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Go语言现代web开发14 协程和管道


Concurrency is a paradigm where different parts of the program can be executed in parallel without impact on the final result. Go programming supports several concurrency concepts related to concurrent execution and communication between concurrent executions.



A thread is a small sequence of instructions that can be processed by a single CPU core. Moder hardware architectures have multiple cores, so we can execute multiple threads in paralle.


Go programming language offers its own solution for concurrent execution, called goroutines. Goroutines can be defined as lightweight threads (because they are very small, only a couple of KB will be used to store all thread-related data on the stack) managed by Go routine.


If we use the go keyword in front of a function call, that function will be executed in a new goroutine, but the evaluation of arguments will be executed in the current goroutine. Here we have two function calls, the first one will be executed in the current goroutine and for the second one, a new goroutine will be created.


go sendMessage(message2)

Goroutines run in the same address space so, in certain situations, goroutines must synchronize memory access and communicate with each other.



package mainimport ("fmt""time"
)func sendMessage(msg string) {fmt.Println(msg)
}func main() {sendMessage("hello, Mara!")// main goroutine 一旦执行结束,其他goroutine不再执行,被迫结束go sendMessage("Hi, Mara!")// 方法1:延长main的执行时间time.Sleep(time.Second)


We can define the channel as a construct through which we can send and receive values. In order to send or receive value, we will use the <-(arraow) operator in the following way:

  • ch <- value will send value to channel ch
  • value = <- ch will receive value from channel ch


  • ch <- value 将发送值到管道ch
  • value = <- ch 将从管道ch接收值

As can be seen, the data flow is determined by the direction of the arrow.


We have two types of channels:

  • Unbuffered without buffer for message storage
  • Buffered with buffer for message storage


  • 不带缓存的管道,没有缓存存储消息
  • 带缓存的管道,通过缓存存储消息

By default, the channel is unbuffered with send and receive as blocking operations. The sender will be blocked until the receiver is ready to pick up the variable from the channel and vice versa. The receiver will be blocked, waiting for the value until the sender sends it to the channel. This can be very useful because there is no need for any additional synchronization.


Traditionally, we use the make() function to create a channel. This will create a new channel that allows us to send and receive string variables.


ch := make(chan string)

Through the channels which we have dealt so far, we can send only one value. But in practice, this is not an acceptable solution, for example, if the sender is faster than the receiver, the sender will be blocked too often. We can avoid that by defining a buffer, now we can accept more variables. Channels with buffers are called buffered channels.


A buffered channel will be created by adding buffer size as a second parameter in the make() function.


ch = make(chan string, 100)

With the buffered channel, the sender will be blocked only when the buffer is full and the receiver will be blocked only when the buffer is full and the receiver will be blocked only when the buffer is empty. In the next code example, we will use the bufferedchannel to send two messages from new goroutines and receive those messages in the main goroutine.


func sendMessage(message string, ch chan string) {ch <- message
}func main() {ch := make(chan string, 2)go sendMessage("Hello", ch)go sendMessage("World", ch)fmt.Println(<-ch)fmt.Println(<-ch)

We cannot influence which goroutine will send the message first, words Hello and World will not always be displayed in that order on standard output.


The sender and only the sender can close the channel when there are no more values to send by calling the close() function.



The receiver should check if the channel is closed. In the following expression, variable ok will have the value false when the channel is closed.


v ok <- ch

Constant checking an be tiresome, but luckily, a special kind of for range loop can be used. If we put the channel in for range, the loop will receive values until the channel is closed.

不断的检查是令人厌烦的,但幸运的是,一种特殊的范围循环可以使用。如果我们将通道设置为for range,循环将接收值,直到通道关闭。

for v := range ch {fmt.Println(v)

If we try to send a message to a closed channel, panic will be triggered. When panic occurs, a message will be displayed on standard output and the function where panic has occurred with crash.


In all of our previous examples, the receiver waits on only one channel, but Go provides us with the concept that allows the receiver to wait on multiple channels: select statement. Syntatically, select statement is similar to be switch statement, with one differece, keyword select is used instead of keyword switch. The receiver will be blocked until one of the case statements can be executed.


select{case <- ch1:fmt.PPrintln("Channel One")case <- ch2:fmt.Println("Channel Two")default:fmt.Println("Waiting")

A default case will be executed if no other case isready.



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