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Spring @Resource, @Autowired and @Inject 注入


I’ve been asked several times to explain the difference between injecting Spring beans with ‘@Resource’, ‘@Autowired’, and ‘@Inject’. While I received a few opinions from colleagues and read a couple of posts on this topic I didn’t feel like I had a complete picture.



In order to explore the behavior of each annotation I fired up Spring Tool Suite and started debugging the code. I used Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE in my research. The following is a summary of my findings.

The Code

I wanted to know how ‘@Resource’, ‘@Autowired’, and ‘@Inject’ resolved dependencies. I created an interface called ‘Party’ and created two implementations classes. This allowed me to inject beans without using the concrete type. This provided the flexibility I needed to determine how Spring resolves beans when there are multiple type matches.

public interface Party { }

‘Person’ is a component and it implements ‘Party’.

package com.sourceallies.person;...
public class Person implements Party { }

‘Organization’ is a component and it implements ‘Party’.

package com.sourceallies.organization;...
public class Organization implements Party { }

I setup a Spring context that scans both of these packages for beans marked with ‘@Component’.

<context:component-scan base-package="com.sourceallies.organization"/>
<context:component-scan base-package="com.sourceallies.person"/>


Test 1: Ambiguous Beans

In this test I injected a ‘Party’ bean that has multiple implementations in the Spring context.

private Party party;
private Party party;
private Party party;

In all three cases a ‘NoSuchBeanDefinitionException’ is thrown. While this exception’s name implies that no beans were found, the message explains that two beans were found. All of these annotations result in the same exception.

No unique bean of type [com.sourceallies.Party] is defined: expected single matching bean but found 2: [organization, person]

Test 2: Field Name

In this test I named the Party field person. By default beans marked with ‘@Component’ will have the same name as the class. Therefore the name of the class ‘Person’ is person.

private Party person;
private Party person;
private Party person;

‘@Resource’ can also take an optional ‘name’ attribute. This is equivalent to the ‘@Resource’ code above. In this case the field variable name remains ‘party’. There is no equivalent syntax for ‘@Autowired’ or ‘@Inject’. Instead you would have to use a ‘@Qualifier’. This syntax will be covered later.

private Party party;

All four of these styles inject the ‘Person’ bean.

Test 3: Field Type

In this test I changed the type to be a ‘Person’.

private Person party;
private Person party;
private Person party;

All of these annotations inject the ‘Person’ bean.

Test 4: Default Name Qualifier

In this test I use a ‘@Qualifier’ annotation to point to the default name of the ‘Person’ component.

private Party party;
private Party party;
private Party party;

All of these annotations inject the ‘Person’ bean.

Test 5: Qualified Name

I added a ‘@Qualifier’ annotation to the ‘Person’ class

package com.sourceallies.person;...
public class Person implements Party { }

In this test I use a ‘@Qualifier’ annotation to point to the qualified name of the ‘Person’ component.

private Party party;
private Party party;
private Party party;

All of these annotations inject the ‘Person’ bean.

Test 6: List of Beans

In this test I inject a list of beans.

private List<Party> parties;
private List<Party> parties;
private List<Party> parties;

All of these annotations inject 2 beans into the list. This can also be accomplished with a ‘@Qualifier’. Each bean marked with a specific qualifier will be added to the list.

Test 7: Conflicting messages

In this test I add a bad ‘@Qualifier’ and a matching field name.

private Party person;
private Party person;
private Party person;

In this case the field marked with ‘@Resource’ uses the field name and ignores the ‘@Qualifier’. As a result the ‘Person’ bean is injected.

However the ‘@Autowired’ and ‘@Inject’ field throw a ‘NoSuchBeanDefinitionException’ error because it can not find a bean that matches the ‘@Qualifier’.

 No matching bean of type [com.sourceallies.Party] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. 
Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true),


With the exception of test 2 & 7 the configuration and outcomes were identical. When I looked under the hood I determined that the ‘@Autowired’ and ‘@Inject’ annotation behave identically. Both of these annotations use the ‘AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor’ to inject dependencies. ‘@Autowired’ and ‘@Inject’ can be used interchangeable to inject Spring beans. However the ‘@Resource’ annotation uses the ‘CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor’ to inject dependencies. Even though they use different post processor classes they all behave nearly identically. Below is a summary of their execution paths.

@Autowired and @Inject

  1. Matches by Type

  2. Restricts by Qualifiers

  3. Matches by Name


  1. Matches by Name

  2. Matches by Type

  3. Restricts by Qualifiers (ignored if match is found by name)

While it could be argued that ‘@Resource’ will perform faster by name than ‘@Autowired’ and ‘@Inject’ it would be negligible. This isn’t a sufficient reason to favor one syntax over the others. I do however favor the ‘@Resource’ annotation for it’s concise notation style.


You may argue that they can be equal concise if you use the field name to identify the bean name.

private Party person;
private Party person;
private Party person;

True enough, but what happens if you want to refactor your code? By simply renaming the field name you’re no longer referring to the same bean. I recommend the following practices when wiring beans with annotations.

Spring Annotation Style Best Practices

  1. Explicitly name your component [@Component(“beanName”)]

  2. Use ‘@Resource’ with the ‘name’ attribute [@Resource(name=”beanName”)]

  3. Avoid ‘@Qualifier’ annotations unless you want to create a list of similar beans. For example you may want to mark a set of rules with a specific ‘@Qualifier’ annotation. This approach makes it simple to inject a group of rule classes into a list that can be used for processing data.

  4. Scan specific packages for components [context:component-scan base-package=”com.sourceallies.person”]. While this will result in more component-scan configurations it reduces the chance that you’ll add unnecessary components to your Spring context.

Following these guidelines will increase the readability and stability of your Spring annotation configurations.


spring2.5提供了基于注解(Annotation-based)的配置,我们可以通过注解的方式来完成注入依赖。在Java代码中可以使用 @Resource或者@Autowired注解方式来经行注入。虽然@Resource和@Autowired都可以来完成注入依赖,但它们之间是有区 别的。首先来看一下:





d。 @Resource和@Autowired都可以书写标注在字段或者该字段的setter方法之上


   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"




public class StudentService3 implements IStudentService {

    private IStudentDao studentDao;

private String id;

public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;

 @Resource(name="studentDao") // 通过此注解完成从spring配置文件中查找名称为studentDao的bean来装配字段studentDao,如果spring配置文件中不存在 studentDao名称的bean则转向按照bean类型经行查找
 public void setStudentDao(IStudentDao studentDao) {
this.studentDao = studentDao;

public void saveStudent() {
System.out.print(",ID 为:"+id);




  <bean id="studentDao" class="com.wch.dao.impl.StudentDao"></bean>
<bean id="studentService3" class="com.wch.service.impl.StudentService3" />




public class StudentService3 implements IStudentService {

    private IStudentDao studentDao;

private String id;

public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;

 @Autowired//通过此注解完成从spring配置文件中 查找满足studentDao类型的bean

 public void setStudentDao(IStudentDao studentDao) {
this.studentDao = studentDao;

public void saveStudent() {
System.out.print(",ID 为:"+id);




<bean id="studentDao" class="com.wch.dao.impl.StudentDao"></bean>
<bean id="studentService3" class="com.wch.service.impl.StudentService3" />


@Autowire 默认按照类型装配,默认情况下它要求依赖对象必须存在如果允许为null,可以设置它required属性为false,如果我们想使用按照名称装配,可 以结合@Qualifier注解一起使用;

@Resource默认按照名称装配,当找不到与名称匹配的bean才会按照类型装配,可以通过name属性指定,如果没有指定name属 性,当注解标注在字段上,即默认取字段的名称作为bean名称寻找依赖对象,当注解标注在属性的setter方法上,即默认取属性名作为bean名称寻找 依赖对象.

注意:如果没有指定name属性,并且按照默认的名称仍然找不到依赖的对象时候,会回退到按照类型装配,但一旦指定了name属性,就只能按照名称 装配了.



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