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RT-Thread STM32F407 BMI088--SPI

BMI088是一款高性能6轴惯性传感器,由16位数字三轴±24g加速度计和16位数字三轴±2000°/ s陀螺仪组成。


  • 第一步,首先在 RT-Thread Settings中进行配置

  • 第二步,退出RT-Thread Settings,进入board.h,定义宏

  • 第三步,**进入stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h **

  • 第四步,STM32 CubeMX配置

  • 第五步,添加驱动文件到application

#include "bmi088.h"
#include <rtdbg.h> 
#include <rtdevice.h> 
#include <board.h>
#include "drv_spi.h"#define BMI088_SPI_MAX_SPEED (10 * 1000 * 1000) // M
#define CSB1_Pin GET_PIN(B, 14)
#define CSB2_Pin GET_PIN(B, 15)static rt_err_t _bmi088_spi_read(struct rt_spi_device *dev, rt_uint8_t reg_addr, const rt_uint8_t len, rt_uint8_t *buf)
{reg_addr |= 0x80;dev->bus->owner = dev;rt_spi_send_then_recv(dev, &reg_addr, 1, buf, len);    return RT_EOK;
}static rt_err_t _bmi088_spi_write(struct rt_spi_device *dev, rt_uint8_t reg_addr, const rt_uint8_t len, rt_uint8_t *buf)
{   reg_addr &= 0x7f;dev->bus->owner = dev;rt_spi_send_then_send(dev, &reg_addr, 1, buf, len);return RT_EOK;
}static rt_err_t _bmi088_get_accel_raw(struct bmi08x_dev *dev, struct bmi088_3axes *accel)
{rt_uint8_t buffer[10];uint8_t lsb, msb;rt_err_t res;struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)(dev->accel_bus);res = _bmi088_spi_read(spi_dev, ACC_X_LSB_REG, 10, buffer);if (res != RT_EOK){return res;}lsb = buffer[1];msb = buffer[2];accel->x = (rt_int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb); /* X */lsb = buffer[3];msb = buffer[4];accel->y = (rt_int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);/* Y */lsb = buffer[5];msb = buffer[6];accel->z = (rt_int16_t)((msb << 8) | lsb);/* Z */return RT_EOK;
}static rt_err_t _bmi088_get_gyro_raw(struct bmi08x_dev *dev, struct bmi088_3axes *gyro)
{rt_uint8_t buffer[6];uint8_t lsb, msb;rt_err_t res;struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)(dev->gyro_bus);res = _bmi088_spi_read(spi_dev, RATE_X_LSB_REG, 6, buffer);if (res != RT_EOK){return res;}lsb = buffer[0];msb = buffer[1];gyro->x = (rt_int16_t)((msb * 256) + lsb); /* X */lsb = buffer[2];msb = buffer[3];gyro->y = (rt_int16_t)((msb * 256) + lsb); /* Y */lsb = buffer[4];msb = buffer[5];gyro->z = (rt_int16_t)((msb * 256) + lsb); /* Z */return RT_EOK;
* This function gets the data of the accelerometer, unit: m/ss** @param dev the pointer of device driver structure* @param accel the pointer of 3axes structure for receive data** @return the reading number.*/
rt_size_t bmi088_get_accel(struct bmi08x_dev *dev, struct bmi088_data *buf)
{ struct bmi088_3axes tmp;_bmi088_get_accel_raw(dev, &tmp);buf->x = ((float)tmp.x) /32768.0f * 6 * G;buf->y = ((float)tmp.y) /32768.0f * 6 * G;buf->z = ((float)tmp.z) /32768.0f * 6 * G;    return 1;// just support rw mode
* This function gets the data of the gyroscope, unit: rad/s** @param dev the pointer of device driver structure* @param gyro the pointer of 3axes structure for receive data** @return the reading number.*/
rt_size_t bmi088_get_gyro(struct bmi08x_dev *dev, struct bmi088_data *buf)
{struct bmi088_3axes tmp;_bmi088_get_gyro_raw(dev, &tmp);buf->x = (float)tmp.x / 32767.0f * 2000.0f;buf->y = (float)tmp.y / 32767.0f * 2000.0f;buf->z = (float)tmp.z / 32767.0f * 2000.0f;   return 1;
}/*** This function software reset the accelerometer of bmi08x.** @param dev the pointer of bmi08x driver structure** @return the status of software reset, RT_EOK represents software reset successfully.*/
static rt_err_t _bmi088a_soft_reset(struct bmi08x_dev *dev)
{uint8_t send_cmd = BMI08X_SOFT_RESET_CMD;struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)(dev->accel_bus);if (_bmi088_spi_write(spi_dev, ACC_SOFTRESET_REG, 1, &send_cmd) == RT_EOK){rt_thread_mdelay(BMI08X_ACCEL_SOFTRESET_DELAY_MS);return RT_EOK;}else{return RT_ERROR;    }
}/*** This function software reset the gyroscope of bmi08x.** @param dev the pointer of bmi08x driver structure** @return the status of software reset, RT_EOK represents software reset successfully.*/
static rt_err_t _bmi088g_soft_reset(struct bmi08x_dev *dev)
{uint8_t send_cmd = BMI08X_SOFT_RESET_CMD;struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)(dev->gyro_bus);if (_bmi088_spi_write(spi_dev, GYRO_SOFTRESET_REG, 1, &send_cmd) == RT_EOK){rt_thread_mdelay(BMI08X_GYRO_SOFTRESET_DELAY_MS);return RT_EOK;}else{return RT_ERROR;    }
}/*** This function initialize the accelerometer of bmi08x.** @param dev the pointer of bmi08x driver structure** @return the status of initialization, RT_EOK represents initialize successfully.*/
static rt_err_t _bmi088a_init(struct bmi08x_dev *dev)
{rt_err_t res = RT_EOK;uint8_t chip_acc_id[2] = {0};// config acc to spi modert_pin_write(dev->accel_id, PIN_LOW);rt_thread_mdelay(1);rt_pin_write(dev->accel_id, PIN_HIGH);struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)(dev->accel_bus);_bmi088_spi_read(spi_dev, ACC_CHIP_ID_REG, 2, chip_acc_id);    /* Dummy read */if (chip_acc_id[1] != dev->accel_chip_id) {LOG_E("Fail initialize acc");goto __exit;        }rt_thread_mdelay(10);res = _bmi088a_soft_reset(dev);// config acc to spi modert_pin_write(dev->accel_id, PIN_LOW);rt_thread_mdelay(1);rt_pin_write(dev->accel_id, PIN_HIGH);return res;__exit:return RT_ERROR;    
}/*** This function initialize the gyroscope of bmi08x.** @param dev the pointer of bmi08x driver structure** @return the status of initialization, RT_EOK represents initialize successfully.*/
static rt_err_t _bmi088g_init(struct bmi08x_dev *dev)
{rt_err_t res = RT_EOK;rt_uint8_t id = 0;  struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)dev->gyro_bus;_bmi088_spi_read(spi_dev, GYRO_CHIP_ID_REG, 1, &id);if (id != dev->gyro_chip_id) {LOG_E("Fail initialize gyro");goto __exit;}rt_thread_mdelay(10);res = _bmi088g_soft_reset(dev);return res;__exit:return RT_ERROR;
}/*** This function set the power mode of accelerometer of bmi08x ** @param dev the pointer of bmi08x driver structure** @return the setting status, RT_EOK represents reading the data successfully.*/
rt_err_t bmi088a_set_power_mode(struct bmi08x_dev *dev)
{uint8_t power_mode = dev->accel_cfg.power;uint8_t data[2];struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)(dev->accel_bus);if (power_mode == BMI08X_ACCEL_PM_ACTIVE) {data[0] = BMI08X_ACCEL_PWR_ACTIVE_CMD;data[1] = BMI08X_ACCEL_POWER_ENABLE_CMD;} else if (power_mode == BMI08X_ACCEL_PM_SUSPEND) {data[0] = BMI08X_ACCEL_PWR_SUSPEND_CMD;data[1] = BMI08X_ACCEL_POWER_DISABLE_CMD;} else {LOG_E("Invalid acc power mode!");goto __exit;          }if (_bmi088_spi_write(spi_dev, ACC_PWR_CONF_REG, 1, &data[0]) == RT_EOK){rt_thread_mdelay(BMI08X_POWER_CONFIG_DELAY);data[1] = BMI08X_ACCEL_POWER_ENABLE_CMD;if (_bmi088_spi_write(spi_dev, ACC_PWR_CTRL_REG, 1, &data[1]) == RT_EOK){rt_thread_mdelay(BMI08X_POWER_CONFIG_DELAY);return RT_EOK;}else{LOG_E("Failed write CTRL_REG");goto __exit;}}else{LOG_E("Failed write PWR_REG");goto __exit;}        __exit:return RT_ERROR;
}/*** This function set the power mode of gyroscope of bmi08x ** @param dev the pointer of bmi08x driver structure** @return the setting status, RT_EOK represents reading the data successfully.*/
rt_err_t bmi088g_set_power_mode(struct bmi08x_dev *dev)
{uint8_t power_mode = dev->gyro_cfg.power;uint8_t read_data;uint8_t is_power_switching_mode_valid = 1;struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)(dev->gyro_bus);_bmi088_spi_read(spi_dev, GYRO_LPM1_REG, 1, &read_data);if (power_mode == read_data) {return RT_EOK;}else {// only switching between normal mode and the suspend mode is allowedif ((power_mode == BMI08X_GYRO_PM_SUSPEND) && (read_data == BMI08X_GYRO_PM_DEEP_SUSPEND)) {is_power_switching_mode_valid = 0;}  if ((power_mode == BMI08X_GYRO_PM_DEEP_SUSPEND) && (read_data == BMI08X_GYRO_PM_SUSPEND)){is_power_switching_mode_valid = 0;}if (is_power_switching_mode_valid) {if (_bmi088_spi_write(spi_dev, GYRO_LPM1_REG, 1, &power_mode) == RT_EOK){rt_thread_mdelay(BMI08X_GYRO_POWER_MODE_CONFIG_DELAY);}}else{LOG_E("Invalid gyro mode switch");goto __exit;        }}__exit:return RT_ERROR;   
}/*** This function set the bandwidth(bw), output data rate(odr) and range of accelerometer of bmi08x ** @param dev the pointer of bmi08x driver structure** @return the setting status, RT_EOK represents  reading the data successfully.*/
rt_err_t bmi088a_set_meas_conf(struct bmi08x_dev *dev)
{uint8_t data[2] = {0};uint8_t reg_val[3] = {0};uint8_t bw = dev->accel_cfg.bw;uint8_t range = dev->accel_cfg.range;uint8_t odr = dev->accel_cfg.odr;uint8_t is_odr_invalid = 0, is_bw_invalid = 0, is_range_invalid = 0;if ((odr < BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_12_5_HZ) || (odr > BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_1600_HZ)){is_odr_invalid = 1;}if (bw > BMI08X_ACCEL_BW_NORMAL) {is_bw_invalid = 1;}if (range > BMI088_ACCEL_RANGE_24G) {is_range_invalid = 1;}if ((!is_odr_invalid) && (!is_bw_invalid) && (!is_range_invalid)) {//dummy readstruct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)(dev->accel_bus);if (_bmi088_spi_read(spi_dev, ACC_CONF_REG, 2, data) == RT_EOK){data[0] = (1<<7) | (2<<4) | (0xB<<0);// bwp = normal, odr = 800_bmi088_spi_write(spi_dev, ACC_CONF_REG, 1, &data[0]);data[1] = 0x01;// range = 6G_bmi088_spi_write(spi_dev, ACC_RANGE_REG, 1, &data[1]);rt_thread_mdelay(10);_bmi088_spi_read(spi_dev, ACC_CONF_REG, 3, reg_val);// dummy readif ((reg_val[1] == 0xAB) && (reg_val[2] == 0x01)) {return RT_EOK;}}}return RT_ERROR;
}/*** This function set the bandwidth(bw), output data rate(odr) and range of gyroscope of bmi08x ** @param dev the pointer of bmi08x driver structure** @return the setting status, RT_EOK represents reading the data successfully.*/
rt_err_t bmi088g_set_meas_conf(struct bmi08x_dev *dev)
{uint8_t data;uint8_t bw_odr = dev->gyro_cfg.bw, range = dev->gyro_cfg.range;uint8_t reg_val[2] = {0};uint8_t is_range_invalid = 0, is_odr_invalid = 0;if (bw_odr > BMI08X_GYRO_BW_32_ODR_100_HZ) {is_odr_invalid = 1;}if (range > BMI08X_GYRO_RANGE_125_DPS) {is_range_invalid = 1;} if ((!is_odr_invalid) && (!is_range_invalid)) {
//      data = BMI08X_SET_BITS_POS_0(data, BMI08X_GYRO_BW, odr);data = 0x01;// ODR = 2000Hz, Filter bandwidth = 230Hzstruct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)(dev->gyro_bus);if (_bmi088_spi_write(spi_dev, GYRO_BANDWIDTH_REG, 1, &data) == RT_EOK){
//          data = BMI08X_SET_BITS_POS_0(data, GYRO_RANGE_REG, range);data = 0x00;// range = 2000deg/sif (_bmi088_spi_write(spi_dev, GYRO_RANGE_REG, 1, &data) == RT_EOK) {rt_thread_mdelay(10);_bmi088_spi_read(spi_dev, GYRO_RANGE_REG, 2, reg_val);if ((reg_val[0] == 0x00) && (reg_val[1] == 0x81))// 7 bit always 1{return RT_EOK;}                }                }}return RT_ERROR;    
}/*** This function initialize the bmi088 device.** @param acc_spi_name the name of spi device(Accelerometer)* @param gyro_spi_name the name of spi device(Gyroscope)** @return the pointer of bmi08x driver structure, RT_NULL represents initialization failed.*/
struct bmi08x_dev *bmi088_init(const char *acc_spi_name, const char *gyro_spi_name)
{struct bmi08x_dev *dev = RT_NULL;rt_uint8_t res = RT_EOK;RT_ASSERT(acc_spi_name);RT_ASSERT(gyro_spi_name);dev = rt_calloc(1, sizeof(struct bmi08x_dev));if (dev == RT_NULL){LOG_E("Can't allocate memory for bmi08x device on '%s' and '%s' ", acc_spi_name, gyro_spi_name);goto __exit;}dev->accel_bus = rt_device_find(acc_spi_name);dev->gyro_bus = rt_device_find(gyro_spi_name);if ((dev->accel_bus == RT_NULL) || (dev->gyro_bus == RT_NULL)){LOG_E("Can't find device:'%s' of '%s'", acc_spi_name, gyro_spi_name);goto __exit;}if (dev->accel_bus->type != dev->gyro_bus->type){LOG_E("The bus type of '%s' and '%s' should same", acc_spi_name, gyro_spi_name);goto __exit;    }if (dev->accel_bus->type == RT_Device_Class_I2CBUS){LOG_E("Bmi08x not support I2C temporarily");goto __exit;      }else if (dev->accel_bus->type == RT_Device_Class_SPIDevice){
//#ifdef RT_USING_SPIstruct rt_spi_configuration cfg;cfg.data_width = 8;cfg.mode = RT_SPI_MASTER | RT_SPI_MODE_0 | RT_SPI_MSB;cfg.max_hz = BMI088_SPI_MAX_SPEED; /* Set spi max speed */struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev = (struct rt_spi_device *)dev->accel_bus;spi_dev->bus->owner = spi_dev;rt_spi_configure(spi_dev, &cfg);
//#endif}else{LOG_E("Unsupported bus type:'%s'!", acc_spi_name);goto __exit;}// acc init{dev->accel_id = CSB1_Pin;dev->accel_chip_id = 0x1E;dev->accel_cfg.bw = BMI08X_ACCEL_BW_NORMAL;dev->accel_cfg.odr = BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_800_HZ;dev->accel_cfg.power = BMI08X_ACCEL_PM_ACTIVE; dev->accel_cfg.range = BMI088_ACCEL_RANGE_6G;res += _bmi088a_init(dev);res += bmi088a_set_power_mode(dev);res += bmi088a_set_meas_conf(dev);        }// gyro init{dev->gyro_id = CSB2_Pin;dev->gyro_chip_id = 0x0F;dev->gyro_cfg.bw = BMI08X_GYRO_BW_230_ODR_2000_HZ;dev->gyro_cfg.odr = BMI08X_GYRO_BW_230_ODR_2000_HZ;dev->gyro_cfg.power = BMI08X_GYRO_PM_NORMAL;dev->gyro_cfg.range = BMI08X_GYRO_RANGE_2000_DPS;res += _bmi088g_init(dev);res += bmi088g_set_power_mode(dev);res += bmi088g_set_meas_conf(dev);}rt_thread_mdelay(20);if (res == RT_EOK){LOG_I("Device init succeed!");}else{goto __exit;}return dev;__exit:if (dev != RT_NULL){rt_free(dev);}return RT_NULL;}/*** This function releases memory** @param dev the pointer of bmi08x driver structure*/
void bmi088_deinit(struct bmi08x_dev *dev)


#ifndef __BMI088_H__
#define __BMI088_H__#include <rtthread.h>
#include "sensor.h"#define IMU_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 4086
/*************************** Common Macros for both Accel and Gyro *****************************/
// Bit #0  : Read/Write bit
// Bit #1-7: Address AD
#define BMI08X_SPI_RD_MASK                          UINT8_C(0x80)
#define BMI08X_SPI_WR_MASK                          UINT8_C(0x7F)/* CMD: soft reset */
#define BMI08X_SOFT_RESET_CMD                       UINT8_C(0xB6)/* CMD: accel power save */
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_PWR_ACTIVE_CMD                 UINT8_C(0x00)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_PWR_SUSPEND_CMD                UINT8_C(0x03)/* CMD: accel power control */ 
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_POWER_DISABLE_CMD              UINT8_C(0x00)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_POWER_ENABLE_CMD               UINT8_C(0x04)/* Accel Power Mode */
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_PM_ACTIVE                      UINT8_C(0x00)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_PM_SUSPEND                     UINT8_C(0x03)/* Gyro Power mode */
#define BMI08X_GYRO_PM_NORMAL                       UINT8_C(0x00)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_PM_DEEP_SUSPEND                 UINT8_C(0x20)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_PM_SUSPEND                      UINT8_C(0x80)/* Accel Bandwidth */
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_BW_OSR4                        UINT8_C(0x00)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_BW_OSR2                        UINT8_C(0x01)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_BW_NORMAL                      UINT8_C(0x02)/* Accel Output Data Rate */
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_12_5_HZ                    UINT8_C(0x05)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_25_HZ                      UINT8_C(0x06)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_50_HZ                      UINT8_C(0x07)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_100_HZ                     UINT8_C(0x08)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_200_HZ                     UINT8_C(0x09)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_400_HZ                     UINT8_C(0x0A)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_800_HZ                     UINT8_C(0x0B)
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_ODR_1600_HZ                    UINT8_C(0x0C)
/* Accel Range */
#define BMI088_ACCEL_RANGE_3G                       UINT8_C(0x00)
#define BMI088_ACCEL_RANGE_6G                       UINT8_C(0x01)
#define BMI088_ACCEL_RANGE_12G                      UINT8_C(0x02)
#define BMI088_ACCEL_RANGE_24G                      UINT8_C(0x03)/* Gyro Range */
#define BMI08X_GYRO_RANGE_2000_DPS                  UINT8_C(0x00)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_RANGE_1000_DPS                  UINT8_C(0x01)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_RANGE_500_DPS                   UINT8_C(0x02)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_RANGE_250_DPS                   UINT8_C(0x03)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_RANGE_125_DPS                   UINT8_C(0x04)/* Gyro Output data rate and bandwidth */
#define BMI08X_GYRO_BW_532_ODR_2000_HZ              UINT8_C(0x00)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_BW_230_ODR_2000_HZ              UINT8_C(0x01)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_BW_116_ODR_1000_HZ              UINT8_C(0x02)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_BW_47_ODR_400_HZ                UINT8_C(0x03)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_BW_23_ODR_200_HZ                UINT8_C(0x04)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_BW_12_ODR_100_HZ                UINT8_C(0x05)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_BW_64_ODR_200_HZ                UINT8_C(0x06)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_BW_32_ODR_100_HZ                UINT8_C(0x07)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_ODR_RESET_VAL                   UINT8_C(0x80)#define BMI08X_ACCEL_DATA_SYNC_MODE_OFF 0x00
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_DATA_SYNC_MODE_400HZ 0x01
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_DATA_SYNC_MODE_1000HZ 0x02
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_DATA_SYNC_MODE_2000HZ 0x03/* Wait Time */
#define BMI08X_ACCEL_SOFTRESET_DELAY_MS             UINT8_C(1)
#define BMI08X_GYRO_SOFTRESET_DELAY_MS              UINT8_C(30)
#define BMI08X_POWER_CONFIG_DELAY                   UINT8_C(50)#define G (9.80f)
#define deg2rad (3.1415926 / 180.0f)
#define rad2deg (180.0f / 3.1415926)typedef enum 
{ACC_CHIP_ID_REG             = 0x00,ACC_ERR_REG                 = 0x02,ACC_STATUS_REG              = 0x03,ACC_X_LSB_REG               = 0x12,ACC_X_MSB_REG               = 0x13,ACC_Y_LSB_REG               = 0x14,ACC_Y_MSB_REG               = 0x15,ACC_Z_LSB_REG               = 0x16,ACC_Z_MSB_REG               = 0x17,TEMP_MSB_REG                = 0x22,TEMP_LSB_REG                = 0x23,ACC_CONF_REG                = 0x40,ACC_RANGE_REG               = 0x41,INT1_IO_CTRL_REG            = 0x53,INT2_IO_CTRL_REG            = 0x54,ACC_SELF_TEST_REG           = 0x6D,ACC_PWR_CONF_REG            = 0x7C,ACC_PWR_CTRL_REG            = 0x7D,ACC_SOFTRESET_REG           = 0x7E
} bmi088a_reg_list_t;typedef enum 
{GYRO_CHIP_ID_REG            = 0x00,RATE_X_LSB_REG              = 0x02,RATE_X_MSB_REG              = 0x03,RATE_Y_LSB_REG              = 0x04,RATE_Y_MSB_REG              = 0x05,RATE_Z_LSB_REG              = 0x06,RATE_Z_MSB_REG              = 0x07,GYRO_INT_STAT_1_REG         = 0x0A,GYRO_RANGE_REG              = 0x0F,GYRO_BANDWIDTH_REG          = 0x10,GYRO_LPM1_REG               = 0x11,GYRO_SOFTRESET_REG          = 0x14,GYRO_INT_CTRL_REG           = 0x15
} bmi088g_reg_list_t;enum bmi08x_intf {
/*! I2C interface */
/*! SPI interface */
};struct bmi08x_cfg 
/*! power mode */
uint8_t power;
/*! range */
uint8_t range;
/*! bandwidth */
uint8_t bw;
/*! output data rate */
uint8_t odr;
};/* bmi088 device structure */
struct bmi08x_dev 
/*! Accel chip Id */
uint8_t accel_chip_id;
/*! Gyro chip Id */
uint8_t gyro_chip_id;
/*! Accel device Id in I2C mode, can be used for chip select pin in SPI mode */
rt_base_t accel_id;
/*! Gyro device Id in I2C mode, can be used for chip select pin in SPI mode */
rt_base_t gyro_id;
/*! Device of accel bus*/
rt_device_t accel_bus;
/*! Device of gyro bus*/
rt_device_t gyro_bus;
/*! 0 - I2C , 1 - SPI Interface */
enum bmi08x_intf intf;
/*! Structure to configure accel sensor  */
struct bmi08x_cfg accel_cfg;
/*! Structure to configure gyro sensor  */
struct bmi08x_cfg gyro_cfg;
/*! Config stream data buffer address will be assigned*/
const uint8_t *config_file_ptr;
/*! Max read/write length (maximum supported length is 32).
To be set by the user */
uint8_t read_write_len;
};struct bmi088_3axes
{rt_int16_t x;rt_int16_t y;rt_int16_t z;
};struct bmi088_data
{float x;float y;float z;
};struct bmi08x_dev *bmi088_init(const char *acc_name, const char *gyro_name);
void bmi088_deinit(struct bmi08x_dev *dev);
rt_err_t bmi088a_set_power_mode(struct bmi08x_dev *dev);
rt_err_t bmi088g_set_power_mode(struct bmi08x_dev *dev);
rt_err_t bmi088a_set_meas_conf(struct bmi08x_dev *dev);
rt_err_t bmi088g_set_meas_conf(struct bmi08x_dev *dev);
rt_size_t bmi088_get_accel(struct bmi08x_dev *dev, struct bmi088_data *buf);
rt_size_t bmi088_get_gyro(struct bmi08x_dev *dev, struct bmi088_data *buf);#endif // BMI088_H


#include "sensor_intf_bmi088.h"
#include "bmi088.h"
#include <rtdbg.h>static struct bmi08x_dev *bmi_dev;static rt_err_t _bmi088_init(struct rt_sensor_intf *acc_intf, struct rt_sensor_intf *gyr_intf)
{bmi_dev = bmi088_init(acc_intf->dev_name, gyr_intf->dev_name);if (bmi_dev == RT_NULL){return -RT_ERROR;}return RT_EOK;
}static rt_err_t _bmi088_set_power_mode(rt_sensor_t sensor, rt_uint8_t power)
{   if (sensor->info.type == RT_SENSOR_CLASS_ACCE){if (power == RT_SENSOR_POWER_DOWN) {bmi_dev->accel_cfg.power = BMI08X_ACCEL_PM_SUSPEND;}else if (power == RT_SENSOR_POWER_NORMAL){bmi_dev->accel_cfg.power = BMI08X_ACCEL_PM_ACTIVE;}else {LOG_E("Unsupported power mode %d", power);return -RT_ERROR;        }bmi088a_set_power_mode(bmi_dev);}else if (sensor->info.type == RT_SENSOR_CLASS_GYRO){if (power == RT_SENSOR_POWER_DOWN) {bmi_dev->gyro_cfg.power = BMI08X_GYRO_PM_SUSPEND;}else if (power == RT_SENSOR_POWER_NORMAL){bmi_dev->gyro_cfg.power = BMI08X_GYRO_PM_NORMAL;}else if (power == RT_SENSOR_POWER_NONE){bmi_dev->gyro_cfg.power = BMI08X_GYRO_PM_DEEP_SUSPEND;}else {LOG_E("Unsupported power mode %d", power);return -RT_ERROR;        }bmi088g_set_power_mode(bmi_dev);}else {LOG_E("Unsupported type %d", sensor->info.type);return -RT_ERROR;}return RT_EOK;
* This function get the data of bmi088 sensor, unit: mg, mdps** @param sensor the pointer of rt_sensor_device.* @param data the pointer of rt_sensor_data* * @return the reading number.*/
static rt_size_t _bmi088_get_data(rt_sensor_t sensor, struct rt_sensor_data *data)
{rt_size_t len;if (sensor->info.type == RT_SENSOR_CLASS_ACCE){struct bmi088_data acce_m_ss;len =  bmi088_get_accel(bmi_dev, &acce_m_ss);data->type = RT_SENSOR_CLASS_ACCE;data->data.acce.x = acce_m_ss.x * 1000;data->data.acce.y = acce_m_ss.y * 1000;data->data.acce.z = acce_m_ss.z * 1000;data->timestamp = rt_sensor_get_ts();}else if (sensor->info.type == RT_SENSOR_CLASS_GYRO){struct bmi088_data gyro_rad_s;len = bmi088_get_gyro(bmi_dev, &gyro_rad_s);data->type = RT_SENSOR_CLASS_GYRO;data->data.gyro.x = gyro_rad_s.x * rad2deg * 1000;data->data.gyro.y = gyro_rad_s.y * rad2deg * 1000;data->data.gyro.z = gyro_rad_s.x * rad2deg * 1000;data->timestamp = rt_sensor_get_ts();}return len;
* This function get the data of bmi088 sensor** @param sensor the pointer of rt_sensor_device.* @param buf the pointer of data buffer.* @param len the length of data.* * @return the reading number.*/
static rt_size_t _bmi088_fetch_data(struct rt_sensor_device *sensor, void *buf, rt_size_t len)
{if (sensor->config.mode == RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDONLY){return _bmi088_get_data(sensor, (struct rt_sensor_data *)buf);}else{return 0;}
* This function control the bmi088 sensor** @param sensor the pointer of rt_sensor_device.* @param cmd the type of command.* @param args the null pointer of commmand parameter, notice the pointer is four bytes.* * @return the reading number.*/
static rt_err_t _bmi088_control(struct rt_sensor_device *sensor, int cmd, void *args)//args��32λ(ָ�붼��4���ֽ�)
{rt_err_t result = RT_EOK;switch (cmd){case RT_SENSOR_CTRL_GET_ID:if (sensor->info.type == RT_SENSOR_CLASS_ACCE) {*(rt_uint8_t *)args = 0x1E;}else if (sensor->info.type == RT_SENSOR_CLASS_GYRO){*(rt_uint8_t *)args = 0x0F;}break;case RT_SENSOR_CTRL_SET_ODR:case RT_SENSOR_CTRL_SET_RANGE:if (sensor->info.type == RT_SENSOR_CLASS_ACCE) {result = bmi088a_set_meas_conf(bmi_dev);}else if (sensor->info.type == RT_SENSOR_CLASS_GYRO){result = bmi088g_set_meas_conf(bmi_dev);}break;case RT_SENSOR_CTRL_SET_POWER:_bmi088_set_power_mode(sensor, (rt_uint32_t)args & 0xff);break;case RT_SENSOR_CTRL_SET_MODE:break;case RT_SENSOR_CTRL_SELF_TEST:/* TODO */result = -RT_EINVAL;break;default:return -RT_EINVAL;}return result;
}static struct rt_sensor_ops sensor_ops =
{_bmi088_fetch_data, _bmi088_control
* This function initialize the bmi088** @param name the name of bmi088, just first three characters will be used.* @param acc_cfg the pointer of configuration structure for accelarometer.* @param gyr_cfg the pointer of configuration structure for gyroscope.* * @return the reading number.*/
rt_err_t rt_hw_bmi088_init(const char *name, struct rt_sensor_config *acc_cfg, struct rt_sensor_config *gyr_cfg)
{   rt_int8_t result;rt_sensor_t sensor_acce = RT_NULL, sensor_gyro = RT_NULL;//#ifdef PKG_USING_BMI088_ACCE/* accelerometer sensor register */{sensor_acce = rt_calloc(1, sizeof(struct rt_sensor_device));if (sensor_acce == RT_NULL){return -1;}sensor_acce->info.type       = RT_SENSOR_CLASS_ACCE;sensor_acce->info.vendor     = RT_SENSOR_VENDOR_BOSCH;sensor_acce->info.model      = "bmi088_acc";sensor_acce->info.unit       = RT_SENSOR_UNIT_MG;sensor_acce->info.intf_type  = RT_SENSOR_INTF_SPI;sensor_acce->info.range_max  = 16000;sensor_acce->info.range_min  = 2000;sensor_acce->info.period_min = 5;rt_memcpy(&sensor_acce->config, acc_cfg, sizeof(struct rt_sensor_config));sensor_acce->ops = &sensor_ops;result = rt_hw_sensor_register(sensor_acce, name, RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR, RT_NULL);if (result != RT_EOK){LOG_E("device register err code: %d", result);goto __exit;}}
//#ifdef PKG_USING_BMI088_GYRO/* gyroscope sensor register */{sensor_gyro = rt_calloc(1, sizeof(struct rt_sensor_device));if (sensor_gyro == RT_NULL){goto __exit;}sensor_gyro->info.type       = RT_SENSOR_CLASS_GYRO;sensor_gyro->info.vendor     = RT_SENSOR_VENDOR_BOSCH;sensor_gyro->info.model      = "bmi088_gyro";sensor_gyro->info.unit       = RT_SENSOR_UNIT_MDPS;sensor_gyro->info.intf_type  = RT_SENSOR_INTF_SPI;sensor_gyro->info.range_max  = 2000000;sensor_gyro->info.range_min  = 250000;sensor_gyro->info.period_min = 5;rt_memcpy(&sensor_gyro->config, gyr_cfg, sizeof(struct rt_sensor_config));sensor_gyro->ops = &sensor_ops;result = rt_hw_sensor_register(sensor_gyro, name, RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR, RT_NULL);if (result != RT_EOK){LOG_E("device register err code: %d", result);goto __exit;}}
//#endifresult = _bmi088_init(&acc_cfg->intf, &gyr_cfg->intf);if (result != RT_EOK){LOG_E("_bmi088_init err code: %d", result);goto __exit;}LOG_I("sensor init success");return RT_EOK;__exit:if (sensor_acce){rt_free(sensor_acce);} if (sensor_gyro){rt_free(sensor_gyro);}  if (bmi_dev){bmi088_deinit(bmi_dev);}return -RT_ERROR;


#ifndef __SENSOR_INTF_BMI088_H__
#define __SENSOR_INTF_BMI088_H__#include "sensor.h"
#include "BMI088.h"rt_err_t rt_hw_bmi088_init(const char *name, struct rt_sensor_config *acc_cfg, struct rt_sensor_config *gyr_cfg);#endif
  • 第六步,到main.c 配置bmi088
   rt_hw_spi_device_attach(BMI088_BUS_NAME, BMI088A_SPI_NAME, GPIOF, GPIO_PIN_3);rt_hw_spi_device_attach(BMI088_BUS_NAME, BMI088G_SPI_NAME, GPIOF, GPIO_PIN_4);


    struct rt_sensor_config acc_cfg = {0};struct rt_sensor_config gyr_cfg = {0};acc_cfg.intf.dev_name = BMI088A_SPI_NAME;gyr_cfg.intf.dev_name = BMI088G_SPI_NAME;rt_hw_bmi088_init("bmi", &acc_cfg, &gyr_cfg);

③查找 spi 设备获取设备句柄

acce_device_t = rt_device_find("acce_bmi");if (acce_device_t == RT_NULL){LOG_E("Can't find acce device\r\n");}else{rt_device_open(acce_device_t, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR);}gyro_device_t = rt_device_find("gyro_bmi");if (gyro_device_t == RT_NULL){LOG_E("Can't find gyro device\r\n");}else{rt_device_open(gyro_device_t, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR);}


    rt_device_read(acce_device_t, 0, &acc_test, 1);   //加速度rt_device_read(gyro_device_t, 0, &gyr_test, 1);   //陀螺仪


include <rtthread.h>
#include <rtdbg.h>
#include <rtdevice.h>
#include <board.h>
#include "bmi088.h"
#include "sensor_intf_bmi088.h"#define DBG_TAG "main"
#define DBG_LVL DBG_LOG#define SPI_DEVICE_NAME     "spi10"
#define SPI_BUS_NAME        "spi1"
#define BMI088_BUS_NAME "spi1"
#define BMI088A_SPI_NAME "spi10"
#define BMI088G_SPI_NAME "spi11"static rt_device_t acce_device_t;
static rt_device_t gyro_device_t;
struct rt_sensor_data acc_test;
struct rt_sensor_data gyr_test;int main(void)
{// 配置spi,配置片选引脚(要在acc、gyr初始化之前配置,因为器件初始化中涉及到引脚操作)rt_hw_spi_device_attach(BMI088_BUS_NAME, BMI088A_SPI_NAME, GPIOF, GPIO_PIN_3);rt_hw_spi_device_attach(BMI088_BUS_NAME, BMI088G_SPI_NAME, GPIOF, GPIO_PIN_4);// 注册传感器struct rt_sensor_config acc_cfg = {0};struct rt_sensor_config gyr_cfg = {0};acc_cfg.intf.dev_name = BMI088A_SPI_NAME;gyr_cfg.intf.dev_name = BMI088G_SPI_NAME;rt_hw_bmi088_init("bmi", &acc_cfg, &gyr_cfg);/* 查找 spi 设备获取设备句柄 */acce_device_t = rt_device_find("acce_bmi");if (acce_device_t == RT_NULL){LOG_E("Can't find acce device\r\n");}else{rt_device_open(acce_device_t, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR);}gyro_device_t = rt_device_find("gyro_bmi");if (gyro_device_t == RT_NULL){LOG_E("Can't find gyro device\r\n");}else{rt_device_open(gyro_device_t, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR);}while (1){rt_device_read(acce_device_t, 0, &acc_test, 1);   //加速度rt_device_read(gyro_device_t, 0, &gyr_test, 1);   //陀螺仪rt_kprintf("x=%d  y=%d  z=%d\n",acc_test.data.acce.x,acc_test.data.acce.y,acc_test.data.acce.z);//rt_kprintf("x=%d  y=%d  z=%d\n",gyr_test.data.gyro.x,gyr_test.data.gyro.y,gyr_test.data.gyro.z);rt_thread_mdelay(500);}



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