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(1) 直接建SAM,每次插入新串时将lst设为1即可,不会证明正确性。

(2) 和SA一样在多个串接在一起中间加入分隔符'#',然后直接建SAM。

(3) 离线做法:对所有串建出Trie,然后BFS遍历Trie,每个点在父亲的基础上extend即可。时空复杂度$O(|A||T|)$。

(4) 在线做法:模板如下,时间复杂度$O(|A||T|+G(T))$,空间复杂度$O(|A||T|)$,其中|T|是Trie的大小,|A|是字符集大小,G(T)是Trie上所有叶子深度之和。


 1 int work(int p,int c){
 2     int nq=++nd,q=son[p][c]; mx[nq]=mx[p]+1;
 3     fa[nq]=fa[q]; fa[q]=nq;
 4     memcpy(son[nq],son[q],sizeof(son[q]));
 5     while (p && son[p][c]==q) son[p][c]=nq,p=fa[p];
 6     return nq;
 7 }
 9 int ext(int p,int c){
10     if (son[p][c]){
11         int q=son[p][c];
12         if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) return q; else return work(p,c);
13     }else{
14         int np=++nd; mx[np]=mx[p]+1;
15         while (p && !son[p][c]) son[p][c]=np,p=fa[p];
16         if (!p) fa[np]=1;
17         else{
18             int q=son[p][c];
19             if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) fa[np]=q; else fa[np]=work(p,c);
20         }
21         return np;
22     }
23 }






 1 void solve(){
 2     int u; ll ans;
 3     rep(i,1,n){
 4         u=1;
 5         rep(j,0,len[i]){
 6             u=son[u][s[i][j]-'a']; int p=u;
 7             while (p && vis[p]!=i) tot[p]++,vis[p]=i,p=fa[p];
 8         }
 9     }
10     radix();
11     rep(i,2,nd) u=q[i],f[u]=f[fa[u]]+(tot[u]>=k ? mx[u]-mx[fa[u]] : 0);
12     rep(i,1,n){
13         u=1; ans=0;
14         rep(j,0,len[i]) u=son[u][s[i][j]-'a'],ans+=f[u];
15         printf("%lld ",ans);
16     }
17 }


 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<string>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<algorithm>
 5 #define rep(i,l,r) for (int i=(l); i<=(r); i++)
 6 typedef long long ll;
 7 using namespace std;
 9 const int N=300010;
10 int n,k,lst=1,nd=1,len[N],son[N][27],tot[N],f[N],c[N],q[N],fa[N],mx[N],vis[N];
11 char ss[N];
12 string s[N];
14 int work(int p,int c){
15     int nq=++nd,q=son[p][c]; mx[nq]=mx[p]+1;
16     fa[nq]=fa[q]; fa[q]=nq;
17     memcpy(son[nq],son[q],sizeof(son[q]));
18     while (p && son[p][c]==q) son[p][c]=nq,p=fa[p];
19     return nq;
20 }
22 int ext(int p,int c){
23     if (son[p][c]){
24         int q=son[p][c];
25         if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) return q; else return work(p,c);
26     }else{
27         int np=++nd; mx[np]=mx[p]+1;
28         while (p && !son[p][c]) son[p][c]=np,p=fa[p];
29         if (!p) fa[np]=1;
30         else{
31             int q=son[p][c];
32             if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) fa[np]=q; else fa[np]=work(p,c);
33         }
34         return np;
35     }
36 }
38 void radix(){
39     rep(i,1,nd) c[mx[i]]++;
40     rep(i,1,nd) c[i]+=c[i-1];
41     for (int i=nd; i; i--) q[c[mx[i]]--]=i;
42 }
44 void solve(){
45     int u; ll ans;
46     rep(i,1,n){
47         u=1;
48         rep(j,0,len[i]){
49             u=son[u][s[i][j]-'a']; int p=u;
50             while (p && vis[p]!=i) tot[p]++,vis[p]=i,p=fa[p];
51         }
52     }
53     radix();
54     rep(i,2,nd) u=q[i],f[u]=f[fa[u]]+(tot[u]>=k ? mx[u]-mx[fa[u]] : 0);
55     rep(i,1,n){
56         u=1; ans=0;
57         rep(j,0,len[i]) u=son[u][s[i][j]-'a'],ans+=f[u];
58         printf("%lld ",ans);
59     }
60 }
62 int main(){
63     freopen("bzoj3277.in","r",stdin);
64     freopen("bzoj3277.out","w",stdout);
65     scanf("%d%d",&n,&k);
66     rep(i,1,n){
67         scanf("%s",ss); s[i]=string(ss); len[i]=strlen(ss)-1;
68         lst=1; rep(j,0,len[i]) lst=ext(lst,s[i][j]-'a');
69     }
70     solve();
71     return 0;
72 }




 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<string>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<algorithm>
 5 #define rep(i,l,r) for (int i=(l); i<=(r); i++)
 6 typedef long long ll;
 7 using namespace std;
 9 const int N=300010;
10 int n,m,lst=1,nd=1,len[N],son[N][27],tot[N],f[N],c[N],q[N],fa[N],mx[N],vis[N];
11 char ss[N];
12 string s[N];
14 int work(int p,int c){
15     int nq=++nd,q=son[p][c]; mx[nq]=mx[p]+1;
16     fa[nq]=fa[q]; fa[q]=nq;
17     memcpy(son[nq],son[q],sizeof(son[q]));
18     while (p && son[p][c]==q) son[p][c]=nq,p=fa[p];
19     return nq;
20 }
22 int ext(int p,int c){
23     if (son[p][c]){
24         int q=son[p][c];
25         if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) return q; else return work(p,c);
26     }else{
27         int np=++nd; mx[np]=mx[p]+1;
28         while (p && !son[p][c]) son[p][c]=np,p=fa[p];
29         if (!p) fa[np]=1;
30         else{
31             int q=son[p][c];
32             if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) fa[np]=q; else fa[np]=work(p,c);
33         }
34         return np;
35     }
36 }
38 void solve(){
39     int u;
40     rep(i,1,n){
41         u=1;
42         rep(j,0,len[i]){
43             u=son[u][s[i][j]-'a']; int p=u;
44             while (p && vis[p]!=i) tot[p]++,vis[p]=i,p=fa[p];
45         }
46     }
47     rep(i,1,m){
48         u=1; scanf("%s",ss); int len=strlen(ss)-1;
49         rep(j,0,len) u=son[u][ss[j]-'a'];
50         printf("%d\n",tot[u]);
51     }
52 }
54 int main(){
55     freopen("bzoj2780.in","r",stdin);
56     freopen("bzoj2780.out","w",stdout);
57     scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
58     rep(i,1,n){
59         scanf("%s",ss); s[i]=string(ss); len[i]=strlen(ss)-1;
60         lst=1; rep(j,0,len[i]) lst=ext(lst,s[i][j]-'a');
61     }
62     solve();
63     return 0;
64 }



 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 #include<algorithm>
 4 #define rep(i,l,r) for (int i=(l); i<=(r); i++)
 5 typedef long long ll;
 6 using namespace std;
 8 const int N=1000010;
 9 int n,k,lst=1,nd=1,len,son[N][27],c[N],q[N],fa[N],mx[N],d1[N],d2[N];
10 char s[N];
11 ll ans;
13 int work(int p,int c){
14     int nq=++nd,q=son[p][c]; mx[nq]=mx[p]+1;
15     fa[nq]=fa[q]; fa[q]=nq;
16     memcpy(son[nq],son[q],sizeof(son[q]));
17     while (p && son[p][c]==q) son[p][c]=nq,p=fa[p];
18     return nq;
19 }
21 int ext(int p,int c){
22     if (son[p][c]){
23         int q=son[p][c];
24         if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) return q; else return work(p,c);
25     }else{
26         int np=++nd; mx[np]=mx[p]+1;
27         while (p && !son[p][c]) son[p][c]=np,p=fa[p];
28         if (!p) fa[np]=1;
29         else{
30             int q=son[p][c];
31             if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) fa[np]=q; else fa[np]=work(p,c);
32         }
33         return np;
34     }
35 }
37 void radix(){
38     rep(i,1,nd) c[mx[i]]++;
39     rep(i,1,nd) c[i]+=c[i-1];
40     for (int i=nd; i; i--) q[c[mx[i]]--]=i;
41 }
43 int main(){
44     freopen("bzoj4566.in","r",stdin);
45     freopen("bzoj4566.out","w",stdout);
46     scanf("%s",s+1); len=strlen(s+1); lst=1;
47     rep(i,1,len) lst=ext(lst,s[i]-'a'),d1[lst]++;
48     scanf("%s",s+1); len=strlen(s+1); lst=1;
49     rep(i,1,len) lst=ext(lst,s[i]-'a'),d2[lst]++;
50     radix();
51     for (int i=nd; i; i--) d1[fa[q[i]]]+=d1[q[i]],d2[fa[q[i]]]+=d2[q[i]];
52     rep(i,1,nd) ans+=1ll*(mx[i]-mx[fa[i]])*d1[i]*d2[i];
53     printf("%lld\n",ans);
54     return 0;
55 }




 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 #include<algorithm>
 4 #define rep(i,l,r) for (int i=(l); i<=(r); i++)
 5 typedef long long ll;
 6 using namespace std;
 8 const int N=1600010,M=8000010;
 9 char ch,s[M];
10 ll ans,sm[N];
11 int n,nd=1,x,len,pos[N],son[N][26],mx[N],fa[N],R[N],q[N],c[N];
13 int work(int p,int c){
14     int nq=++nd,q=son[p][c]; mx[nq]=mx[p]+1;
15     fa[nq]=fa[q]; fa[q]=nq; memcpy(son[nq],son[q],sizeof(son[q]));
16     while (p && son[p][c]==q) son[p][c]=nq,p=fa[p];
17     return nq;
18 }
20 int ext(int p,int c){
21     if (son[p][c]){
22         int q=son[p][c];
23         if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1){ R[q]++; return q; }
24         else{ int t=work(p,c); R[t]++; return t; }
25     }else{
26         int np=++nd; mx[np]=mx[p]+1; R[np]=1;
27         while (p && !son[p][c]) son[p][c]=np,p=fa[p];
28         if (!p){ fa[np]=1; return np; }
29         int q=son[p][c];
30         if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) fa[np]=q; else fa[np]=work(p,c);
31         return np;
32     }
33 }
35 int main(){
36     freopen("bzoj3756.in","r",stdin);
37     freopen("bzoj3756.out","w",stdout);
38     scanf("%d",&n); pos[1]=1;
39     rep(i,2,n) scanf("%d %c",&x,&ch),pos[i]=ext(pos[x],ch-'a');
40     scanf("%s",s+1); len=strlen(s+1);
41     rep(i,1,nd) c[mx[i]]++;
42     rep(i,1,n) c[i]+=c[i-1];
43     for (int i=nd; i; i--) q[c[mx[i]]--]=i;
44     for (int i=nd; i; i--) R[fa[q[i]]]+=R[q[i]];
45     R[0]=R[1]=0;
46     rep(i,1,nd){ int x=q[i]; sm[x]=sm[fa[x]]+1ll*(mx[x]-mx[fa[x]])*R[x]; }
47     int x=1,l=0;
48     rep(i,1,len){
49         if (son[x][s[i]-'a']) l++,x=son[x][s[i]-'a'];
50         else{
51             while (x && !son[x][s[i]-'a']) x=fa[x];
52             if (x) l=mx[x]+1,x=son[x][s[i]-'a']; else l=0,x=1;
53         }
54         if (x>1) ans+=sm[fa[x]]+1ll*(l-mx[fa[x]])*R[x];
55     }
56     printf("%lld",ans);
57     return 0;
58 }


 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 #include<algorithm>
 4 #define rep(i,l,r) for (int i=(l); i<=(r); i++)
 5 typedef long long ll;
 6 using namespace std;
 8 const int N=1600010,M=8000010;
 9 char ch,s[M];
10 ll ans,sm[N];
11 int n,nd=1,x,len,pos[N],pre[N],sn[N][27],son[N][27],mx[N],fa[N],R[N],q[N],c[N];
13 int ext(int p,int c){
14     int np=++nd; mx[np]=mx[p]+1; R[np]=1;
15     while (!son[p][c] && p) son[p][c]=np,p=fa[p];
16     if (!p) fa[np]=1;
17     else{
18         int q=son[p][c];
19         if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) fa[np]=q;
20         else{
21             int nq=++nd; mx[nq]=mx[p]+1;
22             memcpy(son[nq],son[q],sizeof(son[q]));
23             fa[nq]=fa[q]; fa[np]=fa[q]=nq;
24             while (p && son[p][c]==q) son[p][c]=nq,p=fa[p];
25         }
26     }
27     return np;
28 }
30 int main(){
31     scanf("%d",&n); pos[1]=1; q[1]=1;
32     rep(i,2,n) scanf("%d %c",&x,&ch),sn[x][ch-'a']=i,pre[i]=x,s[i]=ch;
33     for (int st=0,ed=1; st!=ed; ){
34         int x=q[++st]; pos[x]=ext(pos[pre[x]],s[x]-'a');
35         rep(i,0,25) if (sn[x][i]) q[++ed]=sn[x][i];
36     }
37     scanf("%s",s+1); len=strlen(s+1);
38     rep(i,1,nd) c[mx[i]]++;
39     rep(i,1,n) c[i]+=c[i-1];
40     for (int i=nd; i; i--) q[c[mx[i]]--]=i;
41     for (int i=nd; i; i--) R[fa[q[i]]]+=R[q[i]];
42     R[0]=R[1]=0;
43     rep(i,1,nd){ int x=q[i]; sm[x]=sm[fa[x]]+1ll*(mx[x]-mx[fa[x]])*R[x]; }
44     int x=1,l=0;
45     rep(i,1,len){
46         if (son[x][s[i]-'a']) l++,x=son[x][s[i]-'a'];
47         else{
48             while (x && !son[x][s[i]-'a']) x=fa[x];
49             if (x) l=mx[x]+1,x=son[x][s[i]-'a']; else l=0,x=1;
50         }
51         if (x>1) ans+=sm[fa[x]]+1ll*(l-mx[fa[x]])*R[x];
52     }
53     printf("%lld",ans);
54     return 0;
55 }





  1 #include<cstdio>
  2 #include<cstring>
  3 #include<algorithm>
  4 #define ls v[x].lc
  5 #define rs v[x].rc
  6 #define lson ls,L,mid
  7 #define rson rs,mid+1,R
  8 #define rep(i,l,r) for (int i=(l); i<=(r); i++)
  9 using namespace std;
 11 const int N=100010,M=1000010;
 12 char ss[N],s[M];
 13 int n,m,Q,l1,r1,l2,r2,nd=1,cnt,pos[M],L[M];
 14 int mx[M],q[M],fa[M],c[M],son[M][27],rt[M],f[M][22];
 15 struct P{ int x,id; };
 16 struct Tr{ int lc,rc; P p; }v[N*30];
 18 bool operator <(const P &a,const P &b){ return a.x==b.x ? a.id>b.id : a.x<b.x; }
 20 int work(int p,int c){
 21     int nq=++nd,q=son[p][c]; mx[nq]=mx[p]+1;
 22     fa[nq]=fa[q]; fa[q]=nq; memcpy(son[nq],son[q],sizeof(son[q]));
 23     while (p && son[p][c]==q) son[p][c]=nq,p=fa[p];
 24     return nq;
 25 }
 27 int ext(int p,int c){
 28     if (son[p][c]){
 29         int q=son[p][c];
 30         if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) return q; else return work(p,c);
 31     }else{
 32         int np=++nd; mx[np]=mx[p]+1;
 33         while (p && !son[p][c]) son[p][c]=np,p=fa[p];
 34         if (!p){ fa[np]=1; return np; }
 35         int q=son[p][c];
 36         if (mx[q]==mx[p]+1) fa[np]=q; else fa[np]=work(p,c);
 37         return np;
 38     }
 39 }
 41 void upd(int x){ v[x].p=max(v[ls].p,v[rs].p); }
 43 int merge(int x,int y,int L,int R){
 44     if (!x || !y) return x|y;
 45     int k=++cnt;
 46     if (L==R){ v[k].p=(P){v[x].p.x+v[y].p.x,L}; return k; }
 47     int mid=(L+R)>>1;
 48     v[k].lc=merge(v[x].lc,v[y].lc,L,mid);
 49     v[k].rc=merge(v[x].rc,v[y].rc,mid+1,R);
 50     upd(k); return k;
 51 }
 53 void mdf(int &x,int L,int R,int k){
 54     if (!x) x=++cnt;
 55     if (L==R){ v[x].p=(P){v[x].p.x+1,k}; return; }
 56     int mid=(L+R)>>1;
 57     if (k<=mid) mdf(lson,k); else mdf(rson,k);
 58     upd(x);
 59 }
 61 P que(int x,int L,int R,int l,int r){
 62     if (!x) return (P){0,0};
 63     if (L==l && r==R) return v[x].p;
 64     int mid=(L+R)>>1;
 65     if (r<=mid) return que(lson,l,r);
 66     if (l>mid) return que(rson,l,r);
 67     return max(que(lson,l,mid),que(rson,mid+1,r));
 68 }
 70 int get(int x,int k){ for (int i=20; ~i; i--) if (mx[f[x][i]]>=k) x=f[x][i]; return x; }
 72 int main(){
 73     freopen("666E.in","r",stdin);
 74     freopen("666E.out","w",stdout);
 75     scanf("%s%d",s+1,&m); n=strlen(s+1);
 76     rep(i,1,m){
 77         scanf("%s",ss+1); int len=strlen(ss+1),x=1;
 78         rep(j,1,len) x=ext(x,ss[j]-'a'),mdf(rt[x],1,m,i);
 79     }
 80     int x=1,l=0;
 81     rep(i,1,n){
 82         int c=s[i]-'a';
 83         while (x && !son[x][c]) x=fa[x],l=mx[x];
 84         if (son[x][c]) L[i]=++l,x=son[x][c],pos[i]=x; else x=1,L[i]=l=0;
 85     }
 86     int t=0;
 87     rep(i,1,nd) c[mx[i]]++,t=max(t,mx[i]);
 88     rep(i,1,t) c[i]+=c[i-1];
 89     for (int i=nd; i; i--) q[c[mx[i]]--]=i;
 90     for (int i=nd; i; i--) rt[fa[q[i]]]=merge(rt[fa[q[i]]],rt[q[i]],1,m);
 91     rt[1]=0;
 92     rep(i,1,nd) f[i][0]=fa[i];
 93     rep(j,1,20) rep(i,1,nd) f[i][j]=f[f[i][j-1]][j-1];
 94     for (scanf("%d",&Q); Q--; ){
 95         scanf("%d%d%d%d",&l1,&r1,&l2,&r2);
 96         if (L[r2]<r2-l2+1){ printf("%d 0\n",l1); continue; }
 97         P t=que(rt[get(pos[r2],r2-l2+1)],1,m,l1,r1);
 98         if (t.x) printf("%d %d\n",t.id,t.x); else printf("%d 0\n",l1);
 99     }
100     return 0;
101 }




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  • (板子)A* astar算法,AcWing第k短路+八数码 带注释
  • (二) Windows 下 Sublime Text 3 安装离线插件 Anaconda
  • (二)springcloud实战之config配置中心
  • (二)丶RabbitMQ的六大核心
  • (转)JVM内存分配 -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
  • (转)VC++中ondraw在什么时候调用的
  • (转)winform之ListView
  • .naturalWidth 和naturalHeight属性,
  • .Net 6.0 处理跨域的方式
  • .net core开源商城系统源码,支持可视化布局小程序
  • .NET MVC、 WebAPI、 WebService【ws】、NVVM、WCF、Remoting
  • .net 反编译_.net反编译的相关问题
  • .NET 药厂业务系统 CPU爆高分析
  • .NET/C# 如何获取当前进程的 CPU 和内存占用?如何获取全局 CPU 和内存占用?
  • .NET/C# 使用 SpanT 为字符串处理提升性能
  • .Net多线程总结