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Unreal Engine 5 C++: 插件编写03 | MessageDialog



FMessageDialog These functions open a message dialog and display the specified informations there.

EAppReturnType::TypeUnreal Engine 中用于表示应用程序对话框(如消息对话框)返回结果的枚举类型。具体来说,当你使用 FMessageDialog::Open 或类似函数显示一个对话框时,用户的选择(例如点击“确定”、“取消”、“是”、“否”等按钮)会以 EAppReturnType::Type 的形式返回。这使得开发者能够根据用户的选择执行相应的逻辑。

EAppReturnType 是一个枚举类,其定义可能类似于以下内容:

namespace EAppReturnType
{enum Type{No,Yes,YesAll,NoAll,Cancel,Ok,Retry,Continue};


if (NumOfDuplicates<=0) {//Print(TEXT("Pls enter a valid number"), FColor::Red);FText MsgTitle = FText::FromString(TEXT("Warning"));FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, FText::FromString(TEXT("Please enter a valid number")), &MsgTitle);return;



——————————编辑器右下角slate notification的效果————————————

A list of non-intrusive messages about the status of currently active work.

non-intrusive messages


准备工作:需要的header file


A class which manages a group of notification windows


A list of non-intrusive messages about the status of currently active work.


#pragma once
#include "Misc/MessageDialog.h"
#include "Widgets/Notifications/SNotificationList.h"
#include "Framework/Notifications/NotificationManager.h"void Print(const FString& Message, const FColor& Color)
{if (GEngine){GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 8.f, Color, Message);}
}void PrintLog(const FString& Message)
{UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"),*Message);
}EAppReturnType::Type ShowMsgDialog(EAppMsgType::Type MsgType, const FString& Message, 
bool bShowMsgAsWarning = true) 
{if (bShowMsgAsWarning == true) {FText MsgTitle = FText::FromString(TEXT("Warning"));return FMessageDialog::Open(MsgType, FText::FromString(Message), &MsgTitle);//return FMessageDialog::Open(MsgType, FText::FromString(TEXT("Warning: ") + Message));}else{return FMessageDialog::Open(MsgType, FText::FromString(Message));}
}void ShowNotifyInfo(const FString& Message)
{FNotificationInfo NotifyInfo(FText::FromString(Message));NotifyInfo.bUseLargeFont = true;NotifyInfo.FadeOutDuration = 7.f;FSlateNotificationManager::Get().AddNotification(NotifyInfo);
	if (Counter > 0){ShowNotifyInfo(TEXT("Successfully duplicated" + FString::FromInt(Counter) + "files"));//Print(TEXT("Successfully duplicated" + FString::FromInt(Counter) + "files"), FColor::Green);}


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