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      • 学习相关
      • 学校生活
      • 友谊和社交
      • 日常生活
      • 常见短语
      • 其他
      • 学术写作相关1
      • 学术写作相关2
      • 学术讨论相关


  1. Do well in - 在…做得好

    • 解释:在某方面表现出色或取得好成绩。
    • 例句:She always does well in math exams.(她数学考试总是考得很好。)
    • 例句:If you want to do well in school, you need to study hard.(如果你想在学校表现好,你需要努力学习。)
  2. Take part in - 参加

    • 解释:参与某个活动、比赛或事件。
    • 例句:Many students take part in extracurricular activities.(许多学生参加课外活动。)
    • 例句:She decided to take part in the singing competition.(她决定参加唱歌比赛。)
  3. Figure out - 弄清楚

    • 解释:弄明白,解决某个问题。
    • 例句:I can’t figure out how to solve this math problem.(我无法弄清楚如何解这道数学题。)
    • 例句:He finally figured out the reason for the mistake.(他终于弄清楚了错误的原因。)
  4. Hand in - 交上(作业等)

    • 解释:提交,尤其是指作业、报告等。
    • 例句:Please hand in your homework by Friday.(请在周五前交上作业。)
    • 例句:She handed in her resignation letter yesterday.(她昨天递交了辞职信。)
  5. Be good at - 擅长于

    • 解释:在某方面有特长或技能。
    • 例句:She is good at playing the piano.(她擅长弹钢琴。)
    • 例句:He is good at solving puzzles.(他擅长解谜。)
  6. Make progress - 取得进步

    • 解释:在某方面有进展或改进。
    • 例句:He is making progress in his studies.(他的学习正在取得进步。)
    • 例句:The team made significant progress on the project.(团队在项目上取得了显著进展。)
  7. Get along with - 与…相处融洽

    • 解释:与某人关系好,彼此和谐相处。
    • 例句:She gets along well with her classmates.(她和同学们相处得很好。)
    • 例句:It’s important to get along with your coworkers.(与同事和睦相处很重要。)
  8. Look forward to - 期待

    • 解释:对未来的某事充满期待。
    • 例句:I’m looking forward to the summer vacation.(我期待着暑假。)
    • 例句:She looks forward to meeting her friends.(她期待着见到朋友。)


  1. On time - 准时

    • 解释:按时,不迟到。
    • 例句:She always arrives on time for class.(她上课总是准时到。)
    • 例句:The train arrived on time.(火车准时到达。)
  2. Take care of - 照顾

    • 解释:照顾某人或某物,确保其安全和健康。
    • 例句:She takes care of her younger brother.(她照顾她的弟弟。)
    • 例句:Please take care of my plants while I’m away.(我不在时,请照看我的植物。)


  1. Take advantage of - 利用

    • 解释:利用某个机会或资源(有时带有负面含义)。
    • 例句:You should take advantage of this opportunity.(你应该利用这个机会。)
    • 例句:Don’t take advantage of his kindness.(不要利用他的善良。)
  2. Get rid of - 摆脱

    • 解释:清除或除去某物,摆脱某种情况。
    • 例句:She wants to get rid of those old clothes.(她想摆脱那些旧衣服。)
    • 例句:It’s time to get rid of this bad habit.(是时候改掉这个坏习惯了。)


  1. Be used to - 习惯于

    • 解释:对某事已经习惯,觉得正常。
    • 例句:I’m used to getting up early.(我习惯早起。)
    • 例句:She is used to the cold weather.(她习惯了寒冷的天气。)
  2. Be tired of - 厌倦

    • 解释:对某事感到厌倦或不耐烦。
    • 例句:I’m tired of eating the same food every day.(我厌倦了每天吃同样的食物。)
    • 例句:He is tired of his job.(他对工作感到厌倦。)
  3. Be responsible for - 负责

    • 解释:对某事负有责任。
    • 例句:She is responsible for the marketing department.(她负责市场部。)
    • 例句:You are responsible for your own actions.(你要对自己的行为负责。)
  4. Be aware of - 意识到

    • 解释:对某事有意识,知道某事的存在或重要性。
    • 例句:She is aware of the risks involved.(她意识到其中的风险。)
    • 例句:Are you aware of the latest news?(你知道最新消息吗?)
  5. Look after - 照顾

    • 解释:照顾某人或某物。
    • 例句:She looks after her little brother.(她照顾她的小弟弟。)
    • 例句:He is looking after the house while they are away.(他们不在时,他在照看房子。)


  1. In spite of - 尽管

    • 解释:即使某事存在,仍然…
    • 例句:In spite of the rain, we went out.(尽管下雨,我们还是出去了。)
    • 例句:He finished the race in spite of his injury.(尽管受伤,他还是完成了比赛。)
  2. In charge of - 负责

    • 解释:管理或监督某事。
    • 例句:He is in charge of the sales team.(他负责销售团队。)
    • 例句:She is in charge of organizing the event.(她负责组织这个活动。)


  1. Keep up with - 跟上

    • 解释:保持同步,不落后。
    • 例句:It’s hard to keep up with all the new technology.(跟上所有的新技术很难。)
    • 例句:She walks so fast that I can hardly keep up with her.(她走得很快,我几乎跟不上她。)
  2. Come up with - 提出

    • 解释:想出(主意、计划等)。
    • 例句:He came up with a great idea for the project.(他为项目提出了一个好主意。)
    • 例句:Can you come up with a solution to this problem?(你能提出一个解决这个问题的办法吗?)


  1. According to - 根据

    • 例句:According to the study, climate change has significant impacts on biodiversity.(根据研究,气候变化对生物多样性有显著影响。)
  2. As a result - 因此

    • 例句:The experiment failed. As a result, we had to revise our hypothesis.(实验失败了,因此我们不得不修改假设。)
  3. In conclusion - 总结

    • 例句:In conclusion, our findings suggest that regular exercise improves mental health.(总结来说,我们的研究结果表明,定期锻炼有助于改善心理健康。)
  4. For instance - 例如

    • 例句:There are several methods to solve this problem. For instance, we can use machine learning algorithms.(有几种方法可以解决这个问题。例如,我们可以使用机器学习算法。)


  1. In contrast - 相反

    • 例句:The control group showed no improvement. In contrast, the experimental group improved significantly.(对照组没有显示出改进。相反,实验组显著改进。)
  2. It is well known that - 众所周知

    • 例句:It is well known that smoking is harmful to health.(众所周知,吸烟有害健康。)
  3. Take into account - 考虑到

    • 例句:We need to take into account the environmental impact of our actions.(我们需要考虑到我们行动的环境影响。)
  4. With regard to - 关于

    • 例句:With regard to your question, we are currently conducting further research.(关于你的问题,我们目前正在进行进一步的研究。)
  5. It is evident that - 很明显

    • 例句:It is evident that the new policy has been effective.(很明显,新政策已经见效。)
  6. To some extent - 在某种程度上

    • 例句:The project was successful to some extent.(项目在某种程度上是成功的。)


  1. Argue that - 争论

    • 例句:Many researchers argue that more funding is needed for scientific research.(许多研究人员争论说科学研究需要更多的资金。)
  2. Point out - 指出

    • 例句:The professor pointed out several flaws in the experiment.(教授指出了实验中的几个缺陷。)
  3. Propose a solution - 提出解决方案

    • 例句:She proposed a solution to the problem of data inconsistency.(她提出了一个解决数据不一致问题的方案。)
  4. Raise a question - 提出问题

    • 例句:The findings raise several important questions about the efficacy of the treatment.(研究结果提出了几个关于治疗效果的重要问题。)
  5. Take a closer look at - 仔细观察

    • 例句:We need to take a closer look at the data before drawing any conclusions.(在得出任何结论之前,我们需要仔细观察数据。)
  6. Acknowledge that - 承认

    • 例句:The authors acknowledge that there are limitations to their study.(作者承认他们的研究有局限性。)
  7. Consider the implications - 考虑影响

    • 例句:It is important to consider the implications of these findings.(考虑这些发现的影响是很重要的。)
  8. In light of - 鉴于

    • 例句:In light of recent developments, we have revised our approach.(鉴于最近的进展,我们修改了我们的方法。)
  9. Emphasize the importance of - 强调…的重要性

    • 例句:The report emphasizes the importance of sustainable development.(报告强调了可持续发展的重要性。)
  10. Be consistent with - 与…一致

    • 例句:The results are consistent with previous studies.(结果与之前的研究一致。)


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