects: Use the 3D Animation Aspect library
qt3d-extras .............. Aspects: Use the 3D Extra library
qt3d-input ............... Aspects: Use the 3D Input Aspect library
qt3d-logic ............... Aspects: Use the 3D Logic Aspect library
qt3d-opengl-renderer ..... Qt 3D Renderers: Use the OpenGL renderer
qt3d-render .............. Aspects: Use the 3D Render Aspect library
qt3d-rhi-renderer ........ Qt 3D Renderers: Use the RHI renderer (requires qtShaderTools module)
qtattributionsscanner .... Qt Attributions Scanner generates attribution documents for third-party code in Qt.
qtdiag ................... qtdiag outputs information about the Qt installation it was built with.
qtpdf-build .............. Enables building the Qt Pdf modules.
qtpdf-quick-build ........ Enables building the QtPdfQuick module.
qtpdf-widgets-build ...... Enables building the Qt Pdf module.
qtplugininfo ............. qtplugininfo dumps metadata about Qt plugins in JSON format.
qtprotobufgen ............ Utilities: Provides support for generating Qt-based classes for use with Protocol Buffers.
qtwebengine-build ........ Enables building the Qt WebEngine modules.
qtwebengine-core-build ... Enables building the Qt WebEngineCore module.
qtwebengine-quick-build .. Enables building the Qt WebEngineQuick module.
qtwebengine-widgets-build  Enables building the Qt WebEngineWidgets module.
quick-animatedimage ...... Qt Quick: Provides the AnimatedImage item.
quick-canvas ............. Qt Quick: Provides the Canvas item.
quick-designer ........... Qt Quick: Provides support for the Qt Quick Designer in Qt Creator.
quick-draganddrop ........ Qt Quick: Drag and drop support for Qt Quick
quick-flipable ........... Qt Quick: Provides the Flipable item.
quick-gridview ........... Qt Quick: Provides the GridView item.
quick-listview ........... Qt Quick: Provides the ListView item.
quick-particles .......... Qt Quick: Provides a particle system.
quick-path ............... Qt Quick: Provides Path elements.
quick-pathview ........... Qt Quick: Provides the PathView item.
quick-pixmap-cache-threaded-download . Qt Quick: Pixmap cache pixmap downloads on separate threads
quick-positioners ........ Qt Quick: Provides Positioner items.
quick-repeater ........... Qt Quick: Provides the Repeater item.
quick-shadereffect ....... Qt Quick: Provides Shader effects.
quick-sprite ............. Qt Quick: Provides the Sprite item.
quick-tableview .......... Qt Quick: Provides the TableView item.
quick-treeview ........... Qt Quick: Provides the TreeView item.
quickcontrols2-fusion .... Quick Controls 2: Provides the platform agnostic desktop-oriented Fusion style.
quickcontrols2-imagine ... Quick Controls 2: Provides a style based on configurable image assets.
quickcontrols2-ios ....... Quick Controls 2: Provides a native-looking iOS style.
quickcontrols2-macos ..... Quick Controls 2: Provides a native macOS desktop style.
quickcontrols2-material .. Quick Controls 2: Provides a style based on the Material Design guidelines.
quickcontrols2-universal . Quick Controls 2: Provides a style based on the Universal Design guidelines.
quickcontrols2-windows ... Quick Controls 2: Provides a native Windows desktop style.
quicktemplates2-calendar . Quick Templates 2: Provides calendar types.
quicktemplates2-container  Quick Templates 2: Provides support for Container and its sub-classes.
quicktemplates2-hover .... Quick Templates 2: Provides support for hover effects.
quicktemplates2-multitouch . Quick Templates 2: Provides support for multi-touch.
radiobutton .............. Widgets: Provides a radio button with a text label.
raster-64bit ............. Painting: Internal painting support for 64 bit (16 bpc) rasterization.
raster-fp ................ Painting: Internal painting support for floating point rasterization.
regularexpression ........ Kernel: Provides an API to Perl-compatible regular expressions.
relocatable .............. Enable the Qt installation to be relocated.
resizehandler ............ Widgets: Provides an internal resize handler for dock widgets.
rubberband ............... Widgets: Supports using rubberbands to indicate selections and boundaries.
sanitize_fuzzer_no_link .. Adds instrumentation for fuzzing to the binaries but links to the usual main function instead of a fuzzer's.
scrollarea ............... Widgets: Supports scrolling views onto widgets.
scrollbar ................ Widgets: Provides scrollbars allowing the user access parts of a document that is larger than the widget used to display it.
scroller ................. Widgets: Enables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics item.
scxml-ecmascriptdatamodel  SCXML: Enables the usage of ecmascript data models in SCXML state machines.
sessionmanager ........... Kernel: Provides an interface to the windowing system's session management.
settings ................. File I/O: Provides persistent application settings.
sha3-fast ................ Utilities: Optimizes SHA3 for speed instead of size.
sharedmemory ............. Kernel: Provides access to a shared memory segment.
shortcut ................. Kernel: Provides keyboard accelerators and shortcuts.
sizegrip ................. Widgets: Provides corner-grips for resizing top-level windows.
slider ................... Widgets: Provides sliders controlling a bounded value.
socks5 ................... Networking: Provides SOCKS5 support in QNetworkProxy.
sortfilterproxymodel ..... ItemViews: Supports sorting and filtering of data passed between another model and a view.
spinbox .................. Widgets: Provides spin boxes handling integers and discrete sets of values.
splashscreen ............. Widgets: Supports splash screens that can be shown during application startup.
splitter ................. Widgets: Provides user controlled splitter widgets.
sql ...................... Module: Provides the Sql module.
sqlmodel ................. Provides item model classes backed by SQL databases.
sspi ..................... Networking: Enable NTLM/SPNEGO authentication through SSPI
stackedwidget ............ Widgets: Provides stacked widgets.
standarditemmodel ........ ItemViews: Provides a generic model for storing custom data.
statemachine ............. Utilities: Provides hierarchical finite state machines.
statusbar ................ Widgets: Supports presentation of status information.
statustip ................ Widgets: Supports status tip functionality and events.
stringlistmodel .......... ItemViews: Provides a model that supplies strings to views.
style-stylesheet ......... Styles: Provides a widget style which is configurable via CSS.
syntaxhighlighter ........ Widgets: Supports custom syntax highlighting.
systemsemaphore .......... Kernel: Provides a general counting system semaphore.
systemtrayicon ........... Utilities: Provides an icon for an application in the system tray.
tabbar ................... Widgets: Provides tab bars, e.g., for use in tabbed dialogs.
tabletevent .............. Kernel: Supports tablet events.
tableview ................ ItemViews: Provides a default model/view implementation of a table view.
tablewidget .............. Widgets: Provides item-based table views.
tabwidget ................ Widgets: Supports stacking tabbed widgets.
temporaryfile ............ File I/O: Provides an I/O device that operates on temporary files.
testlib .................. Module: Provides the Qt Testlib module.
testlib_selfcover ........ Gauges how thoroughly testlib's selftest exercises testlib's code
textbrowser .............. Widgets: Supports HTML document browsing.
textdate ................. Data structures: Supports month and day names in dates.
textedit ................. Widgets: Supports rich text editing.
texthtmlparser ........... Kernel: Provides a parser for HTML.
textmarkdownreader ....... Kernel: Provides a Markdown (CommonMark and GitHub) reader
textmarkdownwriter ....... Kernel: Provides a Markdown (CommonMark and GitHub) writer
textodfwriter ............ Kernel: Provides an ODF writer.
thread ................... Kernel: Provides QThread and related classes.
timezone ................. Utilities: Provides support for time-zone handling.
toolbar .................. Widgets: Provides movable panels containing a set of controls.
toolbox .................. Widgets: Provides columns of tabbed widget items.
toolbutton ............... Widgets: Provides quick-access buttons to commands and options.
tooltip .................. Widgets: Supports presentation of tooltips.
topleveldomain ........... Networking: Provides support for checking if a domain is a top level domain. If enabled, a binary dump of the Public Suffix List (http://www.publicsuffix.org, Mozilla License) is included. The data is used in QNetworkCookieJar.
translation .............. Internationalization: Supports translations using QObject::tr().
transposeproxymodel ...... ItemViews: Provides a proxy to swap rows and columns of a model.
treeview ................. ItemViews: Provides a default model/view implementation of a tree view.
treewidget ............... Widgets: Provides views using tree models.
tuiotouch ................ Provides the TuioTouch input plugin.
udpsocket ................ Networking: Provides access to UDP sockets.
undocommand .............. Utilities: Applies (redo or) undo of a single change in a document.
undogroup ................ Utilities: Provides the ability to cluster QUndoCommands.
undostack ................ Utilities: Provides the ability to (redo or) undo a list of changes in a document.
undoview ................. Utilities: Provides a widget which shows the contents of an undo stack.
valgrind ................. Profiling support with callgrind.
validator ................ Widgets: Supports validation of input text.
wasm-exceptions .......... Enables WebAssembly Exceptions
wasm-simd128 ............. Enables WebAssembly SIMD
wayland-compositor-quick . Allows QtWayland compositor types to be used with QtQuick
webengine-developer-build  Enables the developer build configuration.
webengine-embedded-build . Enables the embedded build configuration.
webengine-extensions ..... WebEngine: Enables Chromium extensions within certain limits. Currently used by the pdf viewer and hangout webrtc extension.
webengine-full-debug-info  WebEngine: Enables debug information for Blink and V8.
webengine-jumbo-build .... Enables support for jumbo build of core library
webengine-kerberos ....... WebEngine: Enables Kerberos Authentication Support
webengine-native-spellchecker . Use the system's native spellchecking engine.
webengine-pepper-plugins . Enables use of Pepper plugins.
webengine-printing-and-pdf . Provides printing and output to PDF.
webengine-proprietary-codecs . WebEngine: Enables the use of proprietary codecs such as h.264/h.265 and MP3.
webengine-sanitizer ...... WebEngine: Enables support for build with sanitizers
webengine-spellchecker ... Provides a spellchecker.
webengine-vaapi .......... WebEngine: Enables support for VA-API hardware acceleration
webengine-vulkan ......... WebEngine: Enables support for Vulkan rendering
webengine-webchannel ..... WebEngine: Provides QtWebChannel integration.
webengine-webrtc ......... Provides WebRTC support.
webengine-webrtc-pipewire  Provides PipeWire support in WebRTC using GIO.
webenginedriver .......... WebEngine: Enables WebEngineDriver build
whatsthis ................ Widget Support: Supports displaying "What's this" help.
wheelevent ............... Kernel: Supports wheel events.
widgettextcontrol ........ Widgets: Provides text control functionality to other widgets.
windeployqt .............. Deployment: The Windows deployment tool is designed to automate the process of creating a deployable folder containing the Qt-related dependencies (libraries, QML imports, plugins, and translations) required to run the application from that folder. The folder can be easily bundled into an installation package.
wizard ................... Dialogs: Provides a framework for multi-page click-through dialogs.
xml ...................... Module: Provides the Qt Xml module.
xmlstream ................ Kernel: Provides a simple streaming API for XML.
xmlstreamreader .......... Kernel: Provides a well-formed XML parser with a simple streaming API.
xmlstreamwriter .......... Kernel: Provides a XML writer with a simple streaming API.


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