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机器学习 - 训练模型

机器学习 - 选择模型

为了解决测试和预测之间的差距,可以通过更新 internal parameters, the weights set randomly use nn.Parameter() and bias set randomly use torch.randn().
Much of the time you won’t know what the ideal parameters are for a model.
Instead, it is much more fun to write code to see if the model can try and figure them out itself. That is a loss function as well as and optimizer.

FunctionWhat does it do?Where does it live in PyTorch?Common values
Loss functionMeasures how wrong your models predictions (e.g. y_preds) are compared to the truth labels (e.g. y_test). Lower the better.差距越小越好PyTorch has plenty of built-in loss functions in torch.nnMean absolute error (MAE) for regression problems (torch.nn.L1Loss()). Binary cross entropy for binary classification problems (torch.nn.BCELoss())
OptimizerTells your model how to update its internal parameters to best lower the loss.You can find various optimization function implementations in torch.optimStochastic gradient descent (torch.optim.SGD()). Adam.optimizer (torch.optim.Adam())

介绍 MAE: Mean absolute error 也称为平均绝对误差,是一种用于衡量预测值与真实值之间差异的损失函数。MAE计算的是预测值与真实值之间的绝对差值的平均值,即平均误差的绝对值。在 PyTorch 中可以使用 torch.nn.L1Loss 来计算MAE.

介绍Stochastic gradient descent:
这是一种常用的优化算法,用于训练神经网络模型。它是梯度下降算法的变种,在每次更新参数时都使用随机样本的梯度估计来更新参数。SGD的基本思想是通过最小化损失函数来调整模型参数,使得模型的预测结果与真实标签尽可能接近。在每次迭代中,SGD随机选择一小批样本 (mini-batch) 来计算损失函数关于参数的梯度,并使用该梯度来更新参数。由于每次更新只使用了一部分样本,因此SGD通常具有更快的收敛速度和更低的计算成本。在 PyTorch 中,可以使用 torch.optim.SGD(params, lr) 来实现,其中

  • params is the target model parameters you’d like to optimize (e.g. the weights and bias values we randomly set before).
  • lr is the learning rate you’d like the optimizer to update the parameters at, higher means the optimizer will try larger updates (these can sometimes be too large and the optimizer will fail to work), lower means the optimizer will try smaller updates (these can sometimes be too small and the optimizer will take too long to find the ideal values). Common starting values for the learning rate are 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001.

介绍 Adam 优化器:



import torch# Create the loss function 
loss_fn = nn.L1Loss()  # MAE loss is same as L1Loss# Create the optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params = model_0.parameters(),lr = 0.01)

现在创造一个optimization loop
The training loop involves the model going through the training data and learning the relationships between the features and labels.
The testing loop involves going through the testing data and evaluating how good the patterns are that the model learned on the training data (the model never sees the testing data during training).
Each of these is called a “loop” because we want our model to look (loop through) at each sample in each dataset. 所以,得用 for 循环来实现。

PyTorch training loop

NumberStep nameWhat does it do?Code example
1Forward passThe model goes through all of the training data once, performing its forward() function calculations.model(x_train)
2Calculate the lossThe model’s outputs (predictions) are compared to the ground truth and evaluated to see how wrong they are.loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_train)
3Zero gradientsThe optimizers gradients are set to zero (they are accumulated by default) so they can be recalculated for the specific training step.optimizer.zero_grad()
4Perform backpropagation on the lossComputes the gradient of the loss with respect for every model parameter to be updated (each parameter with requires_grad=True). This is known as backpropagation, hence “backwards”.loss.backward()
5Update the optimizer (gradient descent)Update the parameters with requires_grad=True with respect to the loss gradients in order to improve them.optimizer.step()

PyTorch testing loop
As for the testing loop (evaluating the model), the typical steps include:

NumberStep nameWhat does it do?Code example
1Forward passThe model goes through all of the training data once, performing its forward() function calculations.model(x_test)
2Calculate the lossThe model’s outputs (predictions) are compared to the ground truth and evaluated to see how wrong they are.loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_test)
3Calculate evaluation metrics (optional)Alongside the loss value you may want to calculate other evaluation metrics such as accuracy on the test set.Custom functions


# Create the loss function
# 那你。L1Loss() 是用于计算平均绝对误差 (MAE) 的损失函数。
loss_fn = nn.L1Loss()  # MAE loss is same as L1Loss# Create the optimizer
# torch.optim.SGD() 是用于创建随机梯度下降优化器的函数。
# parameters() 返回一个包含了模型中所有需要进行梯度更新的参数的迭代器
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params = model_0.parameters(),lr = 0.01)# Set the number of epochs (how many times the model will pass over the training data)
epochs = 200# Create empty loss lists to track values
train_loss_values = []
test_loss_values = []
epoch_count = []for epoch in range(epochs):### Training # Put model in training mode (this is the default state of a model)# train() 函数通常用于将模型设置为训练模式model_0.train()# 1. Forward pass on train data using the forward() method insidey_pred = model_0(X_train)# 2. Calculate the loss (how different are our models predictions to the ground truth)loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_train)# 3. Zero grad of the optimizeroptimizer.zero_grad() # 4. Loss backwardsloss.backward()# 5. Progress the optimizer# step() 用于执行一步参数更新操作。optimizer.step() ### Testing# Put the model in evaluation modemodel_0.eval() with torch.inference_mode():# 1. Forward pass on test data test_pred = model_0(X_test)# 2. Calculate loss on test data test_loss = loss_fn(test_pred, y_test.type(torch.float))  # predictions come in torch.float datatype, so comparisons need to be done with tensors of the same type # Print out if epoch % 10 == 0:epoch_count.append(epoch)# detach() 方法用于将这个张量从计算图中分离出来,目的是为了避免在将张量转换为numpy数组时保留计算图的依赖关系,减少内存占用并加速代码的执行train_loss_values.append(loss.detach().numpy())test_loss_values.append(test_loss.detach().numpy())print(f"Epoch: {epoch} | MAE Train Loss: {loss} | MAE Test Loss: {test_loss}")plt.plot(epoch_count, train_loss_values, label="Train loss")
plt.plot(epoch_count, test_loss_values, label="Test loss")
plt.title("Training and test loss curves")
plt.legend()print("The model learned the following values for weights and bias: ")
print("\nAnd the original values for weights and bias are: ")
print(f"weights: {weight}, bias: {bias}")# 结果如下:
Epoch: 0 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 10 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 20 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 30 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 40 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 50 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 60 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 70 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 80 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 90 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 100 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 110 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 120 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 130 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 140 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 150 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 160 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 170 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 180 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 190 | MAE Train Loss: 0.008932482451200485 | MAE Test Loss: 0.005023092031478882
The model learned the following values for weights and bias: 
OrderedDict([('weights', tensor([0.6990])), ('bias', tensor([0.3093]))])And the original values for weights and bias are: 
weights: 0.7, bias: 0.3

Loss is the measure of how wrong your model is. Loss 的值越低,效果越好。




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