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摘 要

China’s public welfare industry has poor resource integration capabilities and needs to be gradually strengthened. The resource integration ability of public welfare projects can make many social problems get attention, at the same time get more long-term resources, and can help solve and improve social problems in a sustainable manner. The way of participating in public welfare can no longer be confined to tradition. Innovative public welfare communication methods can bring more possibilities to public welfare.
Based on the analysis of the importance of public welfare and the advantages of online public welfare model, this paper designs a browser-based online public welfare system. Using the current popular technology and MVC development mode to develop, the data is stored in MySql database. The system implements functions such as user registration, login, topic post release, comment interaction, material post release, material application, flow record, and certificate issuance. Users can enter the homepage of the system by domain name, and browse the topic posts, comments, material stickers, etc. posted by other users. Register and log in through your mobile phone number. After logging in, you can participate in the interaction of topic posts, including snacks, comments, and joining offline public welfare actions. You can browse materials donated by other users and the distribution records of materials distribution in the material stickers, and apply for the required materials. Users can also post topic posts or material stickers, initiate topic discussions, offline actions or donate materials. After participating in offline public welfare actions or posting material donation stickers, the system generates a certificate, and users can view all the certificates they have obtained in the personal center. The system also has an administrator control function. The administrator can perform quality control on topic posts or comments, modify the status of topic posts, or directly delete malicious posts or comments. In addition, the administrator also needs to review the application materials to decide whether the user who applies for materials can get help.
The system effectively solves the problems of small coverage of traditional public welfare, single form of activities, and poor resource integration capabilities. To realize the transformation of the public welfare model from offline to online, it provides an online community that integrates real-time communication, event planning, material donation and other functions for public welfare people or organizations across the country. The system is temporarily named ‘Middlebury Charity’.
KEY WORDS: Integration of resources, MVC, Community, Middlebury Charity’
目 录
第一章 前言 1
1.1 系统概述 1
1.1.1 课题开发背景及意义 1
1.1.2 软件概述 2
1.1.3 运行环境 3
1.1.4 用户类及其需求 3
1.2 具体需求 3
1.2.1 功能需求 3
1.2.2 性能需求 3
1.2.3 质量属性需求 4
1.2.4 设计和实现上的限制 4
1.3 本章小结 4
第二章 相关技术、工具及可行性分析 5
2.1 SpringBoot + Shiro + JWT 5
2.1.1 SpringBoot 5
2.1.2 Shiro 5
2.1.3 JWT 5
2.2 MySql + MyBatis 6
2.2.1 MySql 6
2.2.2 MyBatis 6
2.3 Redis 6
2.4 Vue.js + WebPack 6
2.4.1 Vue.js 6
2.4.2 WebPack 6
2.5 SublimText 7
2.6 Tomcat 7
2.7 可行性分析 7
2.7.1 研究设计中要解决的问题 7
2.7.2 技术可行性 8
2.7.3 经济可行性 8
2.7.4 操作可行性 8
2.8 本章小结 8
第三章 需求分析与系统设计 9
3.1 总体需求 9
3.2 业务流程需求 11
3.3 系统体系结构设计 12
3.4 系统功能结构设计 12
3.5 数据库设计 13
3.5.1 数据库需求分析 13
3.5.2 数据库概念结构设计 13
3.5.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 14
3.5.4 数据库的表结构 15
3.6 本章小结 19
第四章 系统实现 20
4.1 前端页面 20
4.1.1 首页 20
4.1.2 注册登录页 21
4.1.3 主题帖详情页 21
4.1.4 主题帖互动区 22
4.1.5 物资中心页 24
4.1.6 物资详情页 25
4.1.7 发布页 25
4.1.8 消息通知页 26
4.1.9 个人中心页 27
4.1.10 用户相关内容 28
4.1.11 用户个人信息修改 30
4.1.12 管理员页面 30
4.2 后端接口 31
4.2.1 用户相关接口 31
4.2.2 主题帖相关接口 31
4.2.3 实物贴相关接口 32
4.2.4 其余接口 33
4.3 本章小结 33
第五章 系统测试 34
5.1 测试目标 34
5.2 系统主要模块测试 34
5.2.1 用户模块 34
5.2.2 主题帖模块 35
5.2.3 互动模块 36
5.2.4 物资贴模块 37
5.2.5 消息通知模块 39
5.2.6 个人中心模块 39
5.2.7 管理员模块 40
5.3 本章小结 41
第六章 全文总结 42
参考文献 43
致 谢 45
毕业设计小结 46
4.2 后端接口
4.2.1 用户相关接口
/user/createUser 创建用户
/user/bindAccount 绑定手机号/邮箱
/user/changePassword 修改密码
/user/findPassword 找回密码
/user/findUser 查询账号
/user/login 用户登录
/userinfo/getUserInfo 获取用户信息
/userinfo/setAvatar 修改头像
/userinfo/setInfo 修改描述
/userinfo/setNickName 修改昵称
/userinfo/setUserIdentity 修改用户身份信息
4.2.2 主题帖相关接口
/article/createArticle 主题帖发布
/article/deleteArticle 主题帖删除
/article/queryArticle 查询主题帖
/article/queryArticleByUser 用户主题帖查询
/article/queryArticleList 查询主题帖列表
/article/setArticleStatus 主题帖修改状态
/comment/createCommentOne 添加一级评论
/comment/createCommentTwo 添加二级评论
/comment/delete 删除评论
/comment/queryCommentOne 查询一级评论
/comment/queryCommentTwo 查询二级评论
/comment/queryNotReadSum 查询未读评论数
/comment/querySum 查询评论数
/comment/userComment 查询用户评论
/join/create 加入行动
/join/query 查询是否已加入行动
/join/queryList 加入的行动列表
/love/create 点心
/love/query 查询是否已点心
/love/querySum 查询点心数

4.2.3 实物贴相关接口
/entity/create 物资贴发布
/entity/need 物资申请
/entity/pass 物品申请审核
/entity/queryByUser 用户实物帖查询
/entity/queryFlowByEntity 实物贴流水查询
/entity/queryFlowByUser 用户流水查询
/entity/queryList 查询实物贴列表
/entity/queryNeed 申请列表查询

4.2.4 其余接口
/public/sendCode 发送验证码
/public/checkCode 验证验证码
/public/original 获取高清图
/public/small 获取低清图
/certificate/query 证书查询


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