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Stable Diffusion 3 Medium 模型

开源SD3,中型版本,20亿参数,Stable Diffusion 3 Medium,系统内存要求32G,显卡6G。

a female character with long, flowing hair that appears to be made of ethereal, swirling patterns resembling the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis. The background is dominated by deep blues and purples, creating a mysterious and dramatic atmosphere. The character’s face is serene, with pale skin and striking features. She wears a dark-colored outfit with subtle patterns. The overall style of the artwork is reminiscent of fantasy or supernatural genres



sd3_medium.safetensors 4.34GB, includes the MMDiT and VAE weights but does not include any text encoders, you need to download T5XXL text encoder yourself.

sd3_medium_incl_clips.safetensors 5.97GB, includes all necessary weights except for the T5XXL text encoder. It requires minimal resources, but the model’s performance will differ without the T5XXL text encoder.

sd3_medium_incl_clips_t5xxlfp8.safetensors 10.9GB, contains all necessary weights, including fp8 version of the T5XXL text encoder, offering a balance between quality and resource requirements.

sd3_medium_incl_clips_t5xxlfp16.safetensors 15.8GB, contains all necessary weights, including fp16 version of the T5XXL text encoder.

T5XXL is a new text encoder from Google, it has emerged as a powerful technique in natural language processing (NLP).


1.1 clip_g.safetensors 1.39GB

1.2 clip_l.safetensors 246MB

1.3 t5xxl_fp16.safetensors 9.79GB

1.4 t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn.safetensors 4.89GB


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[1]: https://edmondyip.substack.com/p/stability-ai-released-stable-diffusion


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