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CSet(Collection Set 回收集合)



1.CSet of Young Collection
2.CSet of Mix Collection
CSet of Young Collection 只专注回收 Young Region 跟 Survivor Region ,而CSet of Mix Collection 模式下的CSet 则会通过RSet计算Region中对象的活跃度,


App Thread (用户线程)

这个很简单,App thread 就是执行一个java程序的业务逻辑,实际运行的一些线程。

Concurrence Refinement Thread(同步优化线程)

这个线程主要用来处理代间引用之间的关系用的。当赋值语句发生后,G1通过Writer Barrier技术,跟G1自己的筛选算法,筛选出此次索引赋值是否是跨区(Region)之间的引用。如果是跨区索引赋值,在线程的内存缓冲区写一条log,一旦日志缓冲区写满,就重新起一块缓冲重新写,而原有的缓冲区则进入全局缓冲区。

Concurrence Refinement Thread 扫描全局缓冲区的日志,根据日志更新各个区(Region)的RSet。这块逻辑跟后面讲到的SATB技术十分相似,但又不同SATB技术主要更新的是存活对象的位图。

Concurrence Refinement Thread(同步优化线程) 可通过

**-XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads (默认等于-XX:ParellelGCThreads)设置。**

如果发现全局缓冲区日志积累较多,G1会调用更多的线程来出来缓冲区日志,甚至会调用App Thread 来处理,造成应用任务堵塞,所以必须要尽量避免这样的现象出现。可以通过阈值






young GC

young GC的触发条件

Eden区的大小范围 = [ -XX:G1NewSizePercent, -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent ] = [ 整堆5%, 整堆60% ]
在[ 整堆5%, 整堆60% ]的基础上,G1会计算下现在Eden区回收大概要多久时间,如果回收时间远远小于参数-XX:MaxGCPauseMills设定的值(默认200ms),那么增加年轻代的region,继续给新对象存放,不会马上做YoungGC。

#### **具体步骤:**


GC并行任务包括根扫描、更新RSet、对象复制,主要逻辑在g1CollectedHeap.cpp G1ParTask类的work方法中;evacuate_roots方法为根扫描。

void work(uint worker_id) {
    if (worker_id >= _n_workers) return;  // no work needed this round

    _g1h->g1_policy()->phase_times()->record_time_secs(G1GCPhaseTimes::GCWorkerStart, worker_id, os::elapsedTime());

      ResourceMark rm;
      HandleMark   hm;

      ReferenceProcessor*             rp = _g1h->ref_processor_stw();

      G1ParScanThreadState            pss(_g1h, worker_id, rp);
      G1ParScanHeapEvacFailureClosure evac_failure_cl(_g1h, &pss, rp);


      bool only_young = _g1h->g1_policy()->gcs_are_young();

      // Non-IM young GC.
      G1ParCopyClosure<G1BarrierNone, G1MarkNone>             scan_only_root_cl(_g1h, &pss, rp);
      G1CLDClosure<G1MarkNone>                                scan_only_cld_cl(&scan_only_root_cl,
                                                                               only_young, // Only process dirty klasses.
                                                                               false);     // No need to claim CLDs.
      // IM young GC.
      //    Strong roots closures.
      G1ParCopyClosure<G1BarrierNone, G1MarkFromRoot>         scan_mark_root_cl(_g1h, &pss, rp);
      G1CLDClosure<G1MarkFromRoot>                            scan_mark_cld_cl(&scan_mark_root_cl,
                                                                               false, // Process all klasses.
                                                                               true); // Need to claim CLDs.
      //    Weak roots closures.
      G1ParCopyClosure<G1BarrierNone, G1MarkPromotedFromRoot> scan_mark_weak_root_cl(_g1h, &pss, rp);
      G1CLDClosure<G1MarkPromotedFromRoot>                    scan_mark_weak_cld_cl(&scan_mark_weak_root_cl,
                                                                                    false, // Process all klasses.
                                                                                    true); // Need to claim CLDs.

      OopClosure* strong_root_cl;
      OopClosure* weak_root_cl;
      CLDClosure* strong_cld_cl;
      CLDClosure* weak_cld_cl;

      bool trace_metadata = false;

      if (_g1h->g1_policy()->during_initial_mark_pause()) {
        // We also need to mark copied objects.
        strong_root_cl = &scan_mark_root_cl;
        strong_cld_cl  = &scan_mark_cld_cl;
        if (ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark) {
          weak_root_cl = &scan_mark_weak_root_cl;
          weak_cld_cl  = &scan_mark_weak_cld_cl;
          trace_metadata = true;
        } else {
          weak_root_cl = &scan_mark_root_cl;
          weak_cld_cl  = &scan_mark_cld_cl;
      } else {
        strong_root_cl = &scan_only_root_cl;
        weak_root_cl   = &scan_only_root_cl;
        strong_cld_cl  = &scan_only_cld_cl;
        weak_cld_cl    = &scan_only_cld_cl;



      G1ParPushHeapRSClosure push_heap_rs_cl(_g1h, &pss);

        double start = os::elapsedTime();
        G1ParEvacuateFollowersClosure evac(_g1h, &pss, _queues, &_terminator);
        double elapsed_sec = os::elapsedTime() - start;
        double term_sec = pss.term_time();
        _g1h->g1_policy()->phase_times()->add_time_secs(G1GCPhaseTimes::ObjCopy, worker_id, elapsed_sec - term_sec);
        _g1h->g1_policy()->phase_times()->record_time_secs(G1GCPhaseTimes::Termination, worker_id, term_sec);
        _g1h->g1_policy()->phase_times()->record_thread_work_item(G1GCPhaseTimes::Termination, worker_id, pss.term_attempts());

      if (ParallelGCVerbose) {
        MutexLocker x(stats_lock());

      assert(pss.queue_is_empty(), "should be empty");

      // Close the inner scope so that the ResourceMark and HandleMark
      // destructors are executed here and are included as part of the
      // "GC Worker Time".
    _g1h->g1_policy()->phase_times()->record_time_secs(G1GCPhaseTimes::GCWorkerEnd, worker_id, os::elapsedTime());


void G1RootProcessor::evacuate_roots(OopClosure* scan_non_heap_roots,
                                     OopClosure* scan_non_heap_weak_roots,
                                     CLDClosure* scan_strong_clds,
                                     CLDClosure* scan_weak_clds,
                                     bool trace_metadata,
                                     uint worker_i) {
  // First scan the shared roots.
  double ext_roots_start = os::elapsedTime();
  G1GCPhaseTimes* phase_times = _g1h->g1_policy()->phase_times();

  BufferingOopClosure buf_scan_non_heap_roots(scan_non_heap_roots);
  BufferingOopClosure buf_scan_non_heap_weak_roots(scan_non_heap_weak_roots);

  OopClosure* const weak_roots = &buf_scan_non_heap_weak_roots;
  OopClosure* const strong_roots = &buf_scan_non_heap_roots;

  // CodeBlobClosures are not interoperable with BufferingOopClosures
  G1CodeBlobClosure root_code_blobs(scan_non_heap_roots);

                     trace_metadata ? scan_strong_clds : NULL,
                     trace_metadata ? NULL : scan_weak_clds,

  // This is the point where this worker thread will not find more strong CLDs/nmethods.
  // Report this so G1 can synchronize the strong and weak CLDs/nmethods processing.
  if (trace_metadata) {

  process_vm_roots(strong_roots, weak_roots, phase_times, worker_i);
  process_string_table_roots(weak_roots, phase_times, worker_i);
    // Now the CM ref_processor roots.
    G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker x(phase_times, G1GCPhaseTimes::CMRefRoots, worker_i);
    if (!_process_strong_tasks.is_task_claimed(G1RP_PS_refProcessor_oops_do)) {
      // We need to treat the discovered reference lists of the
      // concurrent mark ref processor as roots and keep entries
      // (which are added by the marking threads) on them live
      // until they can be processed at the end of marking.

  if (trace_metadata) {
      G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker x(phase_times, G1GCPhaseTimes::WaitForStrongCLD, worker_i);
      // Barrier to make sure all workers passed
      // the strong CLD and strong nmethods phases.

    // Now take the complement of the strong CLDs.
    G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker x(phase_times, G1GCPhaseTimes::WeakCLDRoots, worker_i);
    ClassLoaderDataGraph::roots_cld_do(NULL, scan_weak_clds);
  } else {
    phase_times->record_time_secs(G1GCPhaseTimes::WaitForStrongCLD, worker_i, 0.0);
    phase_times->record_time_secs(G1GCPhaseTimes::WeakCLDRoots, worker_i, 0.0);

  // Finish up any enqueued closure apps (attributed as object copy time).

  double obj_copy_time_sec = buf_scan_non_heap_roots.closure_app_seconds()
      + buf_scan_non_heap_weak_roots.closure_app_seconds();

  phase_times->record_time_secs(G1GCPhaseTimes::ObjCopy, worker_i, obj_copy_time_sec);

  double ext_root_time_sec = os::elapsedTime() - ext_roots_start - obj_copy_time_sec;

  phase_times->record_time_secs(G1GCPhaseTimes::ExtRootScan, worker_i, ext_root_time_sec);

  // During conc marking we have to filter the per-thread SATB buffers
  // to make sure we remove any oops into the CSet (which will show up
  // as implicitly live).
    G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker x(phase_times, G1GCPhaseTimes::SATBFiltering, worker_i);
    if (!_process_strong_tasks.is_task_claimed(G1RP_PS_filter_satb_buffers) && _g1h->mark_in_progress()) {


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